Jerry Rice recently was inducted into the NFL Hall of Fame. As I listened to his acceptance speech, the following lines really stood out:

"I'm here to tell you that the fear of failure is the engine that has driven me throughout my entire life."

"But if I have a single regret about my career standing here today, it's that I never took the time to enjoy it. I swear to God, this is true because I was always working. Right after the season, whether we won the Super Bowl or not, I would take two weeks off and go right back to training. The doubts, the struggles is who I am, and I wonder if I would have been as successful without them."

I am a big fan of Jerry Rice and never knew that that the fear of failure motivated him to great success. His story begs the question about the costs and benefits of what motivates us. Sometimes we are motivated by positive forces like a dream, while other times it is to avoid something painful. In either case, it is good to think about both the negative AND positive consequences for our decisions and actions. Jerry Rice is one of the greatest football players of all time but would you want to sacrifice the enjoyment of playing to obtain this goal? So during one's quarterlife crisis, it is good to reflect on the sacrifices and consequences for obtaining your goal because it may shift the way you want to go about it.

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