Blogs from Professional Services in Georgetown, TX

QuikDri Carpet Cleaning LLC of Georgetown Tx

QuikDri Carpet Cleaning started with independent and driven minds focused on providing high-quality service in carpet cleaning, upholstery cleaning, pet odor removal, as well as tile and grout cleaning. We are a family-owned and operated business based on honesty and fair prices for residential and commercial customers. Our professionals value your time and schedule by being on time for our appointments. We have 15 years of experience in carpet and upholstery cleaning. QuikDri Carpet Cleaning is certified by the Institute of Inspection Cleaning and Restoration Certification (IICRC), so you can trust us to meet national standards of safety and health. • Dries in 45 minutes • Kills 99.9% of germs, bacteria and allergens • All natural products • Insured and Bonded • IICRC Certified • Satisfaction Guaranteed more

By QuikDri Carpet Cleaning LLC January 06, 2017

The Many Benefits of Hypnosis

HYPNOSIS on WebMD A WebMD Feature, Hypnosis: Focusing the Subconscious on Change (Davis, 2014), stated, "Hypnosis has helped people cut back on pain, anxiety, and depression medications, resolve intestinal problems, quit smoking, even have less stressful childbirth." Check out the article online for more information: Everyone knows someone who can use hypnosis. If you think you don't, then you don't know enough about hypnosis. Hypnosis is the ultimate in achieving mind-body integration. Give us a call and let us tell you how we can help you! Remember to check out our website at,and LIKE our Face Book page: more

By Mottern Institute for Mind-Body Wellness May 17, 2014

Sop Smoking Seminar!!!

The Mottern Institute for Mind-Body Wllness will be having a STop Smoking Seminar on Saturday, November 16th, from 2-5pm.  From 2-3pm will be an informational section on hypnosis. From 3-4 will be the STOP SMOKING session. From 4-5 will be a WEIGHT MANAGEMENT session for those who wish to stay. The UNBELIEVABLR PRICE is $69 for the STOP SMOKING and $69 for the WEIGHT MANAGEMENT session, or, hold on to your hats, $100 for BOTH!!! We are offering these CRAZY LOW PRICES as an introduction to our services in Liberty Hill and the Austin area.  Prices will not be this low for a while, so take advantage of this SPECIAL OFFER.  Give us a call to reserve your seat!  512-913-0168. Isn't it time you made the decision ton quit that destructive and nasty habit?  You DESERVE a BETTER YOU!  Let us help.  Call for reservations and for information.  Also, CHECK OUT our WEBSITE:! Dr. Ron more

By Mottern Institute for Mind-Body Wellness November 06, 2013

We are now in AUSTIN, TEXAS

The Mottern Institute for Mind-Body Wellness has now relocated to the Austin, Texas area!  After several years in Tennessee, we are back in the Lone Star state.  We are serving Austin and surrounding areas (including San Antonio, Bryan/College Station and DFW - by appointment).  We offer the same great services by the same professional staff.  Check us out, Texas, and see why the Mottern Institute for Mind-Body Wellness is the first choice for integrative wellness solutions. See our new promo! more

By Mottern Institute for Mind-Body Wellness August 08, 2013

Hot Flashes?

A new article in Prevention (Ecklekamp, 2013, p. 13) states that Baylor University's Mind-Body Medicine Research Laboratory has used self-hypnosis to help women with hot flashes.  According to the article, "After 12 weeks, the women, on average, reported about 75% fewer hot flashes." This is a great example of how effective hypnosis is and illustrates why hypnosis is a mind-body modality.  It also highlights the importance of continuing practice of self-hypnosis. If you are having hot flashes, or any other body issues, please give us a call and let us help you!  Part of our four session beginning program is three weeks of self-hypnosis training.  It will give you a mind-body tool for life! Dr. Ron more

By Mottern Institute for Mind-Body Wellness January 03, 2013

Holiday stress? Only if you want it!

The bad news is - as the holidays roll around, people are beginning to stress.  The good news is - you don't have to!   Stressing is a total behavior usually experienced emotionally and physically and is caused by what we choose to think and do.  If we change what we are thinking and doing then we change what we are feeling, both emotionally and physically.  Hypnosis is a GREAT way to change our thoughts and behaviors to allow ourselves to relax and enjoy the holidays, rather than stress over them.  The only reason you should be stressing is because you choose to stress - which may seem strange, but many people choose to do this. Call us today to schedule an appointment for an Ultimate Relaxation session.  Choose to RELAX his holiday season and let us help you do that! Dr. Ron more

