Blogs from Businesses in Miami, FL

A Guide To Find The Best Local Orthodontist

If you are facing issues with your teeth and planning to get orthodontic treatment, you need to make sure of certain things. American Dental Association is a non-profit organization that authorizes dentists in America. There are plenty of qualified dentists that provide modern dentistry services. But in order to have a crystal clear impression, you need to check their portfolio. Check for orthodontist reviews for accommodation, atmosphere, and staff. If you live in Hialeah, Fl, you can search the internet for an orthodontist in Hialeah Fl and you may get a list of results. This will help you through your drive to find local orthodontists. Location matters when it comes to treatment and you might have more than one or two sittings. Ergo when finding a dentist, it is important that you consider looking for the one near your home or office. See for a dentist who is available full-time. With a busy routine, it is important to check the timing that suits your schedule. But it doesn’t mean that you avoid going to a dentist even in an emergency. Top Orthodontist near Me: Finding the perfect orthodontist is very crucial. Not every dentist that sits in your area is qualified enough to provide the treatment. Check for the credentials and see whether the orthodontist is qualified enough to treat you. Cross-check with the American Dental Association for certifications and licenses. Ask a family member or friend, who recently took dental care treatment. He/she may guide you to choose a good orthodontist based on their experience. If you are moving from one place to another, you can have recommendations from your earlier dentist. Check accessibility, amenities, services, atmosphere, and staff by visiting the dental clinic. Always consult a dentist before proceeding for the treatment procedure. Evaluate the dentist well after an appointment. Because dental treatments can be costly, always check whether the dental clinic offers an insurance plan. Every dentist/orthodontist has varying procedures and treatment options. Also, the cost of the treatment may vary from one dentist to another. Therefore, it is important that before you sign up for a treatment, you must go through all the terms and conditions. A good orthodontist guides you through the treatment journey. He/she is well aware of the fact that which treatment option would suit your anatomy. If you are not sure of the type of treatment to go for, always visit a local orthodontist for a free consultation.   Get an idea of how the dentist at a certain dental clinic treats other patients by visiting the clinic. Evaluate whether he/she is able to resolve your queries and concerns. If you are looking for orthodontist near me free consultation, you have come to the right place. At Ivanovortho we are committed to providing absolute professional care to you. We believe in the ‘patients first’ theory and provides our clients with the finest quality care. For more information, visit us today. Article Source : more

By 12866 Biscayne Blvd September 02, 2019

How to Post On Instagram Directly From Your PC

Have you ever wished to be able to post on your Instagram account from your PC and not just from your phone? Luckily for you, Instagram is releasing a function regarding the concern. The post will show you how to post on Instagram through your PC without using any third-party applications. Access to Instagram Creator Studio There is not yet an option available to post directly from Instagram’s official website, but the Creator Studio provides the opportunity to schedule both Instagram posts and IGTV videos. The browser will show your Instagram and Facebook account if they are connected already. If not, then you have to connect them. Source: Post On Instagram , Post without any Third-Party Apps After connecting, tap on the Instagram option to check your Instagram content and stats. There will be a huge blue Create post icon present if you have the option to post through Creator Studio. You can opt for this option to upload the posts. How to Post to Instagram from PC If you wish to post on Instagram through the Creator Studio, tap on the Create a Post option and choose the Instagram feed icon. You will be asked to select your Instagram account on a pop-up window. There will be multiple accounts shown if you have several of them; however, only one will appear if you have one. There will be an expansion on the tab to allow you to make an Instagram post. The available options are: Add a location. Write a caption. Upload content (video or photo). You can also post the content simultaneously on your connected Facebook account. The rules for captions in Creator Studio are the same as on Instagram. The formatting rules are like: No spaces after the ending character of a paragraph. Backspace to the final character to avoid this. Multiple special characters cannot be used at the end of any paragraph. You cannot post with a series of punctuation marks. An emoji cannot be used as the final character of a paragraph. You have to add your hashtags in the caption as there are no separate options available for this. It is not a necessary step, but it is better to add it to increase your audience reach. You have to type the name of the location to add it. After writing some characters, suggestions will be provided in the search bar. To add a visual content, tap on the Add Content icon below the Add Location bar. You will then have to opt from where you want to choose the content, Facebook, or your PC. Up to 10 videos and photos can be added at a time. You can only upload from one source at a time i.e., either from Facebook or PC. There will be a default crop presented on the photo which you can adjust to your choice. Tap on the three-dot tab to avail the edit options. The videos have to be between 3 seconds to a minute, and 16:9 or 4:5 format. There will be a progress bar shown which will turn green after your content is ready to upload. Videos, unlike photos, cannot be edited. So you should ensure beforehand that the video is of compatible format. After uploading the content, the Publishing icon will turn blue, allowing you to post on Instagram. The post will be uploaded as soon as you hit Publish. There is an option to schedule right below the Publish button. Tap on this to schedule your posts. Sofia Williams is a writer, tech enthusiast, and futurist. She has published several articles online wherein she has explored advanced technologies, news, and trends revolving AI, operating systems, social media, gaming, printer support, like canon, lexmark and brother printer support etc. more

