More and more consumers are becoming aware of the environmental impact behind the products that they purchase. With this has come the desire by individuals to reduce their environmental footprint. While people have good intentions to make more environmentally friendly purchases, it can sometimes be difficult to discern what the most environmentally friendly purchase would actually be. For example, you walk into a store with the newfound intent of purchasing "green" products, but without some helpful hints and tips, it is very hard to know which products are the least destructive on the earth and the atmosphere. In fact, sometimes what seems to be a better option turns out to be either just as destructive, or in some cases, more so. Thankfully, some industry leaders are making it easier for consumers to make "green" purchases with confidence.
The Floor trader offers many different types and styles of bamboo flooring as well as cork and other hardwood products that are "green." Also, our cleaning kits are environmentally friendly as well!