Top articles for Paranormal Phenomena

About Paranormal Investigations

About Paranormal Investigations

Paranormal investigators are investigators who study activity that ranges outside of the norm. They use different types of tools and techniques in their investigations. The investigators study ghost activity and other types of paranormal activity that occurs in different areas. Some investigators claim to have actual encounters with these paranormal entities. more

How to Identify Psychic Phenomena

How to Identify Psychic Phenomena

Identifying true psychic phenomena can be difficult. Whether you are seeking help from a psychic, or trying to determine your own level of psychic skills, learning what is normal, and what is not, will help you to sort ordinary events from extraordinary ones. more

Paranormal Meanings of Playing Cards

Paranormal Meanings of Playing Cards

The use of standard playing cards to tell fortunes has been around for a long time. There are different meanings for the colors, suits and certain cards hold certain meanings. Different combination of the suits numbers and colors can be combined to change the meaning of the reading. Using playing cards to develop paranormal readings is both fun and entertaining. more

How to Learn Telepathy

How to Learn Telepathy

Telepathy, the art of communicating with another person mind-to-mind, is fairly easy to learn. Many people do not believe in telepathy. Those that do look to reconnect with a lost loved one or seek help in everyday matters using telepathy. Practicing on a friend is the best way to sharpen your skills. more

How to See Ghosts

How to See Ghosts

The existence of ghosts or spirits has been a highly debated topic for centuries. Many people want to know how to see a ghost or spirits. This article will help you learn how to see or detect ghosts or spirits by outlining the most widely accepted techniques used in ghost hunting. more

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"Life as a Living Meditation" will love this

Connecting to the Crystalline Energy Grid for healing and transformation Make this  part of your daily routine, as you are living your life moment to moment. No need to take time out for a formal meditative sit down. The Crystalline Grid, also referred to as the Grid of Christ Consciousness, is part of our NEW consciousness matrix! It is a manifestation of our evolutionary process and the patterned growth of universal consciousness. We are all co-creators of this crystal matrix of diamond light energy. It is a self operating and self sustaining system of communication and energy transfer. It is strengthened as more and more people connect into it. Its potential is infinite. Why connect...What's the deal? Crystalline Grid transmissions shower amplified infusions of light to assist in our personal transformation. This amplified field comprises the higher consciousness of many many 1000's of light servers worldwide in unified intent. We all support each other in releasing the old and embodying the new. By consciously aligning with and connecting to the Crystalline Grid matrix on a regular basis, we strengthen our ability to receive and transmit higher dimensional energies, as one synergistic beam of Love and transforming energy. It also profoundly assists us in developing skills of expanded consciousness. This includes greater sensory perceptions, telepathy, the ability to integrate life-enhancing language of light codes and energy downloads, connection to soul purpose, and communications with your higher self and name a few. Create a “Life as a Living Meditation" for yourself How? Focus on being connected to the crystal grid…place yourself inside and “feel” the love, light and support flowing to you, through you, and from you, and then back into the grid. At work, at home, doing the dishes, mowing the lawn, during a times of intensity, challenge, happiness and peace. Direct this energy to something, someone, or use it for personal healing. Throw in positive thoughts, and a little love and gratitude. Stay connected with your “light tribe”, gain personal strength, and contribute to the conscious awakening of humanity and planetary service to the light! With Love and Joy, Lanaiya King Transformational Facilitator For more info about working with Lanaiya King visit Private Transformational Sessions Worldwide By appointment: phone: 801-604-2585 email: Skype: Lanaiya.King web: more

By Lanaiya King Intuitive Healer July 10, 2015

Meditation For Self Empowerment & Manifestation, deep and powerful

Decree & Invocation of Light… I call upon Mother Father God, my Guides, the Angels, Ascended Masters, and all the Beings of Light from On High, as I align with my Mighty I Am Presence, the Highest Light of Who I Am and Who I have Forever Been….to assist me with the following: I NOW call for a complete activation of my 12 Strand DNA and a clearing of all limited beliefs and patterns I may hold at cellular and all other levels, so I may truly experience myself as a Master Being of Love and Light. I also revoke all agreements, oaths, and vows I have ever taken with myself and all others, that involves the experience of “contraction” through limitation, pain and suffering. I NOW move fully into the witness and experience of expansion into my true authentic light, true power and true wisdom. I NOW call upon the Company of Heaven and my I Am Presence to assist in downloading all the key codes of Light that are necessary for me, to achieve the above decree. I NOW find myself within the Unified Crystalline Grid of Light, within and around this earth plane, where I am connected to Mother Earth, and more than one million Light workers, as well as all the Beings of Light from On High whom are assisting in the ascension of Earth and her peoples. I am also surrounded by the violet and golden flame of Cosmic and Universal Unity Consciousness, as I merge completely with my I Am Presence. In this energy of divine communion, infinite divine love and infinite potential, I now expand and magnify the energies 1000 x 1000 fold and beyond, of world peace, love and true freedom for MYSELF FIRST and next for this new golden age. I envision and create NOW our precious earth, wherein all life creates through love and lives in peace, harmony and in an endless celebration of joy. I envision and create NOW a world where reverence for all of life is honored and life is acknowledged as sacred. I envision and create NOW the endless supply of abundance and all things that are beautiful, life supporting and life sustaining. I envision and create now our planet healed with thriving ecosystems of the land, air and water, and all things necessary and easily provided to bring this about. I envision and create NOW my discovery of soul and self, and a fulfilling life where my contribution to society makes my heart sing. I envision and create NOW my divine birth right to experience fulfillment, passion, divine consciousness, divine family life, divine partnership, radiant health, enlightenment, happiness, ease and graceful living. I move easily and more deeply into my hearts yearnings and envision NOW, “_______” …fill in the blank, and spend some time here. Finally, with love and gratitude…. From the depth of my being and heart, I decree and declare… So be it, And so it is. With Love, Lanaiya King Transformational Facilitator & Lifestyle Coach For more information about working with Lanaiya King Visit Private Transformational Sessions Available Worldwide Contact Lanaiya King, by appointment  web: phone: 801-604-2585 email: more

