Astraphobia is the abnormal fear of thunder and lightning. While anticipating the arrival of a severe storm, a person can develop serious anxiety and stress. Natural disasters are no joke, and can disrupt lives and cause major economic problems. But once the storm has passed, severe or not, it is almost an overwhelming sense of relief…and it should be, but then its time to assess the damages.

Major storms, that’s almost a no brainer that you will more than likely have some type of damage to your home. With Georgia averaging about 75 severe thunderstorms and about 20 tornadoes per year, it is very likely that you will experience some type of storm damage within the life of your home. But what about the more minor storms? Serious wind, hail, harsh rains, these are all factors to contributing to premature roof failure. No, that tree didn’t fall on your house, but what about those limbs that hit the roof and fell to the ground? There may not be any obvious signs of damage, but every hit your roof takes could be a weakness that will continue to get worse over time. Wind damage? You could have bent shingles that you are unable to see from the ground, and of course you didn’t see the lifting of them because you were tucked inside hopefully riding out the storm.

In 2016, according to there was about $14 billion worth of damage caused by thunderstorms alone in the United States. State Farm stated that Georgia was the 7th highest to have hail damage claims in 2016 as well. This is a lot of damage that was not associated with a named storm. This is A LOT of damage that could have affected YOU!

Helping people after a storm has been the driving force behind Brown Rooftops since the beginning. Insurance restoration is not just our job, its our passion. Indemnity. To put everything back to what it was prior to a loss. This one word is our company goal. Whether you suffered from a terrible amount of damage, or just enough to cause a headache, we want to help make it right again. A roof is what shelters you from the storms, and if that fails, your home is vulnerable to more problems. When that storm passes, calling a licensed and trained roof inspector should be on the top of your to-do list.