By Mottern Institute for Mind-Body Wellness November 16, 2012

Mind-Body Science

When asked why we changed our name to incorporate "Mind-Body" in the title, even though we still do clinical hypnosis, I enjoy getting an opportunity to respond. The more we learn about hypnosis, the more we learn about the importance of the mind-body connection.  In fact, it is this mond-body connection that makes hypnosis work! The Mind aspect deals not only with the conscious mind, that knows what we mean when we use metaphor in our work, but also the SUBCONSCIOUS MIND, that communicates with the body to bring about change.  In fact, it is the subconscious mind that does just about all of the communication with the body.  It does this through mental images, pictures in the mind. In hypnosis, we access the subconscious mind and then suggest change by creating mental images.  It doesn't matter how wild the images are (some have suggested that the wilder the better) because the conscious mind knows (logically) what we are trying to achieve.  The conscious mind, however, doesn't communicate with the body except on a conscious level. You may be saying, DUH, ut this isn't as intuiitive as it sounds. The subconscious is ALWAYS at work, unless overridden by the conscious mind.  The subconscious is how we can drive to work and not remember all of the particulars of the trip.  While the conscious mind was busy thinking about whatever it was thinking about, the subconscious was controlling the bdy to drive the car through traffic and to our destination.    This is the same effect we achieve in hypnosis. By accessing the subconscious and communicating with it through mental imagery, we set in motion a non-stop process to bring about change.  We can always override the subconscious programming (especially if it is new), but the longer the subconscious program runs, the stronger it becomes and the more powerful it becomes.  The conscious mind can always guide us to do something different, but once the program ":takes," it is the dominant program that controls our behavior. Mind-body science is affirming he connection between the subconscious and behavior.  This is the reason for the change - because it beter describes what it is that is really going on in hypnosis. If you need a change in your behavior, let us help you! Give us a call at 512-818-0213!  Mention this "Mind-Body Blog on MerchantCircle" and receive a 10% discount! Dr. Ron more

By Mottern Institute for Mind-Body Wellness November 02, 2012


Thanks to wonderful clients like YOU, Knoxville Center for Clinical Hypnosis is expanding its services outside of the East Tennessee region and is changing its name to MOTTERN INSTITUTE FOR CLINICAL HYPNOSISSame great staff, same great service!  Now, however, we're available to serve clients in just about anywhere on Earth with our Conceirge Services!Check us out at our main! more

By Mottern Institute for Mind-Body Wellness August 08, 2012

Wave of the Future

Knoxville Center for Clinical Hypnosis is moving into a exciting new area of service.  We are now doing CONCIERGE HYPNOSIS! This new approach means that appointments will be booked in the usual manner, but instead of you coming to us, WE WILL COME TO YOU!  There is, of course, an added fee for travel expenses. YOU HAVE THE CHOICE - Come to our office or let us come to you.  The choice is yours. Either way, call today and make an appointment!  Don't let a lack of motivation impede your health and wellness.  Call us at 512-818-0213 and let us talk to you about how hypnosis can help.  It will be one of the best decisions you will ever make. Be sure to check out our main website at more

By Mottern Institute for Mind-Body Wellness July 25, 2012

CHEO Spotlight on Dr. Mottern

Read the interview with Dr. Mottern in the June 2012 CHEO Newsletter. You may also be interested in Dr. Motterns presentation, "Pain, Addiction and Hypnosis," at Ron Eslinger's Pain Conference June 21-24, 2012, at the Alex Haley Farm in Oak Ridge, TN.  Register TODAY! If you have questions about hypnosis, please email them to Dr. Mottern! more

By Mottern Institute for Mind-Body Wellness June 01, 2012

The Perfect Gift

The holidays are upon us and many people are struggling with finding the perfect gift.  That's simple - give the gift of HYPNOSIS! Hypnosis gift certificates are available and are the pefect gift for those about whom you really care!  This holiday season, give the gift of HEALTH to the ones you love.  Help them make the changes they want to make in their lives. Hypnosis gift certificates may be used for shedding a few extra pounds accumulated over the holidays, finally giving up that nasty smoking habit, a session for ultimate relaxation, increased motivation for exercise, or any other number of things! Remember that we also do LIFE COACHING with Choice Theory Psychology and offer individual QIGONG instruction! Call us today to purchase a hypnosis gift certificate! HAPPY HOLIDAYS! Dr. Ron Mottern more

By Mottern Institute for Mind-Body Wellness November 28, 2011

Great American Smoke Out is November 17, 2011

The Great American Smoke Out is November 17, 2011.  Choose this day to make a positive change in your life by quitting smoking. Did you know: Within 8 hours of quitting smoking carbon monoxide levels drop in your body and the oxygen level increases to normal? Within 48 hours, your chances of havinga heart attack go down and your sense of smell and taste improves? Within 72 hours your bronchial tubes relax making it easier to breathe and lung capacity increases? Within 2 weeks to 3 months your circulation improves and lung functioning increases up to 30 percent? Within 6 months, coughing, sinus congestion, tiredness and shortness of breath improve? Within 1 year the risk of smoking related heart attack is cut by 50%? Make your next choice one that places you back in the driver's seat with your life and health.  Choose to stop smoking and life a happier and healthier life! We are now offering 4 individual sessions for $400 (prepaid).  Call today, spaces are still available! Ron more

