Blogs from Property Management Companies in San Angelo, TX

Is Your Rental’s High Electricity Bill Bothering you? Here’s Help!

Electricity bills are one of the major expenses for most households. According to an estimate, an average consumer spends almost 7 percent of their annual income on energy. This percentage may increase in the not so distant future given the fact that retail residency electricity rates have risen at the rate of 4 percent over the last 10 years, a trend that experts expect to continue for coming years. Whether you live in a luxurious Tuscany rental apartment or rent a modest one bhk flat in any city of the U.S., keeping a tab on your electricity bills must top your priorities. To help, the post lists some easy ways you can follow to check energy costs. Take a look. 1. Use Energy-efficient Lighting Options  You can save upto $75 every year by replacing your Tuscany Apartment home’s five most used electrical bulbs with Energy-Star rated models. Some energy-efficient lighting options to consider are- CFLs, and LED bulbs. These bulbs last much longer as compared to conventional lighting and consume 25-80 percent less energy than traditional incandescent bulbs.    2. Make Minor Adjustments to Your Rental  Your HVAC system’s efficiency heavily depends on the effectiveness of its heat registers. Make sure they are unblocked at all times. Allow natural lighting and heat in your home, by keeping coverings of south facing windows opened during the day. If you have drafty doors, use a rolled up towel or a door snake to block cold air from entering your apartment. For better insulation, use window storm kits. Related read - 5 Cost-effective Tips to Turn a Rental Apartment into a “Home” 3. Use Smart Power Strips  America loses $ 19 billion every year due to energy vampires or electronic devices that when switched-off still consume substantial electricity by going into standby mode. These appliances account for almost 4-5 percent of energy used in an average home. Using power strips that turn-off electric devices connected to them after a set time period can help lower these costs. 4. Use Your Kitchen Appliances Effectively If your dishwasher uses a heated dry method to prevent water spots from accumulating on the dishes, disable it. Instead use a rinsing agent that coat the dishes making it difficult for water to stick to the surface. To heat water, use your microwave instead of stove. For even heating, match the burner to the pan.  Epilogue  Following these simple yet effective and inexpensive steps can help you cut down on your energy costs. Clean the coils of your refrigerators and other appliances regularly. Adjust your water heater (if your apartment has one). Talk to your landlord about energy-efficient measures such as wrapping pipes, and installing insulation. more

By Tuscany Apartments July 12, 2017

Looking for a Pet Friendly Rental? Here are 4 Factors to Consider

Many renters with pets find it difficult to get along with strict pet policies of their landlords. While some rental policies include defined pet restricted areas, others impose fine if the pet’s behavior infringe the guidelines. Many renters are unaware of these policies and, therefore, overlook this aspect of renting when looking for houses for rent in San Angelo, TX or any other place. Such type of ignorance may lead to cause inconvenience for both - owner and renter. To help avoid these issues, the blog discusses some key measures you must consider when looking forSan Angelo apartments for rent. 1. Pets Rules and Regulations   Many houses for rent in San Angelo, TX or any other place have pet policies in place, which usually put a limit on the number of pets renters can have. Any violation or deviation from the accepted norms can attract heavy penalty or complete eviction (in case of repeated occurrences). It is therefore, important that you understand pet regulations before taking an apartment for rent. Many apartments would require you to sign a Pet Addendum, which outlines specific rules and regulation. In case, your rental doesn’t have such arrangement, ask for a copy of pet policies in written to avoid conflict of interests in future. 2. Building Design, Location, and Layout   Hyperactive pets need space to run and jump around. People with naughty pets usually need a bigger home, with more square footage area as compared to renters who don’t have pets. Check the interior design of the building and opt for a rental that has broad walking spaces and rooms, especially if you have a rottweiler, German Shepherd or any other big breed dog. Also, chose an apartment located away from airports, and train stations as pets are sensitive to loud noises. 3. Pet fee   Many apartments would want renters to pay a pet fee which helps in recovering insurance costs should their furry friend causes any damage. Depending on the apartment’s policy this fee may be refundable in full, partially refundable, or non-refundable. To avoid confusions, it is advisable that you understand the specifics of the arrangement before signing the rental agreement. 4. Pet Friendly Amenities Many San Angelo apartments for rent include pet friendly amenities such as pet spas, pet parks, and pet recreation areas. Some apartments also have collaborations with pet-based businesses including local pet stores, groomers, and dog walkers and provide substantial discounts to renters with pets. Finding such an apartment would help you pamper your furry mate in a hassle-free manner. Final few Words   While some rental property owners impose complete restriction on pets, others ban certain breeds of pets in their rental units. Some may even demand a hefty deposit for having a pet in their property. Make sure to enquire about these regulations before choosing an apartment for rent in San Angelo or elsewhere.Read the rental agreementcarefully before signing on the dotted lines to avoid any future confusions. Last but not the least, before you move in make sure to visit your landlord with your pet and take them for a walk to help them socialize and interact with their new surroundings. more

