We here at Victory Acres would like to accomplish the following goals: 1. We at Victory Inner-city Ministries want to create a safe, welcoming place where people from all walks of life can do good work that will help to produce good food raised the way that God intended. 2. We want people from many different backgrounds - homeless neighbors, struggling addicts, urban families, and others who would like to experience the farming life - to be positively impacted by the work that is done and the food that is produced at Victory Acres. 3. We want to build a just and sustainable model for bringing together urban needs with rural strengths that can be reproduced around other major cities. We want to create an environment, a community of learning that will inspire innovation and teach others from other places to utilize the natural resources that God has entrusted to them as good stewards. I will use the following objectives to accomplish my goals: 1. We need to work intensely to develop an irrigation system, develop a comprehensive farm "map" for future development, and develop a housing plan for short term and long term guests. We need to build at least two cabins and "build" a camping area. We should explore interactive relationships with Taylor University, Indiana Wesleyan University, Purdue Agricultural Department, ECHO, Woodmizer, and Grant County Rescue Mission. 2. We need to raise the finances or find a funding source for Dan Perkins' salary. We must take over the financial responsiblity for equipment that will make it possible for Terry Himelick to quit his job to supervise Victory Acres. We need to raise $50,000 towards future capacity-building development at Victory Acres. 3. We should promote Victory Acres through a variety of methods and start a capital campaign to raise the development money needed. We must develop a grant "pipeline" for capacity building grants. I can use the following strengths to accomplish my vision and goals. 1. A passion to make a difference in the lives of people and a core dedication to the work; our collective sense of mission. 2. The agricultural and environmental expertise of Dan Perkins, the rural connections and experience of Terry Himelick, and the urban connections of Eric Himelick and the VICM team. 3. The proximity of Victory Acres to institutions like Taylor University, Indiana Wesleyan University, Ball State, and to major metropolitan areas like Indianapolis, Ft. Wayne, and Muncie make it ideal.