Blogs from Paranormal Phenomena Services in Salt Lake City, UT

"Life as a Living Meditation" will love this

Connecting to the Crystalline Energy Grid for healing and transformation Make this  part of your daily routine, as you are living your life moment to moment. No need to take time out for a formal meditative sit down. The Crystalline Grid, also referred to as the Grid of Christ Consciousness, is part of our NEW consciousness matrix! It is a manifestation of our evolutionary process and the patterned growth of universal consciousness. We are all co-creators of this crystal matrix of diamond light energy. It is a self operating and self sustaining system of communication and energy transfer. It is strengthened as more and more people connect into it. Its potential is infinite. Why connect...What's the deal? Crystalline Grid transmissions shower amplified infusions of light to assist in our personal transformation. This amplified field comprises the higher consciousness of many many 1000's of light servers worldwide in unified intent. We all support each other in releasing the old and embodying the new. By consciously aligning with and connecting to the Crystalline Grid matrix on a regular basis, we strengthen our ability to receive and transmit higher dimensional energies, as one synergistic beam of Love and transforming energy. It also profoundly assists us in developing skills of expanded consciousness. This includes greater sensory perceptions, telepathy, the ability to integrate life-enhancing language of light codes and energy downloads, connection to soul purpose, and communications with your higher self and name a few. Create a “Life as a Living Meditation" for yourself How? Focus on being connected to the crystal grid…place yourself inside and “feel” the love, light and support flowing to you, through you, and from you, and then back into the grid. At work, at home, doing the dishes, mowing the lawn, during a times of intensity, challenge, happiness and peace. Direct this energy to something, someone, or use it for personal healing. Throw in positive thoughts, and a little love and gratitude. Stay connected with your “light tribe”, gain personal strength, and contribute to the conscious awakening of humanity and planetary service to the light! With Love and Joy, Lanaiya King Transformational Facilitator For more info about working with Lanaiya King visit Private Transformational Sessions Worldwide By appointment: phone: 801-604-2585 email: Skype: Lanaiya.King web: more

By Lanaiya King Intuitive Healer July 10, 2015

Meditation For Self Empowerment & Manifestation, deep and powerful

Decree & Invocation of Light… I call upon Mother Father God, my Guides, the Angels, Ascended Masters, and all the Beings of Light from On High, as I align with my Mighty I Am Presence, the Highest Light of Who I Am and Who I have Forever Been….to assist me with the following: I NOW call for a complete activation of my 12 Strand DNA and a clearing of all limited beliefs and patterns I may hold at cellular and all other levels, so I may truly experience myself as a Master Being of Love and Light. I also revoke all agreements, oaths, and vows I have ever taken with myself and all others, that involves the experience of “contraction” through limitation, pain and suffering. I NOW move fully into the witness and experience of expansion into my true authentic light, true power and true wisdom. I NOW call upon the Company of Heaven and my I Am Presence to assist in downloading all the key codes of Light that are necessary for me, to achieve the above decree. I NOW find myself within the Unified Crystalline Grid of Light, within and around this earth plane, where I am connected to Mother Earth, and more than one million Light workers, as well as all the Beings of Light from On High whom are assisting in the ascension of Earth and her peoples. I am also surrounded by the violet and golden flame of Cosmic and Universal Unity Consciousness, as I merge completely with my I Am Presence. In this energy of divine communion, infinite divine love and infinite potential, I now expand and magnify the energies 1000 x 1000 fold and beyond, of world peace, love and true freedom for MYSELF FIRST and next for this new golden age. I envision and create NOW our precious earth, wherein all life creates through love and lives in peace, harmony and in an endless celebration of joy. I envision and create NOW a world where reverence for all of life is honored and life is acknowledged as sacred. I envision and create NOW the endless supply of abundance and all things that are beautiful, life supporting and life sustaining. I envision and create now our planet healed with thriving ecosystems of the land, air and water, and all things necessary and easily provided to bring this about. I envision and create NOW my discovery of soul and self, and a fulfilling life where my contribution to society makes my heart sing. I envision and create NOW my divine birth right to experience fulfillment, passion, divine consciousness, divine family life, divine partnership, radiant health, enlightenment, happiness, ease and graceful living. I move easily and more deeply into my hearts yearnings and envision NOW, “_______” …fill in the blank, and spend some time here. Finally, with love and gratitude…. From the depth of my being and heart, I decree and declare… So be it, And so it is. With Love, Lanaiya King Transformational Facilitator & Lifestyle Coach For more information about working with Lanaiya King Visit Private Transformational Sessions Available Worldwide Contact Lanaiya King, by appointment  web: phone: 801-604-2585 email: more