By Canon Printer Support August 30, 2019

Tantra e Taoísmo,

Em "Os Segredos do Amor Perfeito " (Sextante, 2009), a psicoterapeuta Mabel Iam recorre à comedimento nascente para mostrar a valia da disposição para o amor e do etiqueta sexual em vários aspectos da vida. Mabel compara o homem e a mulher ao espelho taoísta do yin-yang e afirma ser preciso o imobilidade entre as forças feminina e masculina para os dois se fortalecerem e intensificarem sua essência primordial. Artigo recomendado:o que é massagem tantra "O homem necessita exercitar a demorar o postura sexual sem atingir o gozo para que ambas as energias possam se fundir. Ao reforçar o tempo de pousada do pipi dentro da mulher, ele absorve mais essência yin, que irá, por sua vez, revitalizá-lo", revela a autora. O propósito do livro --que já foi traduzido para dez idiomas-- é ser um formulário para que pessoas pretende reforçar os relacionamentos sexuais e encontrar os segredos do prazer e desenvoltura. Com base em princípios do tantra e do taoísmo, ensina, em dialeto aberto, técnicas e conselhos para contrapesar o corpo e a mente na procura pelo amor interminável. Para usufruir o melhor do volúpia e reforçar a tristeza, a bem-feito orienta a usar vários recursos, como visualizações eróticas, meditações, aromaterapia, massagens e alimentos afrodisíacos. Mabel Iam similarmente é autora de "A Regime do Amor ", que explora as capacidade do Kama Sutra, e já escreveu mais de 15 livros. Em 2006, ela ganhou o Prêmio de Bibliografia Externo como melhor livro de autoajuda --na Mostra Externo do Livro, em Washignton, nos EUA-- e, em 2003, conquistou o Prêmio de Bibliografia Latino-Americana --na Mostra do Livro de Los Angeles--, na habilidade de melhor livro de autoajuda em linguarão espanhola. O prazer do tao e a polaridade do volúpia O tao: oyin-yangdo volúpia No momento em que a mulher se une ao homem no volúpia, todo o quantidade encantado do Universo se integra a este postura. A casamento do feminil com o masculino Ainda que seja improvável datar com definição a origem da filosofia taoísta, sabe-se que por volta do ano 500 a.C. o sabido chinês Lao-Tsé compilou seus princípios básicos no livro que hoje conhecemos como Tao Te Ching. Se o objetivo do tao é exercitar o percurso extraordinário para a auto-realização do cidadão, o objetivo do tao de um casal é incluir o amor com o volúpia e juntar as energias masculina e feminina. Parábola do tao O tao é a casamento de 2 princípios: o yin e o yang. O espelho do yin-yang é um círculo catalogado em duas partes pela série em maneira de S, sendo que uma das metades é preta e a outra é branco. O círculo representa a elemento do Universo, com aspectos yin ( preto ) e yang ( branco ), inseparáveis na pronunciamento do todo. Dentro de cada meio há um círculo menor da coloração oposta, o que significa que um princípio possui a bagulho do outro. Na hora mais viaduto da atuação e da expressão, cada princípio se transforma no seu ostensivo para que a vigor do imobilidade infindo continue operando. O imobilidade do Universo depende da polaridade De acordo com o tao, o Universo é o produto da polaridade existente dentro da elemento crucial: alívio e movimento, retração e expansão, liquefação e dissipação, aumento e afastamento. A partir de as manifestações mais simples e peculiares até as mais complexas e universais, cada ser expressa essa polaridade sui generis. A inter-relação entre o yin e o yang gera todas as negócios vivas que habitam o Universo. A filosofia taoísta se baseia na procura do imobilidade e na globalização de forças formadas por energias opostas que se complementam. Yin e yang A força yin representa o feminil: a ócio, a noite, a umidade, o frio, a água e a Menstruação. A mulher, com todas as suas secreções e fluidos sexuais, constitui a essência yin que oferece a proteção essencial para que o sêmen do homem se torne um começo. A mulher possui uma reservo indefesso de força yin que é ativada pela excitação sexual. O gozo feminil fortalece a força primordial, benefício a saúde e prolonga a juvenilidade. Pelo feito de o potencialidade sexual de uma mulher ser mais aberto e energético, aproximadamente todos os textos sobre o assunto enfatizam o treinamento do homem, para que os 2 amantes possam atingir o mesmo nível de bom humor. A força yang representa o masculino: a exercício, o dia, a sede, o Luz e o fogo. O semente do homem é uma mimo preciosa, a fonte de sua saúde física e de sua força primordial. Essa força primordial diminuirá se não for compensada pela mesma porção de força yin feminina, e é dessa forma que o homem precisa pedir persuadir a mulher todas ocasionalmente que tiver relações com ela. Dessa forma, um ajuda o outro ao longo o postura benéfico: ele fortalece a própria essência primordial e ela estimula e intensifica a própria essência yin. De acordo com o lucidez taoísta, a qualidade sexual do yin é a excitação mais lenta, o que similarmente significa que a mulher necessita de mais provocação sexual. A qualidade sexual do yang, por outro lado, é a excitação mais fácil, o que permite que o homem alcance o prazer máximo em pouco tempo. O homem necessita exercitar a demorar o postura sexual sem atingir o gozo para que ambas as energias possam se fundir. Ao reforçar o tempo de pousada do pipi dentro da mulher, ele absorve mais essência yin, que irá, por sua vez, revitalizá-lo. No momento em que a vigor yang de um homem e a vigor yin de uma mulher se unem, elas criam vida no Universo. Gosto desmesurável Há treinos físicos e mentais que auxiliam os casais com complicações sexuais a obter o imobilidade. Essas técnicas antigas são bastante eficazes para aqueles que desempenham papéis rotineiros, estereotipados ou rígidos no volúpia, várias vezes responsáveis pela redução do atração física. Em primeiro lugar, os amantes precisam aumentar a ternura de seus sentimentos, expressando-os a partir de carícias. Cada parceiro refere-se o outro de forma agradável e delicada, com a receptividade yin. E não precisa utilizar somente a boca e os dedos, porém o corpo todo, inclusive os lugares que não costumam ser explorados de forma erótica. Enquanto os parceiros se acariciam, os dois são capazes de se isolar-se mentalmente na imagem do Luz envolvendo a Menstruação com seus raios de luz - duas energias vitais que se integram. O homem necessita excitar a mulher até que os dois sintam suas zonas erógenas muito úmidas. Depois de alcançarem essa percepção yin, chega o hora da interferência do yang, com o homem penetrando a mulher até que os 2 obtenham o máximo de prazer. Ao realizar o postura sexual num estado de encantamento, é rendoso que o casal aguarde alguns minutos até que seus corpos fiquem completamente relaxados. Depois de este breve alívio, os amantes precisam ver a imagem do céu e da terra integrados, enquanto se dão as mãos e se beijam. Se as carícias recomeçarem, os parceiros são capazes de voltar a ficar excitados e repetir o postura sexual mais de uma vez. Fazendo estes treinos todos os dias ao longo certamente tempo, o homem e a mulher conseguirão conformizar suas energias yin e yang e experimentarão a mais grandepersonificação do amor. more