By Tuscany Apartments February 13, 2017

4 Issues Renters Shouldn’t Keep From Their Landlords

Being a kid, it is acceptable if you have kept mum instead of confessing an issue to your parents, such as breaking something expensive. But that shouldn’t be the case when you grow up, especially when you are living as a renter. Whether living inWindmill apartments in San Angelo, TXor elsewhere renters must bring the issues to the notice of their landlord, whether or not the issue or mishap was their fault. Not informing your landlord about issues may lead to conflict of interest and ultimately eviction. This blog post discusses four such issues that you shouldn’t keep from your landlord. 1. Pet Adoption As standard policy, rental windmill apartments leases often do not contain any clause for pets. Some tenants, however, sneak in pets without knowing whether or not their rental lease allows them to do so. You must understand that sneaking pets may get you  evicted or levied with a heavy fine. You must, therefore, inform your landlord and seek his approval, before getting a pet. That way, your landlord may modify the lease to include pet. 2. New Roommate Landlords often conduct a background check of prospective tenants before renting their apartment. If you decide to bring in a roommate without informing your landlord, it may lead to eviction. Reason being, your landlord has not screened the sub-tenant or your rental lease doesn’t include co-renting, which leave them suspicious of your new roommate. You need to have your landlord’s approval before you decide to get a roommate. 3. Bedbugs Problem Although this issue may seem trivial to bring it to your landlord’s notice and resort to DIY methods to get rid of the nasty critters. Which in turn may lead to defacing the property. Tenants may also choose to hire professional help, but end up paying additional cost for the extermination besides rent. As tenant you must understand that the landlord is liable to pay for the extermination cost. You only have to pay in the scenario, when there is a proof that it was you who brought the bedbugs in the house. You must, therefore, inform your landlord about the infestation right on time. 4. You lost your key In case you lose your apartment’s key, your landlord will provide you with a spare key, against a minimal fee. Or you can go for the change of the lock. Changing the lock also incur additional charges. You must ask your landlord for the spare key or keep him in the loop when getting the lock changed. Wrapping UpMany tenants think that once they have signed the lease, they own the apartment and do whatever they want to, without informing or seeking permission of the landlord. Windmill rental property owners in areas such as San Angelo TX, are very particular about screening their tenants and keep a watch on their activities. As a tenant, it is your responsibility to take good care of your rented windmill apartment,  and inform your landlord of any issues cropping up before it is too late. more

By Tuscany Apartments January 09, 2017

4 Tips to Maximize Natural Light in Your Apartment

Exposure to daylight has a bundle of benefits. Natural light from sun is a rich source of Vitamin-D, which is central to maintaining a good health. Talking about the benefits of daylight, it not only creates a positive aura in every nook and corner of your home, but also makes your humble abode more energy efficient, thereby cutting down the energy bills. Whether you are living in Lake Jackson, TX apartments for rent or anywhere in Texas, this blog post gives you four tips to maximize the daylight in your apartment. Take a look. Declutter the Space Around Your Windows Windows in your rooms must be decluttered to let the daylight travel deep inside your living space as much as possible. Move space consuming and tall furniture pieces from windows, which will help in freeing space for sunlight to enter. Place indoor plants, such as bonsai on windowsill to create a beautiful view. Place Mirrors Properly Placing mirrors strategically can help increase the daylight penetration in yourLake Jackson TX rental homeor aWindmill Park Apartment in San Angelo. Installing mirrors adjacent/opposite to your windows will reflect natural lighting to other corners of room, which were otherwise prohibited from the daylight. Track the movement patterns of sun beams entering your window and face the reflective surfaces of the mirror in a manner to trap the light and disperse it throughout the area. Opt for Light Colored Window Treatments Heavy and dark colored window treatments block light, thereby prohibiting enough daylight from entering the apartment. Instead, opt for light and translucent window treatments that allow light penetrate the room. Clean Your Windows Regularly Unkempt windows accumulate dust, over the course of time negatively affecting the light penetration and aesthetics of your home. It is, therefore, important to clean the interiors of your windows at least once every week. That said, avoid tinted glasses for windows, as they will block the natural light from entering the room. Conclusion Whether you live in houses for rent in Lake Jackson, TX or own a home in Texas, following these tips can help you increase the daylight penetration in your apartment. Moreover, you can request your landlord replace conventional patio doors with their sliding counterparts that don̢۪t project large shadows and allow easy penetration of daylight. Last but not the least, declutter your apartment, especially around the windows to allow natural light to brighten up your living space. more