By Mottern Institute for Mind-Body Wellness November 05, 2011


Some people are reluctant to experience hypnosis.  There are many reasons why, including the financial concern.  In an attempt to allow people to feel less anxious about that particular concern, we are having FALL MADNESS - Friday 10/28/11-Sunday 10/30/11.  We will be offerring 30 minute hypnosis sessions for $30.  This is just CRAZY!  Our usual fee is $150 per session, so this is a substantial savings. If you are ready to make a change in your life and want the added support of hypnosis, call us NOW to make an appointment.  At these rates, the schedule will fill up soon.   Remember that we also do hypnosis sessions over SKYPE. Knoxville Center for Clinical Hypnosis 865-851-8687 more

By Mottern Institute for Mind-Body Wellness October 28, 2011

Good for what ails you

People often ask what hypnosis can be used to help treat.  I usually ask them to tell me what it is about themselves (or their lives) they would like to change and I will tell them how hypnosis can help them. However, there are some things that hypnosis is good for which I can't explain why it works. This isn't necessarily troubling because we really don't know how hypnosis works, at all, but we suppose that by dealing with things like stress (which is at the root of about 90% of all physical and psychological problems in our society) we can affect changes in the body through indirect means.  Visualization and colors are very useful in hypnosis, but I have no idea why they work the way they do.  If you read my blogs, you'll know I've conquered my acid reflux through self-hypnosis using visualization and color.  How exactly did that work?  Beats me.  All I know is that it DID work and now I don't suffer like I did. The color orange is considered to be a healing color and it is one that I use quite a bit.  What is special about orange?  Beats me.  All I know is that it works and people who incorporate it find it to be very useful in healing. I'm not out to re-invent the wheel.  There are things that are used in traditional healing practices that have been around for thousands of years that people find work.  I use this ancient wisdom in the modern practice of hypnosis to help affect results in the lives of my clients. Why does much of it work?  Beats me.  All I know is that it does work and people (including myself) find relief from physical and psychological ailments using hypnosis. Do you have a problem and want to change it?  Give us a call.  Hypnosis is good for what ails you. Ron more

By Mottern Institute for Mind-Body Wellness August 24, 2011

Hypnosis for acid reflux

Sounds silly, doesn't it?  How does hypnosis work on acid reflux?  I must admit that I have no idea - but I know it works.  I have been using self-hypnosis to work with my own acid reflux problems for the past several weeks and have received dramatic improvement.Prior to beginning my self-hypnosis regimen for acid reflux, I was taking 150mg of Ranitidine every day, and sometimes twice a day.  Although this alleviated the acid reflux for the moment, it also caused some unwanted side effects, including nausea, diarrhea, and nose bleeds.  I couldn't blow my nose without getting a nose bleed and this was very troublesome, especially when out in public.  Often, my nose would just start bleeding spontaneously.After working with my self-hypnosis, I now take Ranitidine 2-3 times per week.  Yes, you read that correctly.  I went from using medication at least 7 times per week to using it 2-3 times per week and I continue to work on my self-hypnosis program to eliminate the need for medication, at all.I have made no obvious changes in my diet that would explain the change.  The fact is, the hypnosis did the trick.  Let's be very clear that I have to do daily maintenance to maintain my health in this area.  If I don't do my self-hypnosis program then I suffer - greatly.  But when I maintain my program of self-hypnosis, I see absolutely amazing results.If you or someone you love suffers from acid reflux and is tired of the pesky side effects of the various medications, give hypnosis a try.  The results are proven and the only side effects are relaxation and a better night's sleep.  Give us a call at 865-851-8687 more

By Mottern Institute for Mind-Body Wellness July 21, 2011

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Mottern Institute for Mind-Body Wellness

Thank you for the connection. We wish you and your company much success in the future. We'd also be happy to recommend your company. Thanks, Lee more

John Pack Custom Pools & Service


By Seaford girl at Citysearch

It took a long time to decide to have a pool and then even longer to determine what it would look like and who would build it. John was never hesitant to take me on long Pool Tours until he saw my "eyes light up" with the right ideas for me. He worked with me on the design and rolled with it as I changed my mind. I now have a beautiful backyard and really enjoy my pool. more

John Pack Custom Pools & Service


By Jacqueline12293 at Citysearch

Our pool was just completed this May 2011. Pack pools made the building process easy and competely custom to our wants and needs. We highly recommend Pack Pools and look forward to many years of enjoying our new spa and pool. more

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