The thermometer on the dashboard read 91 degrees today as I answered the phone in my truck. The person on the line was watching three black snakes chase each other around her pool patio. High temps mean reptiles (snakes, iguanas, geckos, monitor lizards) are very active again. The good news for most of us in Miami-Dade County is that venomous snakes are not common here (anymore). That said, many people want to know how best to avoid being bitten by a snake.. the answer is very simple. Leave snakes alone. Most people bitten by venomous (poisonous) snakes are trying to handle or kill the snake. If you see a snake and don't know what kind it is, simply walk away. Snakes don't want to be around people any more than people want to be around snakes. Solving snake problems can be as simple as calling us to remove a snake that has wandered into the garage, or as complex as changing the landscaping in your yard to make it less attractive to your neighborhood snakes. We can give you all your options if the need arises. Also keep in mind that many snakes feed on mice and rats, finding these species frequently in the same areas can be an indicator of a rodent problem. For a look at some of the common non-venomous snakes we've found in the Miami area check out our photo page at Stay safe out there.