Winter's cold brings dozens of Bald Eagles down the Connecticut River from Canada in search of ice - free fishing.  Last year, over 50 eagles wintered on the lower Connecticut. Their 6 - 8 foot wing span make the Bald Eagle the largest predator in North America.

Beginning Saturday January 28, 2012. The Audubon Shop in Madison will present its Twenty-fifth Annual Eagle Watches on the Connecticut River. Leader Jerry Connolly of The Audubon Shop will help participants spot eagles from a variety of locations on this land-based trip along the shore of the river, and will discuss the bird's natural history.  A variety of wintering birds will be seen. 

Jerry will bring a telescope for great viewing opportunities.  Participants should bring binoculars, and are welcome to bring a camera and/or a telescope.

  •     Dates include (Saturdays)  Jan 28, Feb 4, 11, 18, 25, and Mar. 3,  2012.  
  •     Tickets are $20.00, and include a soup&sandwich; lunch at Oliver's Taverne in Essex.
  •     Pre-registration is required.   203.245.9056
  •     Binoculars are recommended and available for rental.
  •    Space is limited.  Call the shop for tickets and information.  203.245.9056
  Our full calendar and more details are available at