Check Guarantee-Imaging-ACH-Check Cashing Services-Minneapolis, MNCustomers who cash their checks in your store are more likely to spendtheir funds there. When you quickly and securely cash personal, payroll, andgovernment checks, you increase customer loyalty and may add a newsource of revenue—check cashing fees.The ChallengeNo merchant wants to turn away customers, butthe hassles and risks of accepting these transactionshave discouraged many retailers from offering checkcashing services. In most instances, the approvalprocess is cumbersome, which ultimately affects thecustomer's experience. Merchants need an efficientway to provide this service while minimizing risk andmaximizing revenue.The SolutionWith the TeleCheck® Check Cashing service, youprovide a valued service that is as easy as validatingchecks for payment on day-to-day purchases. Ideal forgrocery stores, hotels, gas stations and other retailers,the Check Cashing solution tells you in seconds therisk associated with the check. Our extensive andproprietary databases give you comprehensive checkacceptance capabilities to provide this value-addedservice quickly and easily at each register. Merchantscan opt for a basic verification tool or a warranted checkcashing solution, and have the confidence that they areauthorizing checks for the right customers.Here's How It WorksWith the TeleCheck Check Cashing service, merchantscan choose a verification or warranty service andprocess personal, government and payroll checks withconfidence. Each check is analyzed using proprietarydatabases along with other risk scoring tools todetermine the risk of accepting the check. If the checkmeets the basic requirements, the merchant cancomplete the transaction in the same way as a standardpaper check.Our Electronic Check Acceptance Warranty service gives merchants an increased level of protection and an efficient option for accepting checks at the point-of-sale. The ChallengeMany consumers prefer to write checks for purchasesand merchants who refuse to accept them turn awaybusiness. Accepting checks requires attention to themanagement of risk due to fraud and returned checks.Accepting checks has its costs. They need to be verified,reconciled, deposited at a bank and processed, whichusually means several days before the funds are available.The SolutionThe TeleCheck® ECA® Warranty service offers merchantsa comprehensive solution for check acceptance,incorporating authorization, settlement and collections.It combines the industry's most sophisticated checkacceptance system with a warranty service option for"peace of mind" over returned check liability. As a result,you can accept more checks, including low-numbered,out-of-town, and even out-of-state checks.Here's How It WorksThe TeleCheck ECA Warranty service allows you toaccept checks easily, efficiently and safely. You benefitfrom reduced bank fees, lowered operating expensesand improved cash flow through faster funding. Andwith the warranty service, returned check processingand collections can be managed by TeleCheck.The service converts a paper check into an electronictransaction at the point-of-sale. The AutomatedClearing House (ACH) network is used to process thetransaction and fund your account generally within twobusiness days. Plus, if a check is returned, TeleCheckmanages the entire collections process giving you moretime to focus on your customers. more