In today's every changing economic client with companies grasping for new ways to increase profits it it becoming every more important that you know where and how your food is grown.

I recently read that lab grown meat could be available in the next 6 months. The marketing epitomizes how food companies have tried to pull the wool over the eyes of the consumers for years. It is planned to be marketed as GMO free and clean. First of all, how can any product grown in a lab with chemicals and modified for content not be labeled as GMO.

I could write paragraph after paragraph about whats wrong with our food, however let me offer a solution instead. Buy from a local farmer right off his farm. Go see for yourself how the food is grown and handled. Build a reputation with the farmer and support him with your purchases. The farmer has a vested interest in what you eat because he feeds his family and yours with what he grows. If he provides a bad product he will not only hurt his family and yours but he will also lose his job.

We invite you to visit us at Stewart Farms Beef and see what raising cows the old fashion way can do for your eating experience. Remember you are responsible for what you eat not the FDA or any other government agency. Their responsibility ends at safety not your long term health!