Everyone knows smoking is bad, but not everyone knows how to quit.

Half of all long-term smokers will die from tobacco, yet smoking is the single largest preventable cause of disease and premature death. It is a prime factor in heart disease, stroke and chronic lung disease, as well as causing cancer of the lungs, larynx, esophagus, mouth and bladder, and a contributor to cancer of the cervix, pancreas and kidneys.

A new approach for quitting tobacco now exists in laser therapy – a well-established technique with a wide range of medical applications. Anne Penman Laser Therapy in Greentree’s Foster Plaza offers specialized treatment for smoking cessation.

“I had tried to quit smoking for many years, trying everything from going ‘cold turkey’ to nicotine patches and gum to hypnosis. Nothing worked for me until I tried laser therapy,” said Kevin Byrne, co-owner of Anne Penman’s Pittsburgh location along with his wife, Maria.

The Anne Penman method utilizes a cold, soft laser beam which is applied to specific energy points in the hands, ears, nose and wrists that are associated with nicotine craving. It helps people quit smoking cigarettes and cigars, as well as stopping smokeless tobacco product use.

The laser therapy works by increasing endorphins in the body, relieving the most common signs of physical withdrawal, including circulatory problems, headaches and stress levels. Clients enter a phase of deep relaxation and circulation is activated. This process generates natural endorphins that bind to nicotine receptors, with the saturation of these receptors exponentially reducing the withdrawal symptoms to a minimum level.

Both Mr. Byrne and his wife are certified laser technicians, having gone through Anne Penman’s intensive training program.

“Our laser treatment program includes three sessions,” Mr. Byrne said. “We find the majority of our clients are smoke-free from the initial session.”