Live Foods are unadulterated, energetically intact, enzyme rich and loaded with minerals. These are the elements that our bodies need to create the sort of inner ecology that will maintain the equilibrium necessary for long term health, and recovery from less-than-optimal states of being. Listed below are some products that are certain to improve your state of well-being. My sincere hope is for You to Heal, because when we heal as individuals, we radiate the potential for others to heal as well. Become the Highest potential of You, and that alone will be inspiration for others to shine more brightly.  This is how we will together ultimately Heal This Planet. As stated so eloquently by Mahatma Gandhi, "Be the change you wish to see in the world." By offering your body the sustenance it really needs, you will wake up to your True potential. One by one, we will effect the changes in humanity that are so needed now. Namely, more Love, Compassion, Gratitude, and Joy. When we feed our bodies with Pure Light, we feel Light, and radiate Light.  Add one new thing to your life every few weeks, and your life will change in dramatic ways! 
Enjoy your journey!!!  :)