If you missed Gary Vaynerchuck's keynote speech at Big Omaha, you missed something special.  Shirt untucked, electric, almost frantic, Gary's passion about everything he talks about leaps out and hits you over the head.  Repeatedly.  Imagine your best friend after several drinks.  The energy.  The foul language.  But you get it all.  If you missed it live, luckily, you can still watch it online.

Gary is in the wine business, but it's obvious he could be successful at anything he wanted to do.  He's one of the most inspiring people you'll hear.  And the most valuable advice from Gary's Big Omaha speech is also the most obvious:

"You want a good business strategy no matter what you do?  It's unstoppable:

CARE.  That's it.  You're welcome."

Does your property manager care?  Do your tenants feel like your property manager cares?

You can learn how to organize and schedule lawn care, snow removal and window washing.  You can learn how to get bids for repairs and negotiate pricing.  You can learn how to collect rent and pay bills on time.  But you can't learn how to care.

Property managers who care take the time to think about people.  They treat your tenants like friends.  They don't just change a light bulb, they ask how the tenant is doing.  They don't just rush through an inspection, they look for opportunities to make improvements.  They find solutions to problems that you haven't even realized existed.

When it's time for your tenant to renew their lease, it's too late to ask them if your property manager cared about them.