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Add Video to Your B2B Website

An Effective Page One Strategy for Google Did you know Google loves video? Well, they do; in fact, all the major search engines are crazy about video. If your B2B company is buried deep in your niche, video will elevate your presence, and a greater number of people who are genuinely interested in your niche will find you. Your SEO copywriters have said it time and again... Content is King; and no truer words have ever been spoken. Truer yet, online video is about the best content you can post, at least as far as the search engine spiders are concerned. They respond with high placements in their search engine rankings. WHY SEARCH ENGINES LOVE VIDEO? Search engines don't naturally love video, not without a little coaxing. If it's not optimized for indexing, you won't be taking full advantage of video, and that's a trick many overlook when adding video to their B2B websites. For example, most video editors aren't aware that optimizing the image tags is requisite so the spiders will know your videos are videos. An XML sitemap is another tactic that pays big dividends with the spiders. All high-ranking websites submit an XML sitemap the spiders can crawl, and yours can be optimized for video. The length of your videos also effects how friendly the spiders get with you; though it's not always practical, :90 seconds is ideal, but not mandatory. One of the slickest tactics is using your video's title to leverage the power of relevant longtail keyword phrases by incorporating the best into your video's title. Attention to these small details will make the difference between a page one ranking on Google, and another web marketing disappointment. Six Steps to SEO Your Videos Images Tags: Ensure the image tags of your thumbnails should identify your videos for the spiders. XML Sitemap: An XML sitemap is important for any website, and especially if you want your videos to be crawled. XML Video Sitemap: To supercharge the sitemap strategy, create a video sitemap. The spiders will be all over that. Video Length: Search engines score SEO videos very high, and videos between :30 and :90 seconds even higher. Why is a mystery. Nevertheless, no less than :30 seconds, and no longer than5 minutes long will produce the desired results. Even so, it is recommended that you limit the length of the video you post on your homepage to :90 seconds. Although, you would be surprised at just how much information you can pack into a :90 second video. Title Optimization: Longtail keyword phrases represent another powerful SEO tactic you can apply to your videos. By incorporating a "high value" longtail keyword phrase into your video's title makes for the world's most effective spider bait. Title Tags: Simple, but often overlooked. Matching the title tags of the page to your video's title enhances the effectiveness of your video's keyword-rich title. These simple steps, when followed religiously, serve to tune-up your website's videos for high-performance rankings with the search engines. Your improved search engine rankings will allow you to experience the conversion rates that are five to six times higher that video enjoys over text. more

