Does your Holistic Practitioner look at Biofilms before treating?

 What are Biofilms?
-Biofilms are a protective layer that surround bacteria from being killed.-Bacterias secrete biofilms to protect themselves.-a variety of bacteria can bind together inside biofilms. Why do Bacteria Make Biofilms?-Biofilms protect pathogenic bacteria from being killed with supplements or western medication.
-Bacteria has the ability to spread throughout the body and all organ systems with this protective layer.-Biofilms can resist the attack of the immune system and antibiotics, leading to a lesser resistant on healing.

The Facts on Biofilms
-99% of bacteria make biofilms.-Microbiologists have researched only free-floating individual bacteria in labs.-99% of all microbial activity uses biofims.-In your body, bacteria migrates using biofilms and behave differently than single isolation in labs. Biofilm Info
-Dental plaque is the most common biofilms in which teeth decay.-Biofilms can contaminate any medical device inserted into the body, think about MRSA and the resistance to all antibiotics except Vancomycin. MRSA creates a biofilm protective layer against treatment; if only doctors would understand this protective biofilm. -Electronically, biofilms can corrode the conductors and interfere with electronic signals.-Bacteria can survive and multiply without harm with this protective layer.-The sticky coat of amour made from polysaccharides makes them more powerful to combat.-When biofilms aggregate, they can congest organs, glands, air and blood passage ways, and can ultimately be deadly.-Biofilms protect against antibiotics. How to Kill Biofilms
-There are stabilized enzymes to kill biofilms. There are enzymes that can help clear infection related and stubborn biofilms in the gums, lymphatic system, neck, thyroid, stomach and intestines more importantly.-Western and most holistic practitioners aren't aware of biofilms as an integral part of healing and getting results, especially with gastrointestinal disorders.Please keep in mind that certain labs are reliable and others aren't. Make sure you are choosing a lab that has a good outcome and not a history of false negatives or positives. Trust in your practitioner to make that choice. You should choose based on your practitioners knowledge on different labs. Often times a practitioner will stick with one company and never question the results. Be sure your practitioner is always looking for the best lab results!

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