By Lanaiya King Intuitive Healer June 29, 2015

How fear sets you up for Free-Will violation

A new and powerful twist! After reading this, you will hopefully have a powerful new and sparkly perspective and ability to move beyond fears, doubts, and claim your ability to master your life. Most of us on the ‘conscious’ path are well aware of the ‘law of attraction’ and how we attract to ourselves more of what we are focusing on….hence the importance to transmute fears and worries of all kinds. You probably also know that as we focus on the positive, we are building a quantum field of light that is shifting our paradigm from all forms of ‘contraction’ meaning, lack, limitation, greed, poverty, illness, struggle, etc. Blah blah…ok you have this down, right? Read on… Earth is a free will planet. This means there is a prime directive from Creation of non-interference (remember Star Trek?) No one is allowed, under universal law to swoop in from the outside, (meaning entities, galactics, etc.) with diabolical schemes. Change is allowed from the INSIDE only, meaning coming from Earth and her inhabitants only. The Con: The off planet Dark Agenda wanting to own Earth for themselves, connived a scheme. They located Earthly people (very wealthy and influential) to be their minions. They bribed and mind-controlled these people to set forth multitudes of horrible controlling programs in government, finance ,business, health, education, media and all walks of life. Earth’s population became involved in these programs and people became blind follower’s not questioning, just believing these agendas were serving them. People ‘believe’ the fear base scenarios on the news (see Jade Helm, massive shootings, Weather manipulation, World Trade Towers being an inside job, fema camps, martial law scenarios, ad nauseum). People consider the gloom and doom as suggested in movies (designed as suggestive brain washing) such as San Andreas, Zombie Apacolypse of late. All of this gives the off planet dark agenda ‘permission’ to invade and ‘make it so’. Through the people’s fears and beliefs that these scenarios are happening, or even MAY happen, this is permission to ‘swoop in’ because the people have invited it. Fear porn manipulation and lying to the people through media, music, movies, govt. etc. into believing the world is heading for an apocalypse, a fema camp, global financial collapse, WWIII, etc., is everywhere. And of course, you need the help of these liars, to save the day. So again, please get this! If people on Earth ‘believe’, or even entertain a ‘possibility’ of a fear based scenario to occur, theoretically this indicates a “free will’ choice of the people and permission for the dark agenda to swoop in and ‘make it so’. But wait, there’s more. The dark agenda has been so brassy to say…’if Earth people are so stupid to to go into fear and believing the scenarios of movies (it’s a MOVIE, duh, right?) and also TV media and passively allowing negative world events, then they deserve to be controlled. ‘ They say, when the fear scenarios are presented, and the people believe it, or do nothing, the people are stupid and deserve to be controlled. Good news! The dark agenda has LOST. It is not slated by creation to go in this direction. Don’t buy into the sloppy lying antics of this sinking ship. Creation has stepped in with more ‘divine intervention’ being allowed than EVER, due to the gross repeated and deceptive violation of Universal Law. What you can do. See this for what is is…a game! Don’t be duped, do something! Practice discipline and self-mastery of your emotions. Do not fall into the trap of being afraid of anything, even on a small level. If you doubt, and make decisions based on fear TO ANY DEGREE you have just invited the fear forward, and have given permission for the last vestiges of the dark agenda…the off planet controllers and on planet Cabal…to ‘make it so’. Want to speed light, our planetary freedoms and individual awakening up? Quit feeding the fear agenda! Know who you are! Be Happy. Get out of the Fear game! Don’t buy into it…this can be as easy as changing your mind and staying in a place of loving compassion and positive planetary vision. Embrace your power by making good choices…ones that feed love and positivity! Flick these fears off like an irritating mosquito…for that is all they really are. On a final and happy note: Expect a huge cosmic click on Earth within this year at any time. New life-sustaining programs throughout all walks of life are in process NOW of birthing forth. You are on this planet for a reason. Your job is easy…stay in your heart and contribute to the light of expansion I whatever way brings you joy. With Love, Lanaiya King Transformational Facilitator & Lifestyle Coach For more information about working with Lanaiya King Visit Private Transformational Sessions Available Worldwide Contact Lanaiya King, by appointment  web: phone: 801-604-2585 email: more

