Blogs from Skin Care Stores in Las Vegas, NV

Why Tweezing, waxing, and shaving make problems worse

Why tweezing, waxing, and shaving make problems worse If you have been tweezing, it takes the electrologist approximately six weeks to see all the hair you own. For example when you tweeze a hair on your chin, it takes four to six weeks for that one hair to grow back. Those that have tweezed for a long time will extend the treatment time needed to permanently remove the hair. However, if you are a shaver, most of the hair will be showing at the first treatment. The period of time needed to remove shaved hair permanently is less than tweezed hair, unless hormonal factors are involved. Virgin hair (not waxed, tweezed or threaded) can often be gotten on the first treatment. more

By New Finish Electrolysis March 30, 2010

Effective electrolysis for your problem hairs........

If your unwanted hairs just keep on coming back, even after years of electrolysis treatments - it is very likely that the method of treatment your electrologist is using on you is ineffective for your type of hair. If you have thick hairs {over .005 of an inch in diameter} and your being treated with "FLASH" thermolysis you are in store for about 85% regrowth. Flash thermolysis means that the high frequency energy is released into the follicle for less than 1/10 of a second. The probe which is inserted into the hair follicle is only given enough time to produce a pinpoint size energy field of intense heat which often causes little scabs to form on the skin's surface. It does appear that much hair is being epilated during the session. However, the matrix in which the rejuvenating stem cells rest are virtually unharmed and can still generate a new hair. While the flash method produces a sharp sting of heat that only lasts a split second and has little affect on coarse hairs as to permanent destruction - the method I apply is of a much lesser intensity high frequency energy output, but for a longer duration. Instead of feeling a split second burning you will feel a gradual warming sensation. This allows enough time for the energy at the tip of the probe to expand within the hair follicle, devastating the dermal papilla, the outer root sheath, and the "bulge" area simultaneously. This way cutting regrowth down to about 35% Always a free and informative consultation! Call Jamison at 702-338-1422 email me at Please view website at more

By New Finish Electrolysis March 23, 2010

Silky Smooth Hairless Skin

Achieve that silky smooth skin you've always wanted…with electrolysis! Used in one modality or another for well over 100 years, electrolysis is the only form of hair removal proven to be permanent. You can get rid of that unwanted hair with tweezers, waxing, lasers, etc, but, your hair will always return. Electrolysis is a reliable investment toward eliminating that unsightly hair once and for all. I've been a practicing electrologist for 18 years and had many satisfied clients. I practice in a clean sterile professional office conveniently located in Las and I service Henderson, Summerlin and surrounding areas. It's safe, comfortable, quiet, and private. No need to wait weeks for an appointment. I can accommodate your schedule. Why wait? Resolve to get rid of that hair once and for all. Money tight? SELF-ESTEEM IS NOT A LUXURY! Don't wait, call me…..Jamison 702-338-1422 more

By New Finish Electrolysis March 22, 2010

Modes of Permanent Hair Removal

In modern times the basic process is similar but much improved by a variety of technologies that make it far more effective. Today there are several technologies used in Electrolysis. The Galvanic mode: uses direct current (DC) combines with the body salts and moisture that produces a small amount of liquid lye which kills the hair papilla chemically. The Thermolysis mode: uses a small amount of high frequency energy (AC) that produces heat to kill the hair papilla. This is similar to a micro burst of microwave energy. Thermolysis is the most frequently used modality. The Blend mode: uses both modes simultaneously to kill the papilla. This has proven to be the most effective and is the process used most often at Silk Skyn.  This is seldom used in the Northwest because it requires computerized equipment to deliver the proper balance of energy and timing for epilation. This is especially effective for clients that have hooked or L shaped folicals. The heat produced by the thermolysis causes the chemical to flow around the hair and around corners making it more effective. more

By New Finish Electrolysis March 16, 2010

Permanent Hair Removal in a Nutshell

Basic facts Description Advantages By far the best and longest track record of results. Over 125 years of clinically proven safety and effectiveness. New Finish Electrolysis more

