Many renters with pets find it difficult to get along with strict pet policies of their landlords. While some rental policies include defined pet restricted areas, others impose fine if the pet’s behavior infringe the guidelines. Many renters are unaware of these policies and, therefore, overlook this aspect of renting when looking for houses for rent in San Angelo, TX or any other place. Such type of ignorance may lead to cause inconvenience for both - owner and renter. To help avoid these issues, the blog discusses some key measures you must consider when looking for San Angelo apartments for rent.

1. Pets Rules and Regulations  

Many houses for rent in San Angelo, TX or any other place have pet policies in place, which usually put a limit on the number of pets renters can have. Any violation or deviation from the accepted norms can attract heavy penalty or complete eviction (in case of repeated occurrences). It is therefore, important that you understand pet regulations before taking an apartment for rent. Many apartments would require you to sign a Pet Addendum, which outlines specific rules and regulation. In case, your rental doesn’t have such arrangement, ask for a copy of pet policies in written to avoid conflict of interests in future.

2. Building Design, Location, and Layout  

Hyperactive pets need space to run and jump around. People with naughty pets usually need a bigger home, with more square footage area as compared to renters who don’t have pets. Check the interior design of the building and opt for a rental that has broad walking spaces and rooms, especially if you have a rottweiler, German Shepherd or any other big breed dog. Also, chose an apartment located away from airports, and train stations as pets are sensitive to loud noises.

3. Pet fee  

Many apartments would want renters to pay a pet fee which helps in recovering insurance costs should their furry friend causes any damage. Depending on the apartment’s policy this fee may be refundable in full, partially refundable, or non-refundable. To avoid confusions, it is advisable that you understand the specifics of the arrangement before signing the rental agreement.

4. Pet Friendly Amenities

Many San Angelo apartments for rent include pet friendly amenities such as pet spas, pet parks, and pet recreation areas. Some apartments also have collaborations with pet-based businesses including local pet stores, groomers, and dog walkers and provide substantial discounts to renters with pets. Finding such an apartment would help you pamper your furry mate in a hassle-free manner.

Final few Words  

While some rental property owners impose complete restriction on pets, others ban certain breeds of pets in their rental units. Some may even demand a hefty deposit for having a pet in their property. Make sure to enquire about these regulations before choosing an apartment for rent in San Angelo or elsewhere. Read the rental agreement carefully before signing on the dotted lines to avoid any future confusions. Last but not the least, before you move in make sure to visit your landlord with your pet and take them for a walk to help them socialize and interact with their new surroundings.