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Steps to Maintain an Exotic Garden

The maintenance of an exotic garden is a lot of work. Many individuals do it for a hobby, especially during the older months when the work outdoors is limited. Most exotic plants require special growing conditions. The better the conditions are, the healthier the plants will grow. Before starting an exotic garden, it is important to research the different plants and the maintenance that will be required.

  • Check the soil in the area you will have your plants. There are special test kits that can be purchased at gardening centers. Fertilize your soil with the nutrients that are recommended from your kit. Use a garden shovel or rake to break up the soil.

  • Choose native plants for an outdoor setting. Also choose exotic plants that grow well indoors. Make sure the area has the perfect elements for your rare plants. Check the humidity as well as the climate of the area you select. Match your theme with your location, such as exotic gardens for greenhouses or wooded gardens in a shady area.

  • Use small shrubs, trees and flowers in your garden. Smaller plants are usually easier to maintain. Choose plants with characteristics suited to your planting site. Use foliage plants to decorate your walkway and other viewing areas, but make sure it will be easy to maintain before planting. Put vines and ground covers over bare surfaces and guard against soil erosion in the areas that this is needed.

  • Feed your plants the proper nutrients. Fertilize fruit plants and blossoming plants and flowers. Make sure you follow the manufacturer's instructions when applying fertilizer. Tropical plants grow well in warm and moist areas. Protect delicate plants from freezing temperatures. Some plants may need to be moved inside when the temperatures drop. Remove weeds quickly when they start to grow in the soil.