By New Finish Electrolysis March 12, 2010


Hair: Hair is an adornment to our face and body, yet excessive hair growth can be embarrassing and unattractive. If you desire permanent removal of unwanted hair electrolysis is your only option. Affectors: Hormones, stress, medications, heredity, and diet all affect hair growth and loss. Thus, the length of treatment to permanently remove hair, varies for each person and also depends on the size of the area to be removed. Temporary or Non-Permanent Removal: Methods such as tweezing and waxing only make unwanted hair worse by attracting additional blood to follicle growth cells. Other methods such as depilatories and laser are temporary as well. Do not mistake the term permanent hair reduction for permanent hair removal. You will see advertisements for laser that claim the former. Electrolysis is the only FDA approved method for permanent hair removal. The FDA does not allow laser specialists to claim permanent hair removal because over time hair regrows following treatments. Hair Growth and Regrowth: Some hair reappears in seemingly the same place but is usually growing in a new follicle. Each square inch of skin contains several hundred hair follicles, some of which are actively growing hairs and others that are lying dormant. Hair normally grows for its usual cycle and then naturally sheds and replaces itself. The electrologist can only treat the hairs they can see. When dormant follicles become active over time future treatments are required. The length of time required to completely treat an area depends on the severity of the problem, the causes, the type of hair, sensitivity of the skin, and the sensitivity of the patient. Once an area is successfully treated it may require short followup treatments at infrequent intervals in the future. more

By New Finish Electrolysis January 26, 2010

Facial Hair on Women

Facial hairon women is a common problem that many women face silently because they are embarrassed to discuss it openly. As women age and their hormones fluctuate, they tend to develop some degree of facial hair. Recently a patient frequented New FinishElectrolysisfor a complementary consultation and she expressed her concern with getting older because she did not know how to go about to treat thehair growthon her chin which was coarse, sporadic and new to her. She was not sure if she should pluck, shave, wax, or havelaser hair removaltreatments. Her chin hairs were dark and coarse.WELCOME TO COMPLETELY HAIRFREE 702-338-1422(9-7pm) www.newfinishelectrolysis.comDuring her consultation we helped the client explore her different options. Typically, plucking, waxing and threading can be effective temporaryhair removal techniques. However, if the facial hair is not straight, it may result in ingrown hairs- a fairly common condition is dark to black skin.We explained what the benefits of laser hair removal vs. electrolysis. Electrolysis is a permanent form of hair removal that is performed by going along thehair follicleand delivering a micro current. Electrolysis has been in existence for more than a century. ARE NOT PERMANENT!However, we would be remiss if we did not mention that electrolysis is the ideal laser hair removal therapy for women with hairs that grow in with no pigment ( i.e. white hairs) in small areas such as the chin or face because laser hair removal cannot treat light or white hair. We offer TESTIMONY BY THE CLIENTS IN PERSON . Call 702-338-1422 for a consultation. Consultations INCLUDE A TREATMENT . FOR MORE INFO CLICK more

By New Finish Electrolysis January 26, 2010

Is Electrolysis Permanent

Yes. It is the only method approved by the FDA as being Permanent for Hair Removal. Its permanency has been well recognized by knowledgeable physicians and is also testified to by thousands of scientific articles published in medical literature. There are also millions of people around the world who have benefit from this amazing procedure. Me being one of them! more

By New Finish Electrolysis January 25, 2010

Get Hair Free by the summer time

The only method ofPERMANENT hair removalapproved by both the FDA&the AMA. It is a process (more than a single visit), but you are investing your time and money in a process that leaves you with a final result (think ofbuying a homeas opposed to throwing your money away each month to rent one). It's a "no brainer".Laser hair removal serviceswill promise you the world and tell you what you want to hear. They may try to sell you treatment "packages" so that you are stuck with it even if you are not satisfied after the 1st or 2nd visit.LASERSARE NOT PERMANENT! At best, lasers will slightly reduce the quantity of hair you have in a given area and that is only if you are light-skinned withdark hair(and that is only if it is the right type of laser light – there aredifferent kindsof lasers and some will do absolutely nothing). Most of the hair will return after a short time and many will be white in color. They are not painless or non-invasive as advertised and CAN do some real damage to your skin.I have been working on all kinds of people, male, female (and everything in-between), and on ALL parts of the body. I have many satisfied former clients. I am located on 3850 E. Sunset Rd #G (I can remove a lot of hair in that amount of time). Safe, comfortable and private. In addition, I offer afree consultation. Don't put it off any longer….SELF-ESTEEM IS NOT A LUXURY!!!Call me, New FinishElectrolysis…..702-338-1422 more

By New Finish Electrolysis January 18, 2010

Best Celebrity Skin Care Secrets

Glycolic Acid Products are an important part of almost any skin care regimen, especially if your goals are clearer, oyounger skin.  The effects of Glycolic Acid which is also called Alpha Hydroxy Acid and AHA interchangebly on the the skin are proven and well documented.There are many types of Glycolic Acid Products, however, which one you choose is strictly your preference.  You may eventually want to use more than one type, but add each one at a time as AHAs can cause irritation when first used.  Start with your first product as tolerates (you may not be able to use it daily at first) and then you can introduce another product after your skin is accustomed to the first one. However, most people will not need multiple products only those with thick, congested, clogged or enlarged pores, extensive sun damage or acne should choose to use multiple products.KIREI Skin Care Las Vegas702-568-7546 more