By Reiki Vida August 30, 2019

A arte e a espiritualidade no tantra

Nada mais controverso que frequentar sobre o tantra. Pode ser que esta tenha sido uma das contribuições mais interessantes e contraditórias do oriente ao ocidente. Os primeiros contatos com esta execução espiritual apenas chegaram na Europa no séc. XIX pelo por isso juizinglês da Corte em CacutáSir John Woodroffe, que publicou um conhecido livrochamdo “o quantidade serpentino”. O feito é que há varias linhas bastante distintos do tantra: jainista, budista, sikh e hinduísta em diversas vertentes: shaktas (envolve o protocolo do inviolável feminil ), shivaistas ( deus da exterminação ), vaishinavas(seguidores de Vishnu, preservador do Universo e que reencarnou em diversos avatares), Ganopatas (adoradores de Ganesha– deus moleque ) E Hanupatas (adoradores do deus macacoHanuman). Independe dos mitos ou ritos de cada uma destas vertentes, todos possui uma coisa em comum: a execuçãoespiritual ou sádhana. Esta não nega a experiência do mundo dos perspectivas, uma vez que é por meio de das sensações corporais que alcançamos a prática. Tantra é surpreendentemente envolto em costumes de magias, amuletos, diagramas, imagens e mantras. É surpreendentemente palheta e representa o corpo espiritual por meio de dos chakras ou rodas de força. Toda esta maneira colorida em demonstrar as artes e as técnicas profundas de elucubração e de fabricação de estados modificados de percepção logo atraiu um grande numero de seguidores. A origem necessita do Tantra é de complicado asserto, porém historiadores em maior parte a colocam em redor do séc. Cousa d.C. De acordo com Feuerstein, ele foi um movimento em meio a crise do brahmanismopromovido pelas castas inferiores da Índia(pescadores, tecelões, comerciantes, lavadeiras) que estavam excluídos na espiritualidade hinduísta clássico que excluía o burgo da vivência espiritual. O tantra nasceu desta reação as castas religiosas e aos conceitos abstratos da filosofia Vedanta. Dessa forma foi uma correção execução de modo direto conectada ao Yoga. Variadamente da vontade ortodoxa, o tantrismo sugeria mesmo em debandar com as código vigentes para atingir a espiritualidade princípio. Passou a ser comum andança nus como execução de desambição, ou mesmo em alguns casos firmar a execução da sensualidade sagrada, consumir porre e alimentar-se peixe. Ainda que esses ritos fossem comuns somente para uns poucos categorias que executavam costumes de mão sestra, isso em si, já evidenciava que revoltoso e transformado era o tantra das representações religiosas tradicionais. Para favorecer a começo ao Tantra tornou-se comum os usos de imagens coloridas de deuses, animais sagrados e a exame ameno e exotérica a partir de charkras coloridos (pontos de força em maneira de rodas) e os canais de força. O propósito do tantra estaria em estimular o “ quantidade da ofídio ”, mostrado na base da coluna vertebral, ou região sexual e, acarretar esta força ao cume da cabeça. more