By Lanaiya King Intuitive Healer June 22, 2015

New this message for you?

My inner guidance had me post this as a direct message for certain people whom this applies to directly, and need confirmation with their next steps. If you are reading this, my message may be what you have been waiting for…a confirmation that what you know to do (but may be hesitating) is indeed the right (highest) choice. Congratulations to your new beginnings. Have the courage and trust in yourself to make those decisions and step forward…the entire universe supports you now. Your life will change for the better in ways you cannot even conceive at this time. It is time to jump into the arms of your new life. The time is Now. The entire universe re-arranges itself to accommodate your picture of reality…and when you believe in yourself, the path is made clear. Live your Light, Live Your Life, in Celebration. Your time is NOW. Become all you can be… Private Transformational Sessions, Worldwide … by appointment phone: 801-604-2585 email: Skype: Lanaiya.King more

By Lanaiya King Intuitive Healer June 10, 2015

This self help technique could be just what you need!

The following Question has been asked by many of my clients… the Answer offers self empowerment, and self help, from an intuitive healer approach...enjoy! Q: I am really struggling today. Is there a specific way that you find most beneficial to COMMAND the universe? A: Opportunities to move into a higher alignment within ourselves is being pushed by extraordinary light and energy coming to the planet… causing high emotion, struggle and breakdown showing up for a lot of people. This so called struggle is actually creating  a positive opportunity to change what is out of  alignment. It’s your ‘stuff’ waving a hand saying “look at me…let’s change this!”. ‘Commanding’ the struggle, breakdown, and individual circumstances to be released is only part of the map to the final result of moving beyond. When we Command, “I release _________ to be done forever” , for example, we must follow this decree with our thoughts, words and actions, and also want to change on an inner level. Often struggle and breakdown continues because we have resistance to letting go of certain outmoded things in our life. We are attached to things that aren’t serving because they are familiar. And sometimes we are in outright fear over letting go of the very thing we want to change. We cannot have the law of Attraction give us a change or something new if we are still interacting with and thereby feeding the very thing we want to change. We have to remember to envision and focus on the change we want to create, not on the drama/trauma of the current situation. Then positively feed the new vision with your thoughts, words and actions, to align with the new manifestation. Have the courage and the trust in yourself to let go of the old mindset, fears, beliefs and behaviors that have you tethered to the Struggle. Your job, as the change agent for your life, is to vision the end result, and have faith in the Universe to provide the path, through the law of attraction. Another note… sometimes we struggle because we are not patient, or are wanting to control the situation, rather than release the answer or solution to  our Higher Knowing. Higher intelligence always has the answer…we just need to surrender our lower mind, fears and ego, have trust, and allow the solution to come forth. After you have ‘Commanded” forth your desires, and aligned your thoughts, words and actions, watch for all fears that come up. You must process (clear) all fears and resistances that show up as a result of your Command/Decree. This is a crucial and often overlooked step, and why the Command/ Decree process often does not work. For example, if someone sends out a Command/Decree that has, say 6 fears associated with it,  the universe complies with bringing forth those 6 fears, as that is what the energy is calling to. So if you are Decreeing something, and are fearful over actually getting it, your next step is to clear those fears first, have faith and trust in new beginnings, send a new “clean” signal or Command/Decree …and then allow the magic to happen. Also, be consistent, be kind to yourself and remember we are peeling back multitudes of lifetimes of limiting patterns. We are all works of art in progress. Lanaiya King, Transformational Facilitator&Lifestyle Coach Private Transformational Sessions Worldwide Phone: 801-604-2585 Email: Web: more

By Lanaiya King Intuitive Healer June 04, 2015

This self help technique could be just what you need!

