Become an INDEPENDENT DISTRIBUTOR or CUSTOMER through my website.  Enlyten's products are powerful, unique and easty to share with your friedns, family, neighbors and colleagues.  It is a new product that was launched January 9, 2009 in Tulsa, OK.
The product is unique - it's a tasty dual-strip matrix made in a FDA approved facility in Woodland Hills, CA.  There are four different strips to choose from and packaged in small cassettes:  energy (mint flavor), electrolytes plus (mango berry flavor), antioxidant (berry flavor) and melatonin (cool mint). Enlyten used R.A.S.E.R. technology, this was developed to take advantage of the benefits that Buccal Mucose delivery mapy provide - Rapid-Acting-Side-Effect-Reducing.   Unlike conventional dietary supplements, which are absorbed exclusively through the GI tract.  Enlyten strips provide active ingredients for absorption through both buccal mucosa region (between the cheek and gume) as well as the GI tract.  TWO NEW STRIPS WILL BE ANNOUNCED IN TWO WEEKS.
There are webinars and meetings that you can join in on to learn about the technology and compensation plan. As a customer you can buy this product from my website. You can find all of this information on my website  Also, my enlyten team is available to do presentations and give out samples at your organization.  
If you have any questions, please feel free to call me at 619-972-6592 or e-mail
Also, when you sell enlyten you will be giving back to a very special charity - Joint Aid Management (JAM).Thank you!Ida HerfurthEnlyten