By Tuscany Apartments December 14, 2016

4 Tips to Keeping Your Apartment Pest Free

Nobody wants pests in their apartments as these are the carriers of various diseases. A pest infested house will wear a disheveled and disarrayed look, no matter how hard you try to put things in order.  Additionally, pests popping out from their hideouts to greet your visitors won’t do any good to your reputation as a host. You, therefore, need to include pest control in a high priority list of to-do-things whether you live in anapartment for rent in Lake Jackson, TXor somewhere else. To help you out, we’ve compiled a list of four easy to follow methods. 1. Get rid of Unused / Rotting Wood   Wood is a safe haven for insects, rodents, and other pests. Insects usually build nests in rotting woods as their covering is easy to penetrate. You need to get rid of unused wood lying in and around your rental property. Additionally, don’t let sand and mulch to accumulate near the foundation of the apartments. You must also get rid of piles of papers and magazines lying around your property as these are some of the favorite hiding places for insects. Never store hardwood at home as the mulch build-up provides a conducive environment for insects to thrive. 2. Keep Your Apartment dry Many insects including cockroaches can live without food, surviving just on water for days. Additionally, many insect colonies and nests thrive on damp conditions created due to moisture build-up. Following simple steps such as turning off the taps when not in use and repairing/replacing leaking pipes can help you avoid this problem. Additionally, always drain stagnant water in your bath and sink and open bathroom doors and windows after having shower to facilitate cross ventilation. 3. Seal Doors and Windows Unsealed gaps in your doors and windows provide safe and easy passage for insects to your rental property. Install an aluminum threshold along with a sweep or weatherstrip the door to address the issue. You can also install screens on your windows to avoid pests sneaking in through the area. Make sure to push back broken wires in their position and fill holes with household cement or nail polish to seal the entry points for insects. 4. Adopt and Follow Trash Management Rules Stuff that is waste for you may be a dinner invitation for unwanted pests. The prospect of regular and easy supply of food attracts insects, rodents, and fleas to your trash. To cut this line of supply, always store food waste in the kitchen and cover the can using a lid. Empty the container every night without fail. If you’re using an exterior can, make sure it comes with a self-closing tightly sealed lid to block potential entry points for insects. If you use compost, make sure the lid is secure and lined with hardwired cloth. Clear the compost every three to six months and clean the external and internal trash receptors regularly. Final few Words In addition to following these steps, make sure to check out the exteriors of your property for any unwanted infestation by pests. Schedule maintenance activities, such as repairing cracks, covering large openings and pipe penetrations, at regular intervals to seal potential entry points for bugs. Last, but not the least, make sure water is not pooled-up at your lawn and trim vegetation at regular intervals to keep a tab on pest growth. more

