We've had some crazy weather so far this year, but I think we can all feel that Spring is just around the corner; flowers, warm sunshine and longer days heading into summer.  Spring is my favorite time of year, but along with it comes some sneezing, running nose and watery eyes, nasal congestion and often headaches.  Sound familiar???  If you suffer from any of these symptoms, your immune system needs a boost to handle whatever external pathogens are affecting you!  Acupuncture and Chinese herbal medicine are the perfect way to support and boost your immune system to let you breeze through the season with little or no discomfort from your usual seasonal allergies.  The best time to seek treatment is before the symptoms arise-a month before if possible.  Acupuncture, Chinese herbs and some dietary and minor lifestyle changes will have you feeling happy and healthy in no time.  Give me a call today for a free consultation to see if Chinese medicine is right for you!  Take care!