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How to Find Acupuncture Points

Acupuncture points are areas on the body that respond to pressure from needles, heat or electromagnetic energy. Each acupuncture point works to heal a certain part of the body. For example, you might be able to improve your allergies by putting pressure on your elbow. Here is how to find acupuncture points in the body.

  1. Look at your own body to try to find the acupuncture points. Once you are able to find them in your own body, you may be able to find the points on another person’s body.

  2. Using a book or diagram can help you find a general area for acupuncture points. For instance, one acupuncture point is located four fingers from your shin bone.

  3. Once you find the general area, begin feeling around the area for a small depression point. This area’s temperature may be warmer or colder than the rest of your body. When you press on this area, you will feel a slight sensation as this area is more sensitive than the rest of your body.

  4. Acupuncture should never hurt. If it hurts when you press on the acupuncture point, then you are pressing too hard.

  5. Take your time to find the acupuncture points on your body. It takes time and practice to find these areas and place precise pressure to relieve symptoms of illnesses.