By Tuscany Apartments November 11, 2016

Rental Checklist: 3 Points You Can’t Afford to Miss

Finding the right house to rent is an important decision. You need to consider many factors which will define your stay. Moving into a new house may influence your lifestyle in many ways including your office commute, grocery shopping and other routine activities. Ask all relevant questions to your landlord before signing on any agreement. Returning to our primary topic, before you set out to find an apartment for rent in San Angelo Tx or in nearby areas, here are three points you should keep in mind. Scope the Area Location is an important aspect that you shouldn’t ignore when renting a house. Inspect the dwelling before signing any contract. Walk around and talk to neighbouring home owners to learn more about the surrounding. Check if the area has well-lit roads and common areas. Avoid areas in a close proximity of a hospital or bars and pubs. This is one way to ensure the neighborhood is safe and peaceful. Availability of Basic Amenities Before moving in, thoroughly go through the house. An ideal residence should have all the basic amenities you need for a comfortable living. Some basic amenities include 24x7 water, gas and electricity availability, fire escape along with extinguishers, parking and more. Also, to make sure the house is safe, check if the all the windows and doors have durable locks on them along with an effective security alarm.   Terms of the Lease Read the terms and conditions of the lease agreement carefully, before signing it. If you are unclear about anything in the contract, seeking legal advice is the right move. Discuss with your landlord about all the facilities that are included in the rent along with all the details about the security deposit. The lease should include information about restrictions such as guest and pet policy. Do not hesitate to negotiate on the terms you don’t agree with and ensure all the necessary changes reflect in the final contract. Last Few WordsIf you need to rent an apartment in San Angelo, Texas or in nearby areas, there are several affordable options available. For minimum hassle, you can choose from various online real estate agencies which serve to find the perfect fit for you. For affordable apartments in San Angelo, TX, you can also contact a local rental service provider who will guide you with all your queries. more

By Tuscany Apartments September 26, 2016

Rental Checklist: 3 Points You Can’t Afford to Miss

Finding the right house to rent is an important decision. You need to consider many factors which will define your stay. Moving into a new house may influence your lifestyle in many ways including your office commute, grocery shopping and other routine activities. Ask all relevant questions to your landlord before signing on any agreement. Returning to our primary topic, before you set out to find an apartment for rent in San Angelo Tx or in nearby areas, here are three points you should keep in mind. Scope the Area Location is an important aspect that you shouldn’t ignore when renting a house. Inspect the dwelling before signing any contract. Walk around and talk to neighbouring home owners to learn more about the surrounding. Check if the area has well-lit roads and common areas. Avoid areas in a close proximity of a hospital or bars and pubs. This is one way to ensure the neighborhood is safe and peaceful. Availability of Basic Amenities Before moving in, thoroughly go through the house. An ideal residence should have all the basic amenities you need for a comfortable living. Some basic amenities include 24x7 water, gas and electricity availability, fire escape along with extinguishers, parking and more. Also, to make sure the house is safe, check if the all the windows and doors have durable locks on them along with an effective security alarm.   Terms of the Lease Read the terms and conditions of the lease agreement carefully, before signing it. If you are unclear about anything in the contract, seeking legal advice is the right move. Discuss with your landlord about all the facilities that are included in the rent along with all the details about the security deposit. The lease should include information about restrictions such as guest and pet policy. Do not hesitate to negotiate on the terms you don’t agree with and ensure all the necessary changes reflect in the final contract. Last Few WordsIf you need to rent an apartment in San Angelo, Texas or in nearby areas, there are several affordable options available. For minimum hassle, you can choose from various online real estate agencies which serve to find the perfect fit for you. For affordable apartments in San Angelo, TX, you can also contact a local rental service provider who will guide you with all your queries. more

By Tuscany Apartments September 26, 2016

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Excelle Properties


By chelsey mulvany

I will never again rent from these people. Its impossible to get an answer about anything. The receptionist is rude and unfriendly. Our water started coming out orange, so i contacted the city which then told me to contact the realtor, when i did so they told me they would look at it. Its been a month and we still have orange water and nothing is being done about it. more

Desert Shadows Apts


By Anonymous

they did not even want to give me an application when I asked for it, I got the runaround because of the color of my skin, I had to go to the higher ups to even get an application. They did not even let me see the apartment till about three weeks, afterwards. I asked to see it. I gave them my deposit, and paid the application fee for myself, and my daughter, and I did not even get to see it then, how foolish was I, every week, they called me up there, they wanted me to fill out the paperwork, and refill it, and another time, I need a cosigner, this IS WITH A SECTION 8 VOUCHER, it was bizarre, I told them, I need a two bedroom, the manager said, I would have to wait a year. one month of the runaround, putting me through the ringer, trying to make me jump over hoops, and I am on disability too. Don't let the pictures of those Black kids in the office fool you, it is just for show. They are covert racists, maybe they filled a quota. They were racist to me. more

San Angelo River Place - Elevator


By Anonymous

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