Over the past week I have heard several people complain about receiving poor customer service from different retail businesses. These businesses sell large items, like washers and dryers which come with "guarantees". Of course, there is never the guarantee of actually getting the customer service as well.
One of the people I spoke with needed to cancel a visit from a repair professional, called the service department, and after sitting on hold for 30 minutes, gave up and actually drove to the store to cancel the appointment. At this point, she was told she needed to send an email to cancel. She is an older woman, uncomfortable with emailing, and resisted. The clerk's response? "That's just an excuse." An excuse? What in the world???My question is, if email was the most efficient way of reaching the repair person, why didn't the clerk offer to send it himself? My friend will no longer shop at this store, and who can blame her? Instead, she is willing to pay more from a smaller store who will give her the customer service she deserves.Do any of you have similar experiences? What are they?