
Founded in 2005, and announced in June 2006. It was named "Newcomer of the Year" by AlwaysOn Media in 2007.

We help you find the right merchants

We make it easy for people to find qualified businesses to provide quality services.

We help people get the advice they need from the real experts - the business owners in your town with tons of real world experience.

We get people competitive quotes for services they need - from auto mechanics to roofing contractors to personal fitness trainers, we're here to connect you.

Who are we?

We are a team of people focused on one thing - connecting busy people with the best local merchants.

MerchantCircle is the largest online network of local business owners in the Nation, so we are a direct line to the businesses in your community who can solve your day-to-day problems.

How we help local shoppers?

Find a merchant

Find a merchant: When you're looking for a Contractor, Real Estate agent or Car Dealer you need more than simple reviews...we've got you covered with social recommendation, customer testimonials, and tools that let you talk to real merchants.

Get advice

Get advice: Not everyone knows how to repair a toilet or do their taxes, but many want to try. Our merchants are availiable to answer questions about almost anything.

Find a deal

Find a deal: Everyone wants a good deal, and our merchants are eager to give you one...in fact we make it easy with deal updates from your favorite merchants.

Search for businesses

How we help local merchants?

Online visibility

Online visibility is good. It means more customers, more business and more profits. We give you everything you need to connect with the consumers in your community looking for services.

We can create your online presence, launch online ads, manage your reputation and get you found in top search engines.

Get more customers

Get more customers: The MerchantCircle LeadStore delivers actively searching customers right to your inbox or mobile device.

Create an account