By Reiki Vida August 30, 2019

How to Turn Off Bixby on Galaxy S10

Bixby comes as your assistant if you own a Samsung Galaxy S10. Bixby assists you on almost everything in operating of your phone. The feature recognizes more than hundred commands. From playing a specific music to turning off the device, Bixby obeys your every voice command. Besides this, several users do not prefer Bixby on their devices and do not know how to turn it off. If you are amongst the users who is facing the same issue then you have come to the right place. Here is how you can turn off Bixby on your Samsung Galaxy S10 device. The closest thing to turning off the Bixby Galaxy S10 Click on a space given on the home screen of the smartphone. After making the home screen smaller, you need to move to the right-hand side. It will display the small Bixby Home screen. It is located in the middle of the screen. Click on the slider to disable the Bixby Home screen. Once you have turned off the Bixby Galaxy S10, you need to follow the steps mentioned below: Click on the Settings tab. Go to the Advanced Features tab. Select the Bixby key. By going to the Bixby key window, choose the Double press to open Bixby option. After that, double-click on the option for opening Bixby. Remapping the Bixby key Open the Bixby key by clicking on the Bixby option. Now, you will get the three vertical dots symbol. It is located at the right-hand corner of the display. Click on the three vertical dots symbol. Select the Settings tab. Choose the Bixby key. Select in case you wish to launch the Bixby by clicking on the option at once. Otherwise, double-click on it. Start mapping the option for opening any other app after clicking on it. Go to the “Use single or double press” option. Turn on the feature by sliding the toggle to turn on. Click on the “Open app” option. You need to select which application you want to launch after clicking on the option. Remapping the Bixby key by using quick commands Open the Bixby Voice. Click on the menu symbol. Choose the Quick commands option. Start using the plus symbol. It is located in the upper right-hand side for creating the new command. You need to give the title “Assistant.” Change the command phrase to Assistant. By going to the Enter command window, select the “Type a command” option. Enter “open assistant” in the given bar. In case this procedure will not work, then choose the “open Google assistant” option. Start saving the command. After that, go to the Settings tab. Click on the Bixby key option. Select the Bixby key option. Select the Double press to open Bixby option. Select the Quick Command option. Click on the Assistant command by going to the Quick Commands options. Using the Bixby key assistant remapper for accessing any other assistant Start downloading the app.apk to the phone. Go to the file. Go through the steps for installing the application. Click on the “Bixby Voice Settings tab. Complete this procedure by clicking on the Bixby key. Click on the settings tab. Select the Bixby key option In case you have chosen the “Use single press” option, then it will be available now. By turning on the Use single press option, choose the Open app option. Click on the gear symbol. You have to choose the application which you wish to launch through the Bixby option. Choose the Bixby Button Assistant Remapper option. After clicking on the Bixby option. Choose the one as per your wish. Click on the Always option.  Source :- Kellie Minton  arrived on the cyber security scene in the early 2000s when virus and malware were still new and slowly evolving. Her longtime affair with writing with an interest in the cybersecurity industry, combined with her IT degree, has contributed to experience several aspects of security suite industry such as blogging at . more

By MCAFEE ACTIVATE August 29, 2019

How to Create Custom Resolutions on Windows 10?

Creating custom resolutions has always been so easy on Windows 7 and 8.1 version. Users used to change the resolution of the screen with a right-click on the desktop and change the resolution in the properties tab. Besides this, Microsoft has modified the process with its Windows 10 software version. Several Windows 10 users do not know how they can create custom resolutions on their Windows 10 computer screen, and if you are amongst those users, then you have come to the right place. Here are some of the best and effective methods by which you cancreate custom resolutions on your Windows 10system in no time.   Here's how you can change the custom resolution on Windows 10   Using the Nvidia Control Panel   ●       Right-click on the desktop screen and select NVIDIA control panel. ●       Click on Change Resolution available under the Display panel. ●       Scroll a little at the right side of the screen and click on the Customize button under Choose the Resolution tab. ●       Now, click on Create Custom Resolution by checking Enable resolutions not exposed by the Display. ●       Fill in the desired numbers of resolution you want on the desktop and click on the Test button to have a preview of that resolution. ●       Then click on OK if you want to apply the resolution permanently.   By Using The AMD Catalyst Control Center   To change the resolution of your Windows 10 PC screen by using the AMD catalyst control center, follow the steps listed below:   ●       Right-click on your desktop and select AMD catalyst control panel from the available options. ●       Now, go to the information in the software section. ●       Choose Copy The 2D driver file path in it. ●       Press Windows key + R to open up the Run dialog box. ●       Type 'Regedit' and press Enter. ●       Now, navigate to the 2D path file and Double-click on the 0000 folder. ●       Find the DALNonStanddardModesBCD1 registry key select Edit by Right-click on it, ●       After that, fill in your desired resolution values in the box and click on the OK button available at the bottom left corner of the box. ●       Restart your PC, and you are good to go.   By Using Custom Resolutions & Modes for Intel Graphics Driver   It is another way to change the resolution of your Windows 10 Pc and to do so, follow the steps listed below: ●       Right-click on the main desktop to open up the Graphics Properties from the available options. ●       Choose Advanced mode to select the Application mode. ●       Check Custom Resolution & Modes under the Display tab. ●       Click OK on it if it's available there or alternatively type C:>Windows>System32>CustomModeApp.exe to run the app.   ●       Now type the value in basic settings to apply your desired resolution on the screen.  ●       After typing the values, click on the Add button available under the box.  ●       Click on OK after the resolution has been applied successfully,  ●       Restart the system and you are done.   Using Custom Resolution Utility (CRU)   CRU is another option you have to create a custom resolution on your Windows 10 system. It is an application that supports NVIDIA, AMD, and Intel graphic cards too. CRU supports almost every utility and changes the resolution of the desktop of your Windows 10 system in no time.   Scarelett Thomas, writer of this blog loves to write about troubleshooting tips, beginner’s guides and other varied topics. Major topics of her interest are printer support likehp printer support, Brother Printer Support, Canon Printer Support etc. more

