The Great American Smoke Out is November 17, 2011.  Choose this day to make a positive change in your life by quitting smoking.
Did you know:Within 8 hours of quitting smoking carbon monoxide levels drop in your body and the oxygen level increases to normal?Within 48 hours, your chances of havinga heart attack go down and your sense of smell and taste improves?Within 72 hours your bronchial tubes relax making it easier to breathe and lung capacity increases?Within 2 weeks to 3 months your circulation improves and lung functioning increases up to 30 percent?Within 6 months, coughing, sinus congestion, tiredness and shortness of breath improve?Within 1 year the risk of smoking related heart attack is cut by 50%?Make your next choice one that places you back in the driver's seat with your life and health.  Choose to stop smoking and life a happier and healthier life!We are now offering 4 individual sessions for $400 (prepaid).  Call today, spaces are still available!Ron