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Top Things to Know About Chem Dry

Chem Dry is a method of cleaning carpets and upholstery. Many prefer to use this method as there is minimal drying time required. Water and dirt will not be trapped either. The major disadvantage is that you cannot do this process at home. A professional must be called in to clean the items.

Chem Dry is a cleaning process preferred by many. It is similar to steam cleaning in that the items will be clean, but there are some differences. Only by considering the advantages and disadvantages of each can one make the right decision.

Chem Dry uses a chemical process rather than steam cleaning to clean your items. This allows your carpet or furniture to dry very quickly. Very little liquid, if any, will be left behind. This is a major advantage over steam cleaning. When water is present, it can trap dirt and grime. This is not of concern when Chem Dry is used. Carpets which have been cleaned using this method can be walked on immediately, even if they are not completely dry. In addition, when a carpet remains wet or damp after steam cleaning, mold and mildew can breed. With Chem Dry, this is not a problem. Finally, Chem Dry cleaning is no more expensive than steam cleaning although many believe it is.

The one major disadvantage is that one cannot use this process at home. A professional must be called in. With steam cleaning, one has the option of purchasing or renting a machine. This will need to be factored in as professional cleaning can become expensive over a period of time. This will depend in part on how many live in your home and how much traffic the carpet in question receives.

With this information in mind, you can make an informed decision about Chem Dry. Some believe that Chem Dry can get stains out that steam cleaning cannot although studies have not been done of this. This is definitely an option which should not be overlooked when you need to have carpet or upholstery cleaned.