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How Does Acupuncture Help with Fertility?

Though it has not been proven yet that acupuncture is a definite cure for infertility, some women have had success with it. Some ways that acupuncture may help those with fertility issues are based on traditional Chinese beliefs, modern scientific theories and other possible theories.

Traditional Chinese Beliefs

Acupuncture has been used for a variety of health issues in China for many years. It is also believed to have a positive effect on infertility. According to these beliefs, infertility is caused by the natural flow of energy in the body coming to an abrupt stop. The use of acupuncture on certain points throughout the body restarts the natural flow of energy and this encourages fertility.

Modern Scientific Theories

In modern medical science, no medical specialist is sure exactly how or why acupuncture works. Some believe that the needling done in acupuncture may set off the necessary hormones and chemicals in the body that increase fertility when they are released. This is still only a theory, but may have some truth to it because these natural chemicals do tend to promote self-healing of the body.

Other Possible Theories

There are also other theories that support the idea that acupuncture can encourage fertility. Research has shown that acupuncture may have several different benefits including, possibly improving ovulation for women who suffer from ovarian cysts, increasing the amount of blood flow to the uterus which improves the uterine lining and even increasing the quality and count of men who are infertile.