By Digital Marketing August 29, 2019

How To Make A Flowchart In Microsoft Word

Making flowcharts in Word is quite easy for some Windows users but not for others. Flowchart allows you insert shapes in a Word document and enables you to modify the document according to your preferences. If you are amongst the users who do not know how to make a flowchart in Word then you have come to the right place. In this article, you will find the step by step guide for making flowcharts in Microsoft Word documents in no time. Here’s how to make a flowchart in Word   Choose the folder. It is located in the Microsoft Word. You will find this where the canvas is situated. Click on the Insert option. Choose the Shapes option. Click on the New Drawing Canvas option for adding the drawing canvas to your Word document. Choose the drawing canvas. Choose the Shape Format option. Choose the Wrap Text option. Select how you want to show the text. Just take an example, select the Top and Bottom option to stop the text from showing towards the corners of the canvas. For changing the drawing canvas size, pull the corner for creating the size of the drawing. For adding the border, you need to choose the drawing canvas. Click on the Shape Format option. Choose the Shape Outline option. By going to the Color palette, select the outline color. Choose the Weight option for changing the thickness of the line. Choose the Dashes option for changing the type of line. After changing the drawing canvas as per your wish, you need to add the shapes now.   Here’s how to add shapes to your drawing canvas   Click on the Insert option. Choose the Shapes option. Click on the Flowchart column. Choose the shape. Choose the Process shape. It is located at the starting of the flowchart. Choose the location on your drawing canvas. It will help you to choose the shape and insert it. Now, you will get the shape with the color and size of your drawing canvas. Start adding another shape for finishing the flowchart. In case you want to change the look of the shapes, then you can also change the size of it. Click on the Shape Format option for changing the color, outline color. After that, start applying the style of the shape. Otherwise, start applying the effect of the shape.   Here’s how to add text to your drawing canvas shape   Click twice on the shape. Type the text which let you to know the job and also the purpose of this shape. Choose the drawing canvas shape while completing the typing. For formatting the shape, you need to choose the shape. Click on the Home option. Start changing the style, color, and the size of the font. If you want to add the same text in each shape, then you need to choose the drawing canvas space. After that, click on the Control and A keys together to choose the shapes. After that, start changing the text looks.   Here’s how to use SmartArt to make a flowchart in Word          Choose the SmartArt Graphic   Slide the mouse cursor where you wish to add the SmartArt graphics. Click on the Insert option. By going to the Illustrations group, choose the SmartArt option. Choose the Process option. It is located in the Choose a SmartArt Graphic prompt box. This procedure will help you see the styles of the flowchart, which are available now. Select the style of the flowchart. After that, choose the OK button. Once you have completed this procedure, you can start using the SmartArt on your system. Source :- Kellie Minton is a qualified IT engineer by education. After working in the IT sector for a decade, she began writing about it two years ago. She loves to write about emerging technology like . more

By MCAFEE ACTIVATE August 29, 2019

How to Create and Set up Hotspot in Windows 10 PC

Just like smartphones, your Windows 10 PC can share an internet connection with other devices as well. It’s not limited to a type of connection you can share. Moreover, you can connect and use your Windows 10 hotspot on multiple devices at a time. If you want to prevent unwanted users, it also gives an option to set up a password for your hotspot. Here is how to create and set up a hotspot in Windows 10 PC. Steps to create and set up a hotspot in Windows 10 PC: 1.   Start your Windows 10 system. 2.   Now, click on ‘Start’ at the bottom left corner, or simply press ‘Windows’ key on the keyboard. 3.   After that, click the ‘Cog’ icon above the Power icon. This will open the Windows 10 Settings. 4.   Go into the ‘Network & Internet’ settings by clicking on its tile. 5.   Look for the ‘Mobile hotspot’ under the left-hand side pane, and click on it. You’ll find it near the bottom in the column, and this will open the Mobile hotspot settings on the right side. 6.   Click the ‘Share My internet connection’ dropdown and choose the connection you want to share through hotspot. 7.   Click on the ‘Edit’ button to change the Network name and Network password. 8.   If you want to control your Windows 10 hotspot from another device, then enable the ‘Turn on remotely’ feature. The other device you can use to turn on or control hotspot should be connected to your system over Bluetooth. 9.   After setting up settings for your Windows 10 Mobile hotspot, click the ‘Mobile hotspot’ toggle switch to turn on or off data sharing. Now, when you turn on the Mobile hotspot of your system, other devices can connect to it and use the data. If the hotspot has a password, then it needs to be entered on the device to connect to your Windows 10 hotspot. Always set up the password to keep your connection secure and prevent unauthorized users. Steps to change the Mobile hotspot password in Windows 10: You can change your Windows 10 hotspot password as many times as you want by clicking the ‘Edit’ button of Mobile hotspot settings. 1.   Go to the ‘Settings’ and open ‘Network and Internet’ section. 2.   Select ‘Mobile hotspot’ under the left-hand side pane. 3.   Click the ‘Edit’ button in the right pane. This opens the Edit network info dialog on the screen. 4.   Clear the Network password field and enter your new password. 5.   Click ‘Save.’ Your Windows 10 Mobile hotspot password will be changed. Jay Cross is a trained expert who works with the development team with feedback from customers to make it to expectations. He lives in New York and In addition to his work, he also writes for his personal blog. source :hotspot in windows10 more

By August 29, 2019

How to Change the Screensaver on your Apple TV?