By Lanaiya King Intuitive Healer June 29, 2015

How fear sets you up for Free-Will violation

A new and powerful twist! After reading this, you will hopefully have a powerful new and sparkly perspective and ability to move beyond fears, doubts, and claim your ability to master your life. Most of us on the ‘conscious’ path are well aware of the ‘law of attraction’ and how we attract to ourselves more of what we are focusing on….hence the importance to transmute fears and worries of all kinds. You probably also know that as we focus on the positive, we are building a quantum field of light that is shifting our paradigm from all forms of ‘contraction’ meaning, lack, limitation, greed, poverty, illness, struggle, etc. Blah blah…ok you have this down, right? Read on… Earth is a free will planet. This means there is a prime directive from Creation of non-interference (remember Star Trek?) No one is allowed, under universal law to swoop in from the outside, (meaning entities, galactics, etc.) with diabolical schemes. Change is allowed from the INSIDE only, meaning coming from Earth and her inhabitants only. The Con: The off planet Dark Agenda wanting to own Earth for themselves, connived a scheme. They located Earthly people (very wealthy and influential) to be their minions. They bribed and mind-controlled these people to set forth multitudes of horrible controlling programs in government, finance ,business, health, education, media and all walks of life. Earth’s population became involved in these programs and people became blind follower’s not questioning, just believing these agendas were serving them. People ‘believe’ the fear base scenarios on the news (see Jade Helm, massive shootings, Weather manipulation, World Trade Towers being an inside job, fema camps, martial law scenarios, ad nauseum). People consider the gloom and doom as suggested in movies (designed as suggestive brain washing) such as San Andreas, Zombie Apacolypse of late. All of this gives the off planet dark agenda ‘permission’ to invade and ‘make it so’. Through the people’s fears and beliefs that these scenarios are happening, or even MAY happen, this is permission to ‘swoop in’ because the people have invited it. Fear porn manipulation and lying to the people through media, music, movies, govt. etc. into believing the world is heading for an apocalypse, a fema camp, global financial collapse, WWIII, etc., is everywhere. And of course, you need the help of these liars, to save the day. So again, please get this! If people on Earth ‘believe’, or even entertain a ‘possibility’ of a fear based scenario to occur, theoretically this indicates a “free will’ choice of the people and permission for the dark agenda to swoop in and ‘make it so’. But wait, there’s more. The dark agenda has been so brassy to say…’if Earth people are so stupid to to go into fear and believing the scenarios of movies (it’s a MOVIE, duh, right?) and also TV media and passively allowing negative world events, then they deserve to be controlled. ‘ They say, when the fear scenarios are presented, and the people believe it, or do nothing, the people are stupid and deserve to be controlled. Good news! The dark agenda has LOST. It is not slated by creation to go in this direction. Don’t buy into the sloppy lying antics of this sinking ship. Creation has stepped in with more ‘divine intervention’ being allowed than EVER, due to the gross repeated and deceptive violation of Universal Law. What you can do. See this for what is is…a game! Don’t be duped, do something! Practice discipline and self-mastery of your emotions. Do not fall into the trap of being afraid of anything, even on a small level. If you doubt, and make decisions based on fear TO ANY DEGREE you have just invited the fear forward, and have given permission for the last vestiges of the dark agenda…the off planet controllers and on planet Cabal…to ‘make it so’. Want to speed light, our planetary freedoms and individual awakening up? Quit feeding the fear agenda! Know who you are! Be Happy. Get out of the Fear game! Don’t buy into it…this can be as easy as changing your mind and staying in a place of loving compassion and positive planetary vision. Embrace your power by making good choices…ones that feed love and positivity! Flick these fears off like an irritating mosquito…for that is all they really are. On a final and happy note: Expect a huge cosmic click on Earth within this year at any time. New life-sustaining programs throughout all walks of life are in process NOW of birthing forth. You are on this planet for a reason. Your job is easy…stay in your heart and contribute to the light of expansion I whatever way brings you joy. With Love, Lanaiya King Transformational Facilitator & Lifestyle Coach For more information about working with Lanaiya King Visit Private Transformational Sessions Available Worldwide Contact Lanaiya King, by appointment  web: phone: 801-604-2585 email: more

By Lanaiya King Intuitive Healer June 22, 2015

Where do you need Paranormal Phenomena Services ?