By Armahs Medical Aesthetics January 05, 2010

Hair Free Time

New Finish Electrolysis is your permanent hair removal guru, specializing in head to toe electrolysis services for all hair colors and skin types. Electrolysis is the ONLY FDA-approved method for truly permanent hair removal. I feature state of the art technology where you can become hair free wherever you want to be - permanently! Las Vegans and/or visitors, please check out for more details. You'll be able to throw away your razors, tweezers, stop waxing forever and not waste money on ineffective and often damaging laser hair removal. You will never go back to other hair removal methods, and you won't have to. more

By New Finish Electrolysis December 25, 2009

Diabetes Resource Center /

High Fiber Foods and Type 2 DiabetesExperts recommend eating between 20 and 35 grams of fiber every day. Sometimes it's hard to get enough fiber, especially when so many foods today are processed for the sake of convenience. Pineapple - Carb Counts and Health Benefits of PineapplePineapple is fat-free and full of vitamins and fiber, but what about the carbs? Because pineapple is sweet, there are carbs to consider, especially if you have type 2 diabetes. But fruit is always a better nutritional choice than a packaged snack or rich dessert. Here's the breakdown on one of nature's low-calorie snacks. Omega-3 Fatty Acids Can Reduce Your Risk of Type 2 DiabetesWhen it comes lowering your risk for metabolic syndrome, type 2 diabetes and coronary heart disease, eating foods that cause the least amount of inflammation might be the best diet of all. High levels of inflammation lead to vascular damage and insulin resistance. Omega 3 and omega 6 fatty acids are found in many foods. Type 2 Diabetes in ChildrenChildhood and adolescent obesity rates have been steadily climbing in recent years. This has caused a corresponding increase in previously "adult only" conditions, including type 2 diabetes. Here's what to know about reducing the risk of type 2 diabetes in children. Eggplant Carbs and Glycemic IndexType 2 diabetes requires a healthy diet with an eye towards lower carb, lower glycemic index foods for good management. When checking out produce for healthy additions to your diet, don't forget the lowly eggplant. It's a low carb, high fiber vegetable that has infinite possibilities for adding variety to your meals. Is There a Diabetes Diet?Ever wonder if there's and actual diabetes diet? Healthy eating habits are a major part of managing diabetes. But what exactly does a healthy diet mean? It can take a little time to figure out how to eat and what to eat, when you are first diagnosed with diabetes. How Does Your Doctor Diagnose Type 2 Diabetes?Do you have the signs of type 2 diabetes? How do you find out that you have diabetes? Often, because there may not be noticeable symptoms, the diagnosis is made during an annual physical or checkup. Type 2 DiabetesType 2 diabetes affects nearly 21 million Americans. 90% to 95% of all people diagnosed with the disease have type 2 diabetes. Are you diabetic? Although type 2 diabetes is not always caused by obesity, being overweight is still a risk factor for developing the disease. What to Eat When You Have Type 2 DiabetesDo you know what to eat when you have type 2 diabetes? You may feel like all your favorite foods are off limits, and all you'll be able to eat is rabbit food. Although you may have to change your usual diet somewhat, there are many more options open to you than you might think. Signs of NeuropathyNeuropathy is a nerve disease that can occur as a complication of diabetes. Prolonged high blood sugars can put you at higher risk for developing neuropathy. Having diabetes for many years can also increase your risk. It's important to keep your blood glucose levels as near normal as possible to help prevent neuropathy. Summer Heat and Safety with DiabetesSummer is the time of year to enjoy being outdoors, but when summer arrives, so do high temperatures and humidity. People with chronic conditions have to be even more careful in the heat than usual, especially with diabetes. Diabetes and Salt Intake -What is your daily salt intake? If you have type 2 diabetes, it's important to watch the amount of salt you eat everyday. Diabetes can put you at increased risk for hypertension and cardiovascular complications. Taking Care of Your Kidneys with Type 2 DiabetesDiabetes can affect kidney health. Kidneys perform a very special function. They filter the blood and and help your body excrete toxins. When you have diabetes, high blood sugar levels can damage the delicate structure of the kidneys, and over time they can become less able to filter properly. Peaches - Carb Counts and Health Benefits of PeachesPeaches are a great summer treat, but are you wondering how many calories and carbs they have? When you have type 2 