Top General Contractors in Martinsburg, WV

It might be their business but they will treat you like you are their neighbor. I recommend you give them a call.Read More…
We specialize in roads, septic systems, subdivisions, ponds, basements, clearing, snow removal, footers, foundations, perks, underground electric, and all types of other excavating needs. We operat...Read More…
Full serivce General Contractor. We honor all goverenment tax credits. We accept credit cards through Pay Pal. We are a certified installer for the West Virginia Weatherization Community Action Age...Read More…
Call Force Home Services for furnace repair and replacements, professional air duct cleaning, ventilation problems, heat pump and boiler repair or furnace cleaning and seasonal safety inspections. ...Read More…
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Integrity Tile and Home LLC is located in Martinsburg, WV. This business specializes in Bathroom Remodeling, Tiling & Flooring, Roof Contractors, Kitchen Renovation and General Contractors.Read More…
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Prp Contracting LLC


By KevinvonGersdorff

I paid $20,000 for a driveway that will now take 3 years to complete (since they waited now again till the cold weather) and currently is falling apart and worth very little to me. I would have stopped at $10,000, the base coat, because it was much better than the final coat! I was promised a one year warranty from the finished coat, still within the warranty but this is a company that will take your money and not keep it's agreement/contract/word. more

Prp Contracting LLC


By KevinvonGersdorff

I paid $20,000 for a driveway that will now take 3 years to complete (since they waited now again till the cold weather) and currently is falling apart and worth very little to me. I would have stopped at $10,000, the base coat, because it was much better than the final coat! I was promised a one year warranty from the finished coat, still within the warranty but this is a company that will take your money and not keep it's agreement/contract/word. more

Sunfire Hearth Patio & Spa LLC


By hyperdead

10/25/2010 - ~3 weeks prior, made the appointment for my fireplace to be sealed and insulated on this day. 10/21/2010 - Called to verify the time the crew would arrive. The lady I spoke to was unable to find my appointment on the calendar. Apparently it was never made or it had been wiped out. The salesman I was working with said there was no way I could be put on the schedule for my original date and he would have to call me the next morning. I called myself near closing time since he never called. The appointment was rescheduled for 11/08/2010. Although he apologized, he was unwilling or unable to provide any kind of discount. 11/08/2010 - Crew arrived, told me "this is a bigger job than we expected," were unprepared for it, and left after 30 mins. To this day (11/22/2010) I have not received a single phone call from Sunfire. My advice is to keep looking. I am currently working with a contractor. more

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How to help old American's

Aging American’s   If the government really wants to help with the aging American’s problems than they should consider the following: Decrease the capital gains taxes that older American’s pay when they sell real assets. Many older American’s have worked their entire life, either for themselves or for some companies that never offered them retirement packages such as 401’s, etc. However, many older American’s did invest in real estate for their retirement years. I am not talking about their personal homes, which already has tax exemptions. I am referring to property purchased over the years as rental income property and this real estate help to add a little extra income through the years to their earned pay or income.   Now it is time for these folks to retire and they do have assets, but these net assets are in the, from of real estate properties. The, retired couple now make a decision to fully retire to some place that is maybe warm or near family members and figure on selling these assets to make this happen. Now, reality sets in. Yes, their personal home is going to be exempt from capital gains, as long as it falls within the allowable range. However, this couples’ real retirement assets are in the rental properties they have held for all these years thinking this is were their real retirement is. This couple looks at just what they will net after selling these assets and the awakening begins. The real world hits them right between the eyes. CAPITAL GAINS TAXES! They are going to pay the government, after the basis, 15% of what they have worked all their lives to save.   Example: Let’s say a couple as been able to amass $2,000,000.00 (Retail Market Value.) in real estate over the years. After paying all the expense associated with selling this property the couple will walk away from the closing table with $1,600,000.00. Before they can get out the door the government will take 15% or $240,000.00 of that money. Just think what that $240,000.00 means to the retired couple. Maybe they can pay for a health care issue without calling on the government, pay for drugs or any number of other things that they do not have to figure on the government to help them with. Anyone who has over the years been able to be smart about how they used and took care of their money, can do much more good with the $240,000.00 than the government can. Just look at how KBR Halliburton as wasted billions of dollars in Iraq and no one is doing anything about it.   I suggest that a bill be passed that says: If you are 65 years old or older and are drawing social security and you do not make more than $100,000.00 per year and your real assets, other than your personal home, do not exceed $2,000,000.00, you are free of all capital gain taxes. Hit the bench marks as outlined here and you can increase your home made retirement by $240,000.00.     Alan Wager more

By We Help You Build, inc. October 24, 2011


Do It Yourself Mentor Service   We Help You Build, inc.understands into days’ market many home owners are turning to do-it-yourself projects. We fully understand this and in many cases we suggest this, most of time.   Do-it-yourself has many advantages: First, the projects can cost much less by doing it yourself and secondly, there is a lot of self satisfaction in completing a project on your own. Really getting pride in home ownership.   However, the benefits of doing a project on your own can and often does lead to trouble. Many home owners can do 98% of the work, but sometimes run into a snag here and there. Getting started, knowing what you might run into doing the project, running in problems during the project and don’t have anyone to call. Now you can take advantage of over 30 years of experience if you use our Mentor program. Under our program we would only charge on an hourly, or part of an hour bases, with some consideration for fuel costs. You could bring us in from the out set and look over what you have in mind. Some things are simple and other things are not so simple. A good example might be putting on a new deck. Doing the layout work to get started can be a little tricky. Most home owners are not going to have the tools to shut grades or know how to do a square up to the existing building. Little things, to the pros, but most home owners cannot deal with these types of issues. We can get you started and then you can take off from there. Under most situations home owners can write down all their questions in advance and the pro will fill in all the areas the home owner did not think of. A professional mentor under our program will cost the home owner about $50.00 per hour plus a fuel allowance. During the process of the project, the home owner can call the mentor for quick help on the phone at no charge. But if the home owner really needs on site help the same fee applies. Under our mentor program we can even do cad design drawings to help the project along. It is handy to have drawings ahead of time. See what your idea will look like before you start to spend money. Most of the time drawings are required to pull permits even for do-it-yourself projects. Our mentor program offers a lot of information at very affordable prices. Unlike contracting the whole job out, just paying a little for information is a great way to keep costs down. Also, if the home owner gets in over his head part way through a project, the home owner can always hire our company to finish the project on a cost plus bases and you can read about our cost plus program at our web site. Getting great advice from the pros without killing the pocket book and the satisfaction of doing your own project. What a way to go. Our new mentor program can work for anything the home owner wants to do, from building a deck, remodel a bath, put a new addition on or remodel the complete home. more

By We Help You Build, inc. July 28, 2011

Energy Efficent Home

Low income and people who have older (Not Always) homes and feel they are spending too much money on heating and air conditioning should contact the West Virginia Community Action Agency at 304-530-7711 or email them at and see if you qualify for new hot water heater, new windows, new exterior doors, seal air cracks and complete insulation.  All these are free to folks who live in West Virginia and meet the guide lines.  These are all items that are funded through the federal government.  You can also contact us for more details at: 304-261-5171 or send us an email at:  Also, take advantage of the energy tax credits with replacement windows, doors, hot water heaters, etc.  Some credits are worth up to $1,500 and some can go as high as $3,000.  Contact us through our email above or go to our web site at: and view all the things we do and what we are certified in. more

By We Help You Build, inc. August 27, 2010

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