Shopping for carpet and flooring is much easier for homeowners in New Jersey, eastern Pennsylvania and all of Staten Island, thanks to SMART Carpet. That's because SMART Carpet and Flooring services these areas, bringing substantial mill-direct savings into each customer's home.
By having a SMART Carpet expert come directly to your house, home renovation and new flooring installation takes on a whole new convenience. Instead of spending time driving miles to find a flooring store, where there may or may not be experienced staff and a wide variety of flooring brands, customers can book a free in-home estimate with SMART Carpet and Flooring.The professional SMART Carpet staff member will measure the flooring areas and discuss your flooring needs with potential customers, right at home. SMART Carpet customers have always found the color selection much easier and more exact when they have their own walls and furnishings within arm's reach.SMART Carpet and Flooring sales staff bring flooring samples with them to in-home estimates. This hands-on approach by SMART Carpet gives home owners a physical perspective which helps them make decisions about fairly abstract ideas that include the type of material, its design and shades of colors to use.
Another benefit of the SMART Carpet and Flooring home service is that as long as a customer lives in the areas serviced by SMART Carpet, he or she can receive the benefits of expert flooring opinions by experienced staff members and have a large inventory of top quality products from which to choose. In other words, the SMART Carpet at-home service no longer means people who live in rural areas have less choice when it comes to flooring needs.Read what one satisfied SMART Carpet and Flooring customer had to say:
"It's been a long time since I felt the need to compliment a company on its service but SMART Carpet deserves our thanks. From the SMART Carpet operators who took my wife's initial call, to the SMART Carpet rep who visited our home to the installers; all were professional, courteous and efficient. We wish to thank you." -- Philip D., Toms River, NJ