By WIREDGUN Communications February 16, 2011

100 Year Old Investing Secret Empowers You To Shop Your Way To Wealth

Yes, you really can Shop Your Way To Wealth, and I can tell you unequivocally that there is no better way for Americans to build tax-free wealth. It's like a Roth IRA on steroids. I guarantee, when you begin shopping your way to wealth, you will have begun the most rewarding financial journey of your lifetime. You'll be finished fighting your bank for a simple loan. You're done sending your payments down a black hole every month. You'll no longer be obligated to pay excessive interest rates to your banker because now you'll own the bank. WAIT! Before you delete this, just give me another five minutes of your valuable time, and I'll wager I'll be at the top of your Christmas list same time next year. IT'S TRUE!For more than 100 years, smart investors have known the secret to shopping their way to wealth. It's not difficult, no tricks, or sleight of hand, no secret handshake. It's an unspoken mechanism used by the Wall Street elite to build massive tax-free wealth for more than 100 years. Back in the day, it was a new Model A, an indoor toilet, and a big radio console to listen to Old-Time Radio with the family. Today everything is different, the technology, the prices, the cost of money, and predatory lenders all combine to make having your own Private Bank more of a necessity, than a luxury. Imagine yourself making a profit every month by simply making your car payment... Imagine the home theatre you enjoy watching so much, and the $43.16 in monthly interest you pay to yourself for the next 36 months; that's $1,553.76 in profit. The new bathroom may make you a hero around the house, but the extra $3,200 you bank will make you a star with your spouse. Just imagine yourself buying all the things you want and need for life, at prevailing interest rates, and then not only be able to recapture the principal, but get the interest too… That's money that would normally go to a bank or finance company. It's almost better than free, and in many ways it is.  Recycling Is A Good Thing "Recycling" best describes the way money works with your Private Bank. You deposit your money, you borrow your own money, you buy whatever you want, or need, and you repay your principal and interest into your Private Bank. Count your profit and do it all over again. It's the old snowball effect. As with every roll of the snowball, after each cycle of your Private Bank, it grows bigger. Imagine being able to start your own business, or buy a car -- your dream car, you can install a swimming pool, a beach house or mountain chalet… why not both? Whatever your heart desires, plus a significant profit, can be yours with a little planning and dedication, and your own Private Bank. Even better, you can do it without changing your daily spending habits one iota. IT'S UNBELIEVABLE! This private banking mechanism is absolutely  F  R  E  E  to you,  it's hard to believe I know, but you better believe it. The only thing you will use your own money for, is to deposit into your own Private Bank. You get these benefits with your own Private Bank: Tax-Free Earnings     US Tax code prescribes that these private banks are tax-exempt on earnings (within prescribed guidelines) Recapture Principal     When you issue yourself a loan to purchase something you want, you are able to set the repayment     terms. Everything from the interest rate to term of the note is set at your discretion. Of course you can     issue yourself a preferred rate and brag about it your friends. Capture Interest     The other stuff is great, but here's where the rubber meets the road. What's this? Here's where you     collect interest just like a bank. That monthly interest rate you're allowed to set gets paid back to your     private. This money just adds up, month after month after month with surprising speed. Earn a 4.5% APY on your Cash Value even when you've loaned it out(that's your money pulling double duty)     When you issue yourself a loan, you still earn interest on your full cash value as if you never borrowed     the money. Now would your banker let you withdraw money from your money market account and still     pay you interest? Earn Annual Dividend (Last Year 3.0%) Paid out every year since 1904     Because your Private Bank is backed by a mutual life company, you're an owner and entitled to receive     a dividend. For more than 100 years, these Private Banks have never failed to pay a dividend, and that     dividend has never fallen below 2⅛%.  No limit on the number of private banks you may own     There is no federal law limiting the number of private banks one may possess. So if you run into some     extra cash, you can easily establish a new private bank and have access to your funds very quickly,     plus you'll be earning interest and dividends along the way. You can give Private Banks to your wife,     your children, key employees, be creative because the flexibility of these Private Banks empowers you     with a great measure of autonomy. Owning your own Private Bank is your chance to turn the tables on your banker. It's payback time for all those years you paid the bank their insane interest rates. Now you're going to be paying those insane rates to yourself. You're going to recapture principal you would normally pay to a banker. You're going to receive interest on your cash value, even though it's been loaned out; and you're even collecting an annual dividend because you're an owner. With no contracts, costs, or fees to hold you back, why not set your financial course for success. Your first move, before you do anything else, will be to find yourself a qualified professional to setup your Private Bank; and you might be surprised to know who that person could be… No, it's not your lawyer, it's not your CPA, and it's not your financial planner. It's actually your local mutual life insurance agent; emphasize the word "mutual".Only an agent representing a mutual life company can setup your Private Bank. That's because your Private Bank is structured around a special whole life policy; and written to minimize its death benefit, and maximize its cash value. That's because these policies are written for the benefit of the policyholders during their lives rather than after their death. Okay, here's what turns a whole life policy into a Private Bank. It's a nice little rider called a PUA (Paid-Up Addition) that allows you to borrow at the rate, acquire capital goods, and profit tax-free. Why Private Banks have to be setup by mutual life companies As a policyholder of a mutual life company, you are a shareholder, an owner; and therefore entitled to receive a dividend. A dividend these Private Banks have not failed to payout for more than 100 years. As great as Private Banks are, it will more than likely be a test of your patience to find an agent who is both qualified and willing to setup your Private Bank. That is mainly for the reason that they don't pay much in the way of commission. That is unfortunate. However, there are a growing handful of agents who recognize the importance of having a valuable financial product to offer prospects as a no-risk, no-cost incentive. It's a great way for an agent to build a book of future business. For you, finding an agent to setup your Private Bank, means you've found an agent focused on quality products, and someone you'll probably want to work with in the future. Just spend the time, do the research, identify some qualified agents, determine the most qualified, and you will be rewarded with one of the most novel and secure wealth-building vehicles ever devised. If you believe a Private Bank might be right for you, but you're having difficulties finding a mutual life agent,visit my website, and send me a message; Include [Private Bank] in the subject line, and I'll respond with the contact information to my insurance carrier. They'll get you fixed-up with a qualified agent, wherever you may be in the country. more

By WIREDGUN Communications October 14, 2010

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