In 2009, Appassionato will host Schweitzer Studios Makeup Academy!  Sharona Schweitzer, owner and makeup artist extraordinaire, will teach two academy series this year at our salon!  Sharona is also the Washington trainer and events person for Jane Iredale Mineral Cosmetics, which she uses exclusively in her academy teaching.  This year Appassionato's Jerri Lien and Lucinda Johnson, both Schweitzer Studios Makeup Academy graduates, will provide assistance to Sharona during the classes. 
The first academy of 2009 will begin Sunday, February 22nd, and is already full!  There are, however, a few spots still available for the academy starting Sunday, April 19th.  Ms. Schweitzer's classes are perfect for the cosmetologist or hair stylist who wants to add to their repetoire, and for anyone interested in working in cosmetics, particularly with the Jane Iredale line.