Effective Squirrel Control in Omaha

Squirrels are known for their capability to cause severe damage to properties. The presence of squirrels is usually first noticeable by the loud noises and scratching, often in the attic. All Tech Pest Control guarantees to remove all squirrels from your home or office in no time! We have the knowledge and expertise to deliver the service you need. Our experts use a combination of pest control techniques, to ensure full removal.

We have been helping people all over Omaha rid their homes and offices from different pests, including squirrels, for many years. Our squirrel pest control Omaha offers amazing results at affordable rates! Our squirrel control is very discrete and has won us many return customers. You can have a look at the comments they have shared � over on our testimonials page.

The Advantages of our Squirrel Control

Our pest control services involve removing squirrels from your property without causing them any harm ï¿½ as squirrels are a protected species in the Omaha � followed by the proofing of the property to ensure no further infestation will occur. You can rest assured your problem will be approached with the utmost discretion, and in the most effective way. Plus, you can enjoy more perks, when booking with us:

  • Our squirrel control Omaha team will do a full property inspection, ensuring every infested area will be treated.

  • We will come fully equipped to remove all squirrels from your property, using live-traps only.

  • Our technicians will proof your property, preventing squirrel re-infestation, blocking all holes and entryways the squirrels could use.

  • We understand you are very busy, so you can book us every day of the week and in the evenings, for no extra charge!

  • Our team members are aware of the damage squirrels can cause to your property � chewing on cables, pipes and furniture � and guarantee that they will leave your home or office completely squirrel-free!

  • We can also advise you on how to prevent future pest infestation in your home or office.

Schedule Your Squirrel Control Service

For affordable squirrel control services in Omaha, call All Tech Pest Control now! Our experienced call centre operators are standing by to take your call 24/7 and to offer free a quote on your property, and to help you make a booking. Contact us if you need help identifying the right service for your needs � we will gladly help. If you have problems with other type of rodents, such as mice for example, we can offer you mice control services as well.

Choose us for pest-free properties no matter your budget!

Learn More About Squirrel:


Squirrels are not actually considered pests, but they are considered to be dangerous to the property, which helps them fall into this list. There are two basic kinds of squirrels which like to visit people�s homes � the red and the grey squirrel. Their names come from their colouration. The grey squirrel was introduces to the Omaha in the beginning of the 20th century.

Why do they come to our homes?

Squirrels are not particularly dangerous to people, but they just wander around and can cause lots of damage to a property. Sometimes when they get inside a property they can gnaw some wires and break things accidentally. There are cases of fires caused by squirrel damaging the wrong wire. If you hear loud noises and scratching in the attic or basement, you should check for uninvited squirrels.

How to prevent them from appearing?

You actually can�t stop a squirrel from coming in to your house. If it wants to get inside, it will find a way somehow. It�s body is very flexible and can fit anywhere it wants. The only thing you could do is to be prepared when it happens. Many people use simple humane traps – they bait the squirrel with the smell of peanuts and release it into the wild after catching it. If you feel afraid from these creatures, you should just call some professionals to help you.