The following Question has been asked by many of my clients… the Answer offers an intuitive healing perspective for self help, self empowerment, and life coaching. Enjoy! Q: I am really struggling today. Is there a specific way that you find most beneficial to COMMAND the universe? A: Opportunities to move into a higher alignment within ourselves is being pushed by extraordinary light and energy coming to the planet… causing high emotion, struggle and breakdown showing up for a lot of people. This so called struggle is actually creating  a positive opportunity to change what is out of  alignment. It’s your ‘stuff’ waving a hand saying “look at me…let’s change this!”. ‘Commanding’ the struggle, breakdown, and individual circumstances to be released is only part of the map to the final result of moving beyond. When we Command, “I release _________ to be done forever” , for example, we must follow this decree with our thoughts, words and actions, and also want to change on an inner level. Often struggle and breakdown continues because we have resistance to letting go of certain outmoded things in our life. We are attached to things that aren’t serving because they are familiar. And sometimes we are in outright fear over letting go of the very thing we want to change. We cannot have the law of Attraction give us a change or something new if we are still interacting with and thereby feeding the very thing we want to change. We have to remember to envision and focus on the change we want to create, not on the drama/trauma of the current situation. Then positively feed the new vision with your thoughts, words and actions, to align with the new manifestation. Have the courage and the trust in yourself to let go of the old mindset, fears, beliefs and behaviors that have you tethered to the Struggle. Your job, as the change agent for your life, is to vision the end result, and have faith in the Universe to provide the path, through the law of attraction. Another note… sometimes we struggle because we are not patient, or are wanting to control the situation, rather than release the answer or solution to  our Higher Knowing. Higher intelligence always has the answer…we just need to surrender our lower mind, fears and ego, have trust, and allow the solution to come forth. After you have ‘Commanded” forth your desires, and aligned your thoughts, words and actions, watch for all fears that come up. You must process (clear) all fears and resistances that show up as a result of your Command/Decree. This is a crucial and often overlooked step, and why the Command/ Decree process often does not work. For example, if someone sends out a Command/Decree that has, say 6 fears associated with it,  the universe complies with bringing forth those 6 fears, as that is what the energy is calling to. So if you are Decreeing something, and are fearful over actually getting it, your next step is to clear those fears first, have faith and trust in new beginnings, send a new “clean” signal or Command/Decree …and then allow the magic to happen. Also, be consistent, be kind to yourself and remember we are peeling back multitudes of lifetimes of limiting patterns. We are all works of art in progress. Lanaiya King, Transformational Facilitator & Lifestyle Coach Private Transformational Sessions Worldwide Phone: 801-604-2585 Email: Web: more

By Lanaiya King Intuitive Healer June 04, 2015

Check out my new Awakening Transformation website!   Be sure to click 'follow blog via email" to get my latest posts directly to your email address. My website provides you with critical assistance in navigating the  profound  and exciting new paradigm shifts and transformations taking place today. Higher consciousness, cutting-edge ‘real’ news, wisdom teachings, transformational tools, self empowerment sessions & workshops, and forums for higher understanding are just the beginning! Let me assist you in becoming a beacon of light, through personal healing and empowerment …for yourself, your family, and thereby the world. Love, Light and Joy, Lanaiya King more

By Lanaiya King Intuitive Healer May 27, 2015

Learn DNA Activation & Healing!

