Make up and skin care is usually a subject that mostly women have. Although most men do not concern themselves with the subject of makeup  and skin care.  Many men do care for their skin. Makeup and skincare go hand in hand .  Makeup will work best on skin that is healthy and well cared for. Here you will find tips for both makeup and skincare:

 * Always have skin care in mind, whether you are buying products for make up or actually applying them onto your skin after you have bought them. So what you are buying is a ‘make up and skin care' product, not just a makeup product. Check the ingredients to see if it contains things that you might be allergic to. Also check if it contains high concentration chemicals that can harm your skin. 

* Make up and skin care is also about testing the products before using them. So, apply the makeup on a small patch of skin e.g. earlobes and check how your skin reacts to it.

 * Check for expiration date and store your supplies properly.  In fact some products if not stored properly will go bad even before the expiration date. 

* Keep it clean.  Don't forget to always keep your tools clean, sharpen eye-liners, set a monthly date for going over your makeup supplies for this purpose. Cleanliness is an important part of your makeup and skin care procedure. 

* Nail care is another important aspect of makeup and skin care. Use a good quality nail polish and always keep your nails clean. Once you are done with cleaning and polishing your nails, you should rub in cuticle oil at the edges of the nail. 

 *If you have deep set eyes, you should use a liquid eye liner instead of a pencil one. This will prevent smudging at the deep edges of your eye-lid. 

* If you have a skin disorder e.g. acne, you should not apply heavy or chemical based make up. Consult your dermatologist if you are not sure about the make-up products that you can use while you have acne or other skin disorder. Never try to squeeze pimples/ acne. Remember that make up and skin care should not conflict each other. 

* The use of a mild makeup remover is more effective than just washing  makeup off with water. 

* Another important ‘make up and skin care' procedure is the following golden rule: "Never sleep with your make up on" 

*For more tips visit this website again or sign up for newsletter from  your independent beauty consultant.. So, make up and skin care should always be considered collectively. Treating the two differently is not the best practice.