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How Does Reflexology Work?

Reflexology is a type of massage used to improve health. The fingers and thumbs are used to apply pressure to certain points on the feet, hands and ears. Reflexologists believe that these areas correspond to organs and systems within the body, and by stimulating them manually, it can help alleviate certain problems. While no one understands precisely how reflexology works, there are several theories that attempt to explain it.

Nerve Impulses

Normally neurons carry messages to the ganglia, which are then passed to the spinal cord and then to the brain. Motor nerves carry the responses through the spinal cord, out to the ganglia and then to the appropriate muscles. The nerve impulse theory states that messages sent from the feet connect with the messages going out to the muscles in the ganglia; therefore, having a direct action on the organs of the body. This theory is closely related to the phenomenon of the reflex arc where connections between motor and sensory nerves happen in the spinal cord, and the activity occurs even before the brain is aware of it.

Relaxation Effect

Because reflexology is a relaxing and restful experience, it alleviates stress and promotes deep relaxation. It is well known that stress and tension in the body can cause or exacerbate illness; therefore, anything that reduces stress and increases relaxation would have a positive effect on the functioning of the body.

Placebo Effect

Another theory has to do with the placebo effect. There have been numerous studies indicating that patients benefit from medication or treatments even when receiving a placebo. It is possible that this same placebo effect can happen with reflexology. Because the patient trusts in the therapist and believes that they will have a positive effect, they often do.