diabetes, it's important to keep track of your carbohydrates to keep blood glucose levels in an acceptable range. Peaches are a carbohydrate, but they're also packed with vitamins, fiber and lots of antioxidants. Make fresh peaches part of your healthy lifestyle. Watermelon Carbs: Carb Counts and Nutrition Facts of WatermelonKnowing the carb counts and health benefits of watermelon can help you utilize this fun summer fruit in your diabetes meal plan. Watermelon is low in calories and tastes delicious on a hot summer day. Here's the nutrition facts for watermelon. This refreshing fruit is high in vitamin A and vitamin C, and also is a good source of fiber. What to Know About Diabetic Food Exchange ListsWhat are diabetic food exchange lists? How can they help you control your blood sugar? Eating the right amount of carbohydrate, protein and calories can help you keep your blood sugar in a good range. Your doctor, diabetes educator, or nutritionist can help you figure out how many carbohydrates you should eat everyday, for optimal blood sugar control. Diabetic food exchange lists can be a big help when planning your meals. Bananas Carbs - Carb Counts and Health Benefits of BananasWondering about carb counts and health benefits of bananas? If you're looking for a snack that's healthy, fat-free and satisfying, a banana is the perfect choice. It's a little higher in carbs than some other fruits, but a large banana also has 2 grams of protein and 4 grams of fiber. Bananas are a good source of vitamin A, thiamine, riboflavin, niacin, vitamin B6, and folic acid, and are rich in potassium and other trace minerals. Free Food Exchange Lists for DiabetesWhen you have diabetes, you may use the exchange system for meal planning. Most food exchanges have 80 calories, 15 grams of carbohydrate and/or 3 grams of protein. But, did you know that there is also a "free" foods list? Free foods don't count as an exchange and have less than 20 calories per serving. They're called free foods because you can add them to your meals without counting them. Food&Diabetes;: Incorporating Spring Fruits and Veggies into Your DietEating more produce is an excellent way to stay on track with type 2 diabetes. Vegetables and fruits are filled with vitamins, minerals and antioxidants, low in calories, and with a few exceptions, virtually fat-free. Can't afford fresh produce? Think again. If you buy produce in season, the bargains are out there. Buying fresh produce and cooking most of your meals at home can help with weight loss. Strawberries - Carb Counts and Health Benefits of StrawberriesWhen you have type 2 diabetes, it's important to keep track of how many carbs you're eating. Even though there's nothing like that first taste of a fresh strawberry in the spring, it's still good to know the carb counts and health benefits of strawberries. Healthy Eating at WorkCan you eat healthy at work? There you are, walking to your desk to start your workday, full of resolve to eat right, stay healthy and keep control of your blood sugar. You turn the corner and approach the coffee pot, and whoa! There's a box of doughnuts, assorted bagels and cream cheese, and what?!? Somebody baked a pan of brownies. What to Know About Healthy Fats and OilsThe body uses fats for energy. Fats don't raise blood glucose levels but they do cost more in calories. Fat is 9 calories per gram, while carbohydrates and proteins are 4 calories per gram. [p]There are many kinds of dietary fats. The Best Diet is a Lifestyle ChangeThe best diet for you is the one that you can follow for the rest of your life. Most diets can get you to your goal if you do exactly what they say, but once the weight is lost, and you start to eat the way you used to, the weight can come back on with lightening speed. How to Make Healthy Fast Food ChoicesCan fast food be part of a healthy diet? The CDC estimates that most Americans get one third of their daily calories from sources outside the home and a study from the USDA shows that people who frequent fast food restaurants have a higher BMI than people who don't. The increase in fast food consumption coincides with the increase in obesity in the past few decades.[/p] A Low-Carb Diet Shown to Reverse Type 2 DiabetesDoes a low carb diet really help control or even reverse type 2 diabetes? A very low carb diet gave the participants better blood sugar control and more effective weight loss, than participants who followed a low-glycemic reduced calorie diet. Visit our FAQ's section for answers to some of your questions. Herbalife Product List A - Z You are invited to use this aphabetical Herbalife product list for fast access. Please note that there may be more than one flavor for each product. Also Kosher Products. 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By Rebel Nutrition / Herbal Las Vegas / Herbalife Independent Distributor December 04, 2009

