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Message for Sunshine Referrals

Happy Thanksgiving

By CustomerSpecs.com on November 22, 2011

Thank you for connecting. We help outstanding businesses to integrate their communications: a smarter way of driving sales. Visit us at www.customerspecs.com

By CustomerSpecs.com on May 16, 2011

Thank you for connecting. Wishing you the best

By Robinson Construction on January 30, 2011

Thanks for your invitation. Tough time is ahead of us and we all can use referrals, referrals and some more!!! Love to work with you and your staff! Tomi

By Animal Lovers Pet Shop on December 17, 2009

Thanks Tomi! I will be sure to help out as much as I can! Sean Brown www.Sunshinereferrals.com

December 18, 2009

We are very excited to network with each and every new business we meet on MerchantCircle. We look forward to staying connected as we grow together. Hope you are having a great year of business!

By BookFresh on October 01, 2009

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