These healing techniques have been around for ages.They've been rediscovered and you can learn how to use them.Learn to work with the core of your being in ways that will heal instantly.Using Theta brain waves, you can connect directly with God and receive dramatic healing that will change lives.You will learn how to reactivate others and why we all need this.Learn Theta Healing to enhance your Medical Intuitive/Remote Viewing skills. This healing technique is fast and extremely effective, as you communicate directly with God and work as Co-Creator in healing.Learn the 4 LEVEL CORE BELIEF REPATTERNING technique to rid self and others of negative beliefs, addictions and societal programming at the Core Belief Level, the Genetic, History and Soul dimensions. Experience moving into a Master cell to change realities all the way to the Soul level.This is one of the most dramatic, complete techniques offered on our planet today!!Learn to adjust Serotonin and Noradrenalin levels for crucial physical and emotional balancing.Experience and participate in a powerful Group Healing technique, utilizing the Creator's Unconditional Love Energy.Learn how Genetic Replacement&Reprogramming; work can change destiny.Experience having your "Aging" gene replaced with a "Young&Vitality" gene.Discover BLOCKS you have to full abundance and learn how to MANIFEST!Learn about energy breaks, how to give Guardian Angel Readings.Ample practice time to perfect your skills will be given.Following completion of the course you will receive certification as a DNA/Theta Healing & Genetic Replacement Practitioner. You will gain experience and have the ability to change your life, and the lives of other consenting clients. These simple and powerful techniques will change your life in ways you would never imagine possible!All of the techniques are perfect for the beginner or the professional. They are easy to learn and apply to your personal life or your current healing practice. The work is profoundly beneficial and merges absolutely beautifully with all modalities.Some people notice very little difference initially, it may take up to three months for the DNA to be completely activated.Indigo Children have been born in the last decades with their DNA completely activated. They have amazing psychic abilities.  DNA ACTIVATION While Beth activates non-physical strands of DNA energetically, she will also revitalize your youth and vitality chromosome,impacting spirituality, psychic gifts, emotions, memories and everything non-physical in life.You can turn back the hands of time with activation of the YOUTH & VITALITY chromosome. We will easily transcend through chronos and kairos time and space, experiencing the incredible "light shows" in the DNA.Although our human species has evolved with a two-stranded DNA found in each of the twenty-three pairs of chromosomes in every cell of the body, this was not our original blueprint. Scientists are aware of extra strands they call "junk" DNA. These disconnected strands are really an essential part of our original genetic blueprint. Barbara Marciniak, author of "Bringers of the Dawn", describes the ten DNA light-encoded threads that were disassembled and left within the human cells in a latent state as being non-functional and disconnected. Consciousness was changed; biogenetically hampered, limiting full capacity of our species spiritually, physically, mentally and emotionally.DNA carries ancestral imprints. Through evolution we have lost some self-healing abilities - to avoid diseases and potential for excellence spiritually, physically, mentally and emotionally. The time has come to receive and learn to administer the reactivation of our DNA.Be careful what you request! All positive & negative thoughts will manifest very quickly!!Experiencing DNA reactivation is the first step to total integration of mind, body, soul & spirit.DNA Activation may be done in an office session with Beth or by phone remotely.Beth provides sessions that are gentle, fun and confidential. Profound shifts seem completely natural and easy. Your life can quickly becomes joyous, powerful and ecstatic instead of problematic. She blends several complementary healing techniques adapted to your needs. DNA Activation more

By ThetaHealing Courses & Consultations June 07, 2011

Brief Course Descriptions

Basic DNA I and IISCAN the body for illness and emotional blocksSEE, CLEAR and REPLACE deep limiting subconscious beliefsMAINIFEST and CREATE success in every area of your lifeTEACH your heart and body to feel younger and wholeCONNECT with your spiritual guides and angelsMEDITATE into a theta brain wave state instantly and access intuitive abilitiesAdvanced DNAAccess “Downloads” directly from Creator that will instantly work through your deepest blocks with ease.Receive hundreds and hundreds of Downloads that will instantly work through your deepest blocks with ease and profoundly improve every aspect of your lifeAdvanced tips, tricks, and techniques for improving your reading and alternative healing ability.Receive further openings of your psychic centers.Get to the core of and transform fear, resentment, regrets, grudges, and addictions.Contact and communicate with your genetic ancestors and your higher self.Receive profound healings for your Soul and Heart directly from Creator.Clear free floating memories (engram banks)Advanced understanding of the Seven Planes of existence and how to use them in healing and manifestation.Talk to the Higher SelfLearn advanced manifestation techniques. more

By ThetaHealing Courses & Consultations June 07, 2011

Paypal Now Available~

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By Readings with Rachel Mallory May 02, 2011

Stay Positive with Problems in the World!

