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How to Avoid Discrimination When Hiring

Unfortunately, even in these modern times discrimination still exists. There are laws that prevent this horrible act from being performed in the workplace. No qualified individual should be excluded from a job opportunity because of where they come from or the color of their skin.

  1. Study laws concerning discrimination. State and federal guidelines are in effect to protect all races from discrimination in the workplace. It is against the law to not hire an individual based on his or her race or demographic background. Make sure understand and follow these guidelines when you are hiring for an open position.

  2. Keep application process neutral. Online application processes are a great way to do this because no one actual sees the person applying until the interview. Remove or omit any questions that ask about race, so that it cannot be assumed that this information is taken into account when scheduling for interviews.

  3. Use a diverse hiring process and board. It is best to have a member of several races on the interview team. This puts the interviewees at ease.

  4. Do not ask any questions about race or racial stereotypes. There are many racial stereotypes that are assumed to be common knowledge. Do not refer to any of these during the interview process even if you are a member of the same race. Keep all questions related to the job and relevant experiences.

  5. Give reasons for rejected applications. Letting applicants know why they were not accepted for a position can prevent assumptions of discrimination. The reason should be clear and straightforward.