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What are Some Health Issues About Fast Foods?

Fast foods provide a quick way to eat on-the-go. However, some health issues about fast foods cause concern about relying on this type of food on a regular basis. With high fat and sodium content, excessive consumption of fast food presents possible health risks.    


Fast food is an easier and sometimes cheaper alternative for people in a hurry or on a budget. Health issues caused by excessive fast food eating, however, are reasons to monitor excessive fast food intake.

Fast Food Contents

Many fast food products, such as hamburgers and fries, are high in fat, calories and sodium. While a person might become satiated quickly, the caloric content of most fast foods is typically several times that of eating at home or in more nutritious restaurants.  

In more recent times, some fast food chains have made efforts to lower the caloric content or make alternate foods available, such as salads, soups and fruit juices. Even so, reading the labels for these foods is important because the salad dressing might be full of fat, the soup might be high in sodium and the fruit juice might contain excessive sugar.

Health Issues

As popular studies have demonstrated, eating fast food on a daily basis for weeks or months on end can raise a person's cholesterol and blood pressure. This can lead to greater risks for heart attacks and excessive weight gain. Eating fast food on an occasional basis is typically deemed relatively harmless, as long as a person eats plenty of fresh fruits, vegetables, fish and whole grains to nourish the body.