“Chess is everything: art, science, and sport” - Anatoly Karpov

In a game of chess, you contemplate the best moves in your mind and replicate on the board. It’s considered one of the best games for the brain, especially because it enables a gymnasium for superior acrobatics in the mind.

If you play a real match, you will need a chess timer clock for finishing the game in a limited time period. Choosing the appropriate timer could be confusing if you’re looking at several options available in the market.

Will you need it for home or travel? Is it analog or digital? Answering these basic questions will get you near to the right timer clock very soon.

Here’s some guidance.

Portable or High-end clock?

If you’re a frequent traveler, a portable chess timer clock would be more suitable. However, those who enjoy a game of chess at home will love traditional and beautiful high-end timer clocks.


To be honest, plastic-made clocks have better durability than wooden ones. If you are always “on-the-go”, a plastic one would do. Non-traveling folks can have expensive wooden types.

Aesthetics v/s practicality

If you go by looks, then a hard button wouldn’t bother you. But, if you are a serious player, you will pay more emphasis on the practicality of the timer clock.

Analog v/s digital

Those who love the old style of playing a chess game can stick to the traditional analog designs. Players with a penchant of accuracy can switch to digital versions of the timer clock.

Browse online sites for suitable deals within your budget.