Top Restaurants in Cincinnati, OH 45218

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Shur-Good Biscuit Company


By DebbieSpears

Loved these cookies as a kid/teen, miss them to this day. Especially the chocolate ones. Please consider bringing them back... more

Sable Cakes


By Kim R 1

If you are planning to celebrate a special occasion, it can be more special with a custom cake from these guys. You'll not get disappointed with what you'll get. more

Busken Bakery


By Ms. F Johnson

This place is really good every afternoon! They have so many great things to offer and they also have a great staff that makes the experience shopping in here a little more epic. more

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Doa Nabi Yunus Saat Dalam Perut Ikan Paus

Sebagai seorang makhluk yang menghambakan dirinya kepada tuhan sang maha pencipta seringkali kita berbuat salah dan dosa. Doa merupakan jalan keluar dari berbagai masalah yang ada. Bicara soal doa, ada banyak juga doa-doa orang shaleh terdahulu yang dikabulkan oleh tuhannya. Seperti doa penyesalan nabi adam yang telah memakan buah khuldi,doa nabi sulaiman memohon agar cepat kaya, atau dosa memohon ampun nabi yunus yang di makan oleh ikan paus. Sebagai seorang nabi beliau langsung menyerahkan penyelesai problematikanya kepada Allah Robbul ‘Aalamiin Tuhan semesta alam. Dengan mentauhidkan-Nya, bertasbih memuji-Nya dan mengakui kezaliman dirinya. Yakni dengan memperbanyak doa dzikir: لَا إِلَهَ إِلَّا أَنْتَ سُبْحَانَكَ إِنِّي كُنْتُ مِنَ الظَّالِمِينَ Artinya: “Tidak ada Tuhan yang berhak disembah kecuali Engkau (Ya Allah), Maha Suci Engkau, sesungguhnya aku adalah termasuk di antara orang-orang yang berbuat zalim/aniaya”. Mengapa, begitu sangat mudah bagi Allah dalam menyelesaikan masalah hamba-Nya, dengan doa dzikir Nabi Yunus itu? Ya, karena dalam doa itu tersebut terdapat pengakuan pada ketauhidan Allah ‘azza wa jalla, pengakuan akan ke-Mahasuci-an Allah, serta pengakuan terhadap setiap dosa, kesalahan dan kedzaliman yang diperbuat diri more

By culinary July 17, 2019

Fastest growing egg restaurant chain in India

As of 2018, there are number of brands exist in market that offer profitable business opportunities through franchising. Food franchise is one of the popular sectors, expanding exponentially over past few years. In food franchise various sub-categories also available such as QSR (quick service restaurant), street food, fast food, etc.Egg restauranthas gained tremendous popularity due to steady increment in percentage of people who spend more on nutritious meals away-from-home. Still worrying about new business set up Andeywala is offering exciting egg restaurant franchise opportunities. ‘Become boss of own business’, yes you can startegg businesswithout any problem. Low investment with high return, ROI (with six month), higher profitability and 100% money back guarantee after agreement tenure are advantages that you will get after joining Andeywala’s franchise network. Training, marketing& promotion and necessary on-going support provided by brand during initial set up and also whenever required by franchisee. more

By andeywala January 15, 2018

Expand your egg business through latest technologies

In India, poultry farming is still lagging behind in terms of infrastructure, skilled manpower and resources. Government has tried to overcome troubles but still egg farm owners in semi-urban or rural areas aren̢۪t utilized technologies due to lack of knowledge and training. On the contrary, farmers in foreign countries develop smart egg processed plant to produce better quality eggs. Technologies are playing keen role to expandegg businesssector. Indian farmers should be trained on modern-day technologies to increase productivity. Fast-growing population demanded delicious egg dishes, thus people who are interested to run a restaurant probably sell eggs. Here also you can use technology to develop effective management system, inventory solutions and check product quality as well. It goes without saying that egg industry encompasses varies business categories but you should involve technology to make most advantage and profits. There is trend among foreign countries to cut down cost on unnecessary labours thus they are concentrating on emerging technologies. more

By andeywala August 03, 2017

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