Tweezing, Waxing&Threading; can make your hair grown in thicker and stronger!! Over time, increased hair growth, ingrown hairs and skin discoloration will occur. We have been misinformed at a young age and unfortunately, these myths remain as we age and we do more damage to our skin and hair. Shaving DOES NOT increase hair growth! When the hair ABOVE the surface of the skin is removed by cream depilatory, shaving or cutting, you are NOT affecting the root of the hair. With Tweezing, Waxing&Threading the hair root is being partially PULLED OUT. The remaining section of the root will now grow in thicker & stronger. It can even split into sections creating multiple hairs from one follicle. Over time this leads to MORE hair!! Laser provides hair reduction. The ONLY form of PERMANENT HAIR REMOVAL is ELECTROLYSIS. It takes several treatments over a significant time frame (3-12 months depending upon certain factors which will be covered during the consultation) but what would you rather do? Take care of it for the rest of your life or dedicate a relatively small period of time and have worry-free, hair free skin forever? Invest 10 minutes of your time for the consultation…you'll be glad you did!