Apple TV is a powerful and feature-packed smart TV. You can customize your TV by adding a screensaver. If you are bored with the old screensaver, then read on and learn how to set up a new one.  Changing the Screensaver on your Apple TV If you want to change the screensaver on Apple TV, you should follow the instructions given below. First, you have to launch the Settings application on your Apple TV. After that, you should choose the General option in the settings section. Then you have to choose Screensaver option. Thereafter, you should choose “Type.” Later, you can select any option for the screensaver. Changing Screensaver Transition You can change how the screensaver transitions on your Apple TV. Here are the instructions given below. Get started by launching the Settings application on your Apple TV. After that, you should choose the General option in the settings section. Then you have to choose Screensaver. Thereafter, you should head towards Transition and choose an option. Change When Screensaver Begins on your Apple TV In case you want to change when screensaver begins on your Apple TV, you should follow the instructions given below. To get started, launch the Settings application on Apple TV. After that, you should select General. Then you should choose Screensaver. Thereafter, you have to choose “Start After.” You can modify the start time and set it to Never, 2, 5, 10, 15, 30 minutes. Change How Frequently Apple TV Downloads Aerial Screensaver Videos You can change how frequently Apple TV gets the Aerial screensaver videos. Here are the instructions given below. To get started, launch the Settings application on your Apple TV. After that, you should choose the General in the settings section. Then you have to choose Screensaver. Thereafter, you should select “Type.” Later, you have to choose Aerial. Now, you should tap on “Menu” button. After that, you should click on “Download New Videos.” Then, you choose the duration or frequency. Have Home Sharing Use Photos App Pictures as the Screensaver If you want to arrange home sharing to use Photos app pictures on Apple TV, you should follow the instructions given below. First and foremost launch iTunes on your device. After that, you should choose the “File” option in the menu bar. Then you have to choose Home Sharing. Thereafter, you should select “Choose Photos to Share with Apple TV. Later, you have to ensure that the “Share Photos from” is chosen. Now, you should choose the Photos app from the drop-down menu. After that, select “All photos and albums.” If you keep all the photos in a particular folder on the computer, you can choose that folder. First, you have to turn on your Apple TV and launch the Settings app. After that, you should select General in the settings section. You have to select Screensaver. Then you should choose Type. Thereafter, you have to choose Home Sharing. Later, you should choose Photos. Now, select an album, or choose Photos at the upper to access the total photo library. After that, you have to choose “Set as Screensaver.” Use Photos App pictures as the Screensaver on your Apple TV with macOS Catalina & tvOS 13 You can use home sharing for setting Photos app picture as the screensaver on your Apple TV. Here are the instructions given below. Get started by turning on Home Sharing on Mac. After that, you should tick the box of “Share photos with Apple TV.” Then, you have to click on “Choose.” Thereafter, you should click on the drop-down menu. Select where you wish to share the pictures from, either Photos application or any other folder. You have to choose any button to share either pictures and albums or only chosen albums. You can tick the box of “Include videos.” Later, you can tick the box of the albums. Now, click on People. After that, you should tick the boxes of photos of particular people with Apple TV. When you have done, click on, OK. Make Home Sharing as Screensaver Provider on Apple TV running tvOS 13 If you want to make home-sharing as a screensaver provider on Apple TV running tvOS 13, you should follow the instructions given below. Get started by launching the Settings app on your Apple TV. After that, you should choose the General in the settings section. Then you have to choose Screen Saver. Thereafter, you should choose Type. Later, you have to choose Home Sharing. Now, choose Photos. If you would like to use a particular photo album: Choose Albums. Choose the album you would like to use for the screensavers. Then choose Yes. By following the instructions mentioned in the blog, you will be successfully able to modify and reset the screensaver on your Apple TV. Tim Cross is from Ohio USA. Before he started writing blogs he went through various occupations such as teaching, programming and travelling. But his favorite job is writing blogs for antivirus technology for source :apple TV more

By August 29, 2019

What is a Reserve Study?

Before you dive right into a discussion of what a reserve study is, it’s essential to be on the same page about what a reserve fund is. A reserve fund covers maintenance and repair expenses. The fund pays off any major renovation or replacement projects. Without a reserve fund, developments or condos will need to raise large amounts of cash to cover those expenses. That’s where a reserve study comes in.  What is a reserve study?  A reserve study takes a look at your condo or development’s repair or replacement needs, the Realty Times says. It involves a thorough assessment of your assets to determine the lifespan of those properties or structures.  What are the parts of the study? The study process involves four parts.  The study takes a look at the association’s assets and determines the lifespan of the structures or projects. Will they last for 2 or 30 years more? That’s one of the first questions your reserve study team will need to answer.  The second part of the process involves assessing the condition of the structures. Careful evaluation is done to estimate how long each of the assets will last. That information will help the association plan for financial emergencies in the future.  The third part starts when the team puts together estimates based on current bids on how much repairs or replacements may cost. That will help them determine how much money should be in the funds.  The fourth part is when the team finally factors in inflation costs into the cost of the repairs or asset replacements. The inflation rate will be calculated along with the yields coming from any invested funds to determine how much money will be in the funds. Once that’s done, the team can then calculate how much member contributions should be.  Is a reserve study necessary? Reserve study is an important financial planning tool for homeowners’ associations. It helps associations determine how long their structures will last. That gives them a timeframe for which they can use in thinking up of ways on how to come up with the additional funds. The reserve study also helps associations determine how much money is enough. Given the problems that will arise if there isn’t enough cash in the reserve fund, associations can use the recommendations of the reserve study team to set the right amount for the monthly HOA contributions.  How do we find a team?  Longevity is a factor. Look for companies that have performed reserve studies for years. That’s a good place to start. Once you have a list of firms that fit the bill, check out their reputation. Which ones have an excellent reputation for delivering accurate reserve study results? Which ones have high ratings or positive feedback from their customers? Go over reviews and comments to find out. Lastly, don’t forget to check out the rest of the services that the business offers. Do you require any of those services? An extensive service lineup can help you work out your hiring choices much better. more