Permanent Hair Removal Vs. Shaving and Tweezing

Tweezing, Waxing&Threading; can make your hair grown in thicker and stronger!! Over time, increased hair growth, ingrown hairs and skin discoloration will occur. We have been misinformed at a young age and unfortunately, these myths remain as we age and we do more damage to our skin and hair. Shaving DOES NOT increase hair growth! When the hair ABOVE the surface of the skin is removed by cream depilatory, shaving or cutting, you are NOT affecting the root of the hair. With Tweezing, Waxing&Threading the hair root is being partially PULLED OUT. The remaining section of the root will now grow in thicker & stronger. It can even split into sections creating multiple hairs from one follicle. Over time this leads to MORE hair!! Laser provides hair reduction. The ONLY form of PERMANENT HAIR REMOVAL is ELECTROLYSIS. It takes several treatments over a significant time frame (3-12 months depending upon certain factors which will be covered during the consultation) but what would you rather do? Take care of it for the rest of your life or dedicate a relatively small period of time and have worry-free, hair free skin forever? Invest 10 minutes of your time for the consultation…you'll be glad you did! more

By New Finish Electrolysis October 02, 2009

Mary Kay TimeWise Replenishing Serum+C

NEW!Mary Kay TimeWise Replenishing Serum+C  Give collagen a boost. Help skin bounce back. With NEW Mary Kay TimeWise Replenishing Serum+C, skin will appear lifted and firmed. This antioxidant-rich serum is formulated with ingredients that enhance the production of new collagen and help keep existing collagen from breaking down. It also contains ingredients known to support elastin. The formula is enriched with a potent blend of multiple botanical sources, known for their high levels of vitamin C. The four weekly Mary Kay TimeWise Replenishing Serum+C vials help maximize product freshness and provide an effective weekly application measurement to help you get the best results for your money. See the NEW TimeWise Replenishing Serum+C. click to Watch the video now. Host a Las Vegas Mary Kay Cosmetics Party! Let's face it. Life happens, and sometimes it's almost impossible to feel pretty. So, here's an invitation for you! Take time out and go to your pretty place. Better yet, rescue your friends by hosting a party with a purpose. Give yourself and them a reason to escape the everyday and focus on looking fabulous. They'll love you for it! And you'll get the VIP treatment with FREE stuff and more. Free product! Getting together with the girls!Sound like fun? Contact Cheri Chavez-Tokay to plan your party now. Cheri Chavez-Tokay, Las Vegas Mary Kay Cosmetics Consultant702-882-9973 more

By Las Vegas Mary Kay Cosmetics Consultant Cheri Chavez-Tokay September 30, 2009

Electrolysis Safety

Ever since the FDA's declaration of laser and similar devices as non-permanent methods of epilation, Electrolysis has made a strong come back. Therefore the mushrooming of various big, small, reputed and non-reputed Electrolysis clinics does not come as a surprise. However, it is important and as a consumer it is every client's right to know if their neighborhood clinic or the more reputed ones, follows the guidelines pertaining to hygiene and safety. The first step towards undergoing Electrolysis is to find a credible Electrologist and then the clinic where you will be treated. While very few guidelines are in place to monitor the mushrooming Electrolysis clinics, a preliminary inspection should be sufficient to establish the credentials of any clinic. It is recommended that you seek suggestions from your friends, neighbors and doctors, if they know any. The next stage would be to visit the clinic and gauge the hygienic standards, equipments, workspace and most importantly, the Electrologist! While on your first visit, you should ask about the price- most clinics charge per 15 minutes or on an hourly basis. One also needs to seek information like, how long has the clinic been in business, the number of clients that they have treated so far, the qualification(s) of the Electrologist(s), and the name of the association that they adhere to- if any, e.g., AEA (American Electrologist's Association), IGPE (International Guild of Professional Electrologists) and IBE (International Board of Electrologists), to name a few. If nothing else, the clinic should be able to atleast show their current license. It is important that you observe the professionalism of the employees in the clinic and see if they are polite, helpful and skilled. One must make it a point to meet the Electrologist and retrieve information about his qualifications, experience and at the same time gauge his skills and if more than one Electrologist is entitled to treat you; you should meet the others as well. Any person, who decides to undergo Electrolysis, needs to confirm from the clinic that they do needle Electrolysis. There are places, which claim to do needle Electrolysis, whereas what they actually do is use electric tweezers and photoepilatos. Although the list is endless with regard to what you can check while on your preliminary visit- you can see if:路 They are using disposable gloves while treating their clients.路 They are using disposable and sterilized needles.路 The needles and other equipments are kept in a covered container.路 The treatment tables are sanitized and redraped after each treatment. more

By New Finish Electrolysis September 11, 2009

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