Top articles for Employment

How to Post Your Resume on Monster

How to Post Your Resume on Monster

More and more people are turning to the Internet as a way to get hired. One of the biggest online job sites is Monster. Many people post their resume on the site each year in the hopes of being hired. When posting your resume on Monster there are things you want to keep in mind to increase your chances of being hired. more

How to Upload an Existing Resume to Monster

How to Upload an Existing Resume to Monster

With unemployment rates remaining high across the country, job hunters are seeking every possible avenue to get their resumes into the hands of employers. Job websites like are a great way to do just that. With a few clicks of your mouse you can upload an existing resume to more

How to Search Resumes On Monster

How to Search Resumes On Monster

Employers who are looking to hire staff often use to find qualified applicants. A person who is looking for employment can upload a resume that any employer can find by defining a search query. The employer can customize the search to only scan for potential applicants that qualify for the available position. more

How to Evaluate Youth Employment Programs

How to Evaluate Youth Employment Programs

Youth employment programs are valuable resources to educate, provide job training experience and skills, to develop future job goals and to give young people a sense of accomplishment and purpose. Since many of these programs are funded by grants and donations it is crucial to evaluate the successes and failures of the programs. There are ways to measure a program's effectiveness. more

Employment Benefits for People Working Part-Time

Employment Benefits for People Working Part-Time

There several reasons why people choose to work part-time. It could have to do with family obligations, school, or the company may only be offering part-time work. Regardless of the reason, most companies do not offer benefits for part-time employees. There are a handful of employers that offer benefits to those that are less than full-time. more

Negotiable Employment Benefits

Negotiable Employment Benefits

The scenario of finding a new job can be stressful.  If you are offered employment, you may simply want to accept whatever your new employer is offering and get started.  What if you are not confident that you have the best benefit package available?  It is possible to open a dialogue to discuss your benefit options and negotiate the benefit package you deserve. more

Online Employment Application Safety Tips

Online Employment Application Safety Tips

The Internet makes it easy to do a lot of things, including applying for jobs online. However, with so many dangers lurking in cyberspace, you should be very careful when filling out forms. Identity theft and invasions of privacy are things applicants must be aware of. Follow these safety tips when filling out any online employment application. more

How to Rate Online Employment

How to Rate Online Employment

Online employment generally refers to telecommuting or working via your home on your computer via an Internet connection. In addition, online employment can also include independent contract work, which means the person is a freelancer and not an employee of the company. Finding quality online employment needs careful research because there are many scams that you want to avoid. more

What Is the Purpose of the Employment Security Commission?

What Is the Purpose of the Employment Security Commission?

The Employment Security Commission is a state government agency found in all states to provide services to employers and employees. Some states use a different name for the employment security commission but the function of the agency is the same. more

About Home Employment Scams

About Home Employment Scams

Working from home can seem like the ultimate job. To be able to roll out of bed in your pajamas, ditch the long commute and bring in a decent wage is truly a dream job. With diligent searching, legitimate home employment opportunities do exist, but there are also many scams to be aware of. more

Federal GS Employment Benefits

Federal GS Employment Benefits

Government employees are eligible for a variety of different benefits. Every few years, government service employees have the opportunity to advance their GS level. As they move up in levels, their benefits will reflect their current status. Because there are so many components of the federal government, certain benefits may vary from one agency to another. However, standard benefits apply to all employees. more

How to Resign From a Job

How to Resign From a Job

Resigning from a job has a proper process. Although there is no written law for this action, there is an unwritten etiquette that is expected. Employers deserve appropriate notice and a reason when someone leaves their position. Employment contracts must also be upheld. more

How to Get Overseas Employment after 50

How to Get Overseas Employment after 50

You want to obtain overseas employment. However, you don't know where to begin because you're over the age of 50. Just because you reach past the half-a-century mark doesn't mean you can't find work overseas. Your experience and stability play a part in determining which companies will want to hire you. Seek out knowledge in how to gain employment in a foreign country. more

How to Avoid Hiring Illegal Immigrants

How to Avoid Hiring Illegal Immigrants

Hiring illegal immigrants can land you in a lot of trouble. There are processes you can take to verify the eligibility of an individual to work in the United States. You only need a person's name and social security number to verify their citizenship. . more

How to Avoid Discrimination When Hiring

How to Avoid Discrimination When Hiring

Unfortunately, even in these modern times discrimination still exists. There are laws that prevent this horrible act from being performed in the workplace. No qualified individual should be excluded from a job opportunity because of where they come from or the color of their skin. more

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