By Facilities Advisors inc. August 29, 2019

Fix: Google Assistant Won’t Play Music

In two simple words, you can define Google Assistant as a virtual assistant. Basically, its function is to allow you to control your smartphone using voice commands. For instance, it can make appointments and send messages. It can play songs as well. There can be many reasons behind the Google Assistant not playing the music. Some of the reasons can be issues related to the Google application, the connected Google account of yours or else the order/command that you give for playing the song.In this blog, we will figure out the ways to get Google Assistant to play music. Source: Google Assistant Won’t Play Music, Canon printer Support The step that should be taken whenever Google Assistant won’t play songs Firstly, check that Google application and the song app have the relevant permissions. Ensure that Google Assistant and the music streaming app are connected with the same Google account. Give a try by connecting with another music service with the Google account of yours. Always use the statement ‘in my library’ in the command whenever playing the song that is present on your device. Make a proper playlist for the songs that have been locally saved and then ask Google Assistant to play it. The method of checking the Google App and Music Service App permissions In simple words, the Google Assistant depends on the Google app for working. So it shall not work properly if your Google app does not have the required permissions. Follow the given below steps carefully for checking the permissions. Firstly, go to the Settings application. Then, press on Apps and permissions. Remember! If you are using an old model of Android, then you are required to press on Apps rather than ‘Apps and permissions.’ After that, press on Google. Next, click on Permissions. Then, have a look at all the toggle present over there and ensure that each one of them is pushed right ways. After that, go back till you reach the Apps and permissions display. Next, hit on your music service app. For instance, here we are using Google Play Music. Then, press on Permissions. After that, ensure that your application has storage permission if you wish to have access to locally stored song files. Lastly, do a check on Google Assistant to see whether it is able to play the songs or not. Congratulations! Now you can ask Google Assistant to play your favorite songs. Sofia Williams is a writer, tech enthusiast, and futurist. She has published several articles online wherein she has explored advanced technologies, news, and trends revolving AI, operating systems, social media, gaming, printer support, like brother, lexmark and canon printer support etc. more

By Canon Printer Support August 29, 2019

How to Transfer Music from a Computer to Your iPhone

If you want to know how to transfer music from a PC to an iOS device, then you have come to the right place. Let’s see how the process goes.   Setting Up Your Device to Transfer the Music Before you start the transfer process first, you need to set up your device and tweak some settings on your device. We are using the manual method for transferring the music into an iPhone. In the manual method, you will be able to transfer the selective tracks of your choice to your iPhone. In the automatic method, you can’t choose what you want to transfer, and the system will automatically sync all tracks between both devices. In order to do a successful music transfer between your devices, iTunes app should be up to date in your both PC and iPhone. That is the reason we have chosen the manual method in priority. Let’s see what we need to set up before transferring the music: On your computer, open the iTunes app and then navigate to the “Summary” option appeared on the left side panel. You will see a checkbox beside to “Manually manage music” click on it to checkmark it. This will enable the manual music transfer in your device. Finally, you have to hit the Apply button to save your preferences. Now your PC is ready to copy music to your iPhone.   How to Transfer Songs from Computer to iPhone? With the help of this method, you will be able to copy selected tracks and songs according to your preference. It means that you can skip the songs which you don’t want to transfer into your iOS device. Plugin the USB cable into both devices. First, plug it into the phone or tablet and then into your PC. Open iTunes on your PC. After that, click on the phone icon located on the top-left side. Now on the left side of the iTunes app, find the “Library” section. Go to Songs, and select the songs and albums which you want to transfer into your iPhone (To select multiple songs, hold the Ctrl key on the keyboard and then click on the songs one by one). Now drag selected songs into the iPhone located at the top-left. Once you have dragged the songs into the iPhone icon, your songs will be transferred to your phone instantly.  Source :- Kellie Minton  arrived on the cyber security scene in the early 2000s when virus and malware were still new and slowly evolving. Her longtime affair with writing with an interest in the cybersecurity industry, combined with her IT degree, has contributed to experience several aspects of security suite industry such as blogging at . more

By MCAFEE ACTIVATE August 29, 2019

How to Use Microsoft Photos in Windows 10?