There is vast light and powerful energies pushing all of the corruption in the world to the surface, so it can be exposed, and healed.  What is based in fear, corruption, greed, and control, will not withstand the new reality that we are moving into, as none of this is based on the true essence of creation based in love, community and mutual cooperation.  These old paradigms are too corrupt to fix, and they must collapse, and indeedthey are crumbling at lightnening speed. We will build anew, not fix the irrepairable.There are many new programs ready to burst forth from the financial and world wide banking system, new governance, global debt forgiveness, ecological responsibility, to name a few.  Stay tuned, we are on the crest of massive world wide change for the better.Focus on THIS WORLD of peace and prosperity for all.  This energy created by our collective thought is a force to be reconned with, as thoughts create!  Do not feed the fear, stay focused on your feelngs for a world of all things beeautiful.  Together we are victorious in birthing a new nation and a new world! more

By Lanaiya King Intuitive Healer December 08, 2010

Odd aches & pains may be related to intense planetary energies!

Extradordinary shifts are taking place on Earth and beyond.   The magnetics are dropping, the vibration is rising, our DNA is activating dormant strands, portals and stargates are opening, the earth grids are shifting….and this is only the tip of the iceberg! As a result, All of Life on this planet is "Mutating-Up", so to speak. Our light quotient, or crystalline light, is increasing off the charts.  Your body, along with the very fabric of reality, is shifting into a higher form.  With this comes huge paradigm-shifting  experiences, heightened multidimensional awareness and connectivity to all of life everywhere.  As one might expect, we all feel the effects of this dramatic shift, to a greater or lesser degree at times, yet no one is "immune" to Ascension Symptoms,  (or as I sometimes lovingly refer to as Transmutational Shock and Trauma).   A Few Ascension Symptoms:   Not feeling well, yet you test out perfectly and the doctor says you're fine  Waking up around 3am…erratic sleep patterns.  Fluttering peripheral vision (new eyesight capabilities coming on line)  Extreme fatigue for no reason. (rest needed through the changes)  Ringing ears (adjustment to new frequencies)  Flu-like symptoms (from your body letting go of Toxins as more light comes in)  Strange aches and pains…(see above)  Twitching eyes for a few days, then it goes away.  Seeing something from your side vision, and as you look directly it's not there (dimensional bleed through…seeing things here on a higher dimension)  Loud buzzer or noises waking you up at night (new circuitry coming online)  Hot flushes and sweats  (more energy coming in) Heart Palpitati (chakra opening)  Short term memory loss (brain circuit and neural net re-patterning)  Sense of disconnectedness (you are moving into a new paradigm and it feels weird and different )  Over emotionality (old buried emotions coming to the surface to be healed)  Desire to get rid of clothes..or not resonating with your home, friends, or job as you did previously (your vibration is increasing and you are not resonating to the old ways)  Craving of odd foods (your body is telling you what it needs to best ground in and support your changes)  Sense of knowing something important is happening, but you don't know what (Welcome to your new World!!!)  ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This list is by no means complete, yet it may allow you to relax into some strange symptoms and sensations occurring for you at this time.    What to do?  Please see a doctor if you feel it's necessary…  Give your physical body  permission to drop all resistance, and to move through all changes with Grace and Ease! Have an Energy Balancing Session with Lanaiya to Smooth out the Bumps! more

By Lanaiya King Intuitive Healer December 08, 2010

What is Hypnosis anyways?

