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Most Important Factors to Consider When Repairing a Roof Leak

It’s thundering, lightning, and raining outside. You can hear the leak. You see the water coming into your house. You know parts of your house are getting wet that should be protected by your roof. Clearly, you have a leak in your roof. Before repairing the leak, consider these important factors.

Is the leak minor or major?

If you have a small leak, you may be able to repair it yourself. Get repair materials from your local hardware store, Home Depot, or Lowe’s. Try to fix the problem on your own first. If you already know that the leak is a major problem, do not try to fix it on your own. Trying to repair a major leak can create more problems. Call a professional immediately.

Where is the leak located?

Obviously, the leak is on the roof. Is it somewhere you can reach with a step stool or ladder? Will you need to get on top of the roof to repair the damage or can it be done from the side of the building? Depending on the location of the leak, you may need to contact a professional for help.

How much damage has occurred?

Has water been seeping or pouring into your home for several days? Is this just a one time incident? Water creates a mess and can deteriorate the materials in your home. Even if the leak has dried, areas that were saturated with water may grow mold. It is important to assess the damage and repair it as soon as possible.