Luckily, Microsoft Photos application is entirely free of cost for the users of Windows 10. This powerful application can be used for plenty of reasons such as for viewing, editing, and so on. To know about it in more detail, go through this blog carefully.   Note: This blog is applicable to the users of Microsoft Photos application on Windows 10. How to access Microsoft Photos app? Firstly, press on ‘Start.’ Then, choose Photos into the search bar and select the Photos application. The method of adding pictures to the application Firstly, connect the pen-drive or memory card to your PC . Then, choose the Start option. After that, select Photos. Next, choose import. Then, go through the instructions given on display for importing the photos to the Photos application. The method of making videos in the Windows 10 Photos Application Firstly, go to Microsoft Photos and choose the picture that you wish to edit. Keep in mind that this picture shall open in the application. Choose the Edit and Create pull-down menu. It shall be towards the right-hand side. Then, choose Edit under the Edit and Create pull-down menu for cropping the picture, adding filters, effects, and much more. After that, observe that the editing section shall be opening with three tabs. Whenever you choose a tab, more options will get displayed. Choose the option for previewing it and select save for adding the changes. Choose Draw under the Edit and Create pull-down menu for putting an artistic effect to the picture of yours. This window comprises of four options. Every option has more options included on it. After you are done with the selection, you can easily start writing or drawing on the picture. Select Save or save a copy for saving the modifications. Next, put 3D Effects from the ‘Edit and Create’ pull-down menu for including 3D pictures that can also be animated. For instance, water droplets in the image of yours. Choose an option from the Effects tab for putting it to the image that has been selected by you. With the help of handles, the rotation of the picture can be done and you can also make a stunning animation by moving the animate handle towards the end of the image. Choose Save a Copy for applying the modifications. Photos is an amazing app for viewing and editing pictures in Windows 10 devices.  Source :- Kellie Minton is an avid technical blogger, a magazine contributor, a publisher of guides at and a professional cyber security analyst. Through her writing, she aims to educate people about the dangers and threats lurking in the digital world . more

By MCAFEE ACTIVATE August 28, 2019

How To Use Google To Locate Your Lost Android Phone

If by chance you lose your Android phone, then do not panic. After all, Google’s ‘Find My Device’ feature allows you to know the location of your phone. You can even lock your phone immediately or can clear it thoroughly so that none of your private information gets compromised. The method of setting up Google Find My Device It is worth noting that the location of the device is not needed for locking or erasing it remotely. Firstly, switch on your device. Then, slide upwards so that you can get the Quick settings. After that, ensure that the internet connection is working and turned on. Next, move to Settings. After that, press on Google. Then, press on Google Account. Remember! The name and Gmail ID of yours shall be given on display. It shall be towards the top of the page if you are signed in. Or else a notification shall be provided on the screen, if you have to log in. Next, press ‘Security and location.’ Remember! In some of the gadgets, you require to visit Google and press on Security. Then, below Find My Device shall be stating On or Off. if it might be off, you need to press on Find My Device and push the button for turning it on. Next, visit ‘Security and location’. After that, move down to the Privacy part. Note that below the Location, it shall be stating On or Off. If that is off, then press Location and push the button to turn it on. Remember! Your smartphone can be seen on Google Play. However, you can still hide it. Then, for checking the status of your gadget on Google Play, Note that on your same particular page you will be able to view all of your devices. Next, below Visibility press Show in menus. The method of using Google Find My Device Firstly, open your web browser tab. After that, sign in to the Google account of yours. Observe that if your location services are enabled, Find My Device shall show the location of it. As soon as your Find My Device is turned on and working, you need to do any of the one from the following three options: Play Sound: Your phone will start beeping. Secure Device: It will lock the device. Erase Device: It will remove all the data.  Source :- Kellie Minton  arrived on the cyber security scene in the early 2000s when virus and malware were still new and slowly evolving. Her longtime affair with writing with an interest in the cybersecurity industry, combined with her IT degree, has contributed to experience several aspects of security suite industry such as blogging at . more

By MCAFEE ACTIVATE August 28, 2019

How to Create an Exe File?

Any file which ends with .exe refers to a software which runs a program when opened. EXE files contain executable programs for Windows OS. This file extension is normally used by Windows programs. In this blog, we will discuss the process of creating EXE files. Create an EXE File If you want to create an Exe file. You need to follow the steps given below.   ●      Firstly, you have to click on the Windows Start logo on your desktop. ●      Then you should go to the search bar. ●      After that, you have to enter "notepad" into the search bar. ●      Thereafter, you should click on "Notepad" from the results. ●      Later, you have to input the EXE's program code. ●      Now, you should click on File option from the menu bar. ●      After that, you have to click on "Save As" from the drop-down menu. ●      Then you should click on "Save a type" from the drop-down box. ●      Thereafter, you have to click on "All files." ●      Later, you should input the name for the EXE file. ●      Now, you have to choose the save location. ●      Click on "Save."   Create an EXE Installer   You need to create an EXE installer. Here are the instructions are given below. ●      Firstly, you have to click on the Windows Start logo on your desktop. ●      After that, go to the search bar. ●      Then enter "express" into the search bar. ●      Thereafter, you should click on "iexpress" from the results. ●      Later, you have to tick the box of "Create new Self Extraction Directive file." ●      Now, you should click on Next. ●      After that, you have to tick the box of "Extract files only." ●      Then click on Next. ●      Thereafter, you should input the name of your EXE file. ●      Click on Next. ●      Determine that you wish to use a text prompt or not. ●      Determine that you wish to use a license or not. ●      Click on "Add." ●      Choose the files that you want to add. ●      After that, you should click on Open. ●      Then you have to click on Next. ●      Later, you have to tick the box of "Default." ●      Determine if you want to add a final message. ●      Now, you should upload the program that you wish to install. ●      You have to three times click on Next. ●      After that, click on Finish.   Mathew Anderson is a self-professed security expert; he has been making the people aware of the security threats. His passion is to write about Cyber security, cryptography, malware, social engineering, internet and new media. He writes for Norton security products at  Source :Exe file more

By August 28, 2019

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