Are you curious about hypnosis? Is the only experience you have ever had with it been from watching a hypnosis stage show? Then I would like to tell you a bit about what hypnosis is. First off, what we term hypnosis is a natural state of mind.  In fact, most people experience the state of hypnosis every day.  Our brain is an electrochemical organ and as such, it goes through many different stages each day.  These stages, or electrical activity emanating from the brain, can be displayed in the form of brainwaves; beta, alpha, theta, delta.  The beta stage could be considered the waking state.  This is where we are when we are actively engaged in mental activity. The next stage is alpha.  When in alpha, a person could be sitting reading a book, walking in a garden, or just simply doing a task that does not require much active thinking.  Meditation can also happen in the alpha state.  It is simply a relaxed, reflecting state of mind.  Next is theta.  Theta is the state one would be in when daydreaming and it is also the state where ‘waking hypnosis occurs'.  A person could even be in this state of mind and be operating a vehicle, thus the term, ‘Highway Hypnosis', when you find yourself spacing out and missing your exit or suddenly realizing that you haven't really been paying full conscious awareness to the surroundings.  In most cases, you are still perfectly safe and unharmed because our subconscious and conscious minds are always working to protect us and would alert us of harm at any time (like the saying, ‘snapping out of it'). The theta state is typically a very positive state of mind and often we get great insights and ideas when our minds are in this place of relaxation and free-flowing thought, not a state of forced thinking.  Finally we have delta.  Delta is the deep, sleep state.  The state when you are in deep, dreamless sleep.  We all cycle through the various states throughout the day and night and it is even possible to experience all at once, where different parts of our mind is working on separate tasks, yet one is usually more predominant in a given time.  So, ‘Hypnosis' can occur in the Alpha, Theta and even Delta states. Many people wonder if some people are more susceptible to hypnosis or not, and the answer is yes.  First of all, 90% of the population is hypnotizable.  The difference is that some may be more easily able to reach the deeper levels of the hypnotic states or trance states than others.  This does not mean that a person who can only be hypnotized to the alpha state has any less chance of benefiting from hypnosis because the trance level is not the determining factor in how much benefit one can gain from utilizing hypnosis. The determining factor of whether or not someone gets the most benefit out of their hypnotic experience is based on the individual themselves and how willing they are to accept the suggestions received while in the hypnotic state.  Also, please note that no one in the hypnotic state will do anything that goes against their morals or belief system.  The incredible thing about hypnosis is that just as in waking consciousness, we always have choice.  We can choose whether or not we accept the suggestion to stop smoking, for example, or to not. The trick is that when in the hypnotic state, our conscious thinking has taken a back seat so the critical thinking and ego are not part of the decision making process.  As such, our subconscious mind has the ability to more easily make decisions because all of the chatter and noise has been silenced for the time being.  Therefore, if we look at stage hypnosis, the interesting factor here is that ultimately the people performing the ‘tasks' on stage are really doing so because their subconscious mind has accepted the given suggestion.  Does this mean that they have been tricked into these acts?  No.  The reason the answer is no is because although the subconscious mind is in this instance the one in control, the conscious mind is always present and can at ANY TIME take back control.  All it really means is that the person acting like a chicken on stage has allowed themselves to do so with the blessings of their conscious mind, under the auspices of the subconscious.  It may be easier for them to do this knowing that they can use the excuse of being ‘hypnotized' but truly, it is something that they choose to accept to do.  I have found, personally and also with the people that I have worked with, that once we open the doors to our subconscious mind, many life changing things begin to happen.  Even to the extent that our natural abilities and gifts become more apparent to us and others.  We of course have the choice to be more receptive to these gifts and of how to use them in our lives.  As we all have ‘psychic' abilities, sometimes these senses are also heightened once we have accessed them through the use of the hypnotic states.    I also believe and can attest to the fact that the subconscious is the avenue to the soul.  From this place, our soul memories and knowledge can be accessed.  It is also the place where we can go to communicate with not only our spirit but also what I will term ‘spirit guides' and angels, as well as our higher self consciousness.  It is from this place of higher consciousness that I work with my clients, always taking into account that we are not alone in our journeys and that we always have assistance and guidance from this higher realm.  I could go on and on about the amazing experiences that I have had personally and those of clients that I work with.  Ultimately, I would like to invite you to experience it for yourself.  If this is something that you find intriguing and would like to pursue, please give me a ring or send me an email.  I hope that I have answered some of the questions that people have about hypnosis and I am happy to discuss further any of the things that I have covered here or any other inquiries you may have about hypnosis and the hypnotic experience.  Hypnosis is one of the most fascinating tools that I know of which can be used and applied to literally every single part of our lives (past, present, future) for nearly everything.  Give me a call if you are interested in having your own hypnotic experience.    Diane Emira, CH (801) 604-6627 more

By HypnoChoice February 25, 2010

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