Top Dating Services in Seattle, WA 98109

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It's Just Lunch


By Jim G from Redmond at Citysearch

Give the ladies at IJL a break. Some people just like to find reasons to complain and be miserable, as the other reviews show. Also people tend to write reviews when they want to complain, but not when they are happy. Consider how many others had great experiences and are even happily married due to IJL, as someone below posted.\t\n\t\nMost of the negative reviews here remind me a lot of some of the women I've met though IJL: looking for fault and expecting perfection from their dates (while they were hardly perfect themselves) rather than being open to meeting new people and new experiences.\t\n\t\nI saw one on-line complaint about IJL where a woman was mad because IJL didn't find her a man who was 6'2'' (and I'll bet this women was far from perfect). Come on, get a dose a reality. IJL doesn't have a create people who fit someone's perfect wishlist. There's probably a good reason why this woman is still single and complaining about IJL. \t\n\t\nI've had some of the same concerns with IJL that are stated here: some dates that really didn't have the interests or activity levels that were stated, etc. I expressed these concerns directly to IJL (not bashing them on Yelp).\t\n\t\nAfter me sending a lengthy e-mail expressing some of my frustrations with my initial experiences, one of the women there took the initiative to call me and spend an hour on the phone with me addressing my concerns. I was highly impressed. \t\n\t\nMaybe you people need to ask yourselves why you are so miserable about IJL's customer service and experience. Could it be your own negative attitudes about life? Their customer service is great with me.\t\n\t\nTo be fair, I'm finding that it's not necessarily IJL's fault that the people don't match your interests. They can only go by what the clients tell them, and I'm finding that some of the women exaggerate their own interests (e.g. she says she's highly physically fit or a cyclist because she thinks it will make herself look more appealing). IJL promised me that they'd try to weed more of this out and give me a more accurate description, when necessary. I'll see how that goes my next several dates and report back to them.\t\n\t\nThe three young women I mostly deal with at IJL are fabulous (Sharon, Marcy and Andrea). They listen; they've spend countless time on the phone or e-mail with me if I have a concern or request; and seem very dedicated to making sure I find the right person who will make me happy for the rest of my life.\t\n\t\nI did join the "boot camp" series. Among other things, Sharon has replied to numerous e-mails as I'm learning and have questions about some of her recommendations about better skin care. Not sure where the bad customer service is........\t\n\t\nI did IJL five years ago. After a slow start, I ended up meeting someone who I dated for four years and almost married (it certainly wasn't IJL's fault that it didn't work out in the long run), and met someone else nice whom I saw for awhile and wish she were the one I'd gotten involved with. \t\n\t\nI fully expect it to turn out even better this time. After some lengthy discussions, I'm already seeing my next several dates through them (and there are many) to sound much more aligned with my interests.\t\n\t\nMaybe some of you people need to look in the mirror; open up your attitudes; and enjoy the experience rather than spending life being miserable (or only expecting to date guys that are no shorter than 6' 2".....).\t\n\t\nI'll give IJL four stars for now since I'm off to a poor start with my first several dates. When (not if), I meet the woman of my dreams through IJL, I'll give them five stars and post my positive experiences to go along with the rest of your complaining. more

Tom Eggert Counseling


By Tru Medical Billing

With all of our stresses and strains, Dr Tom is so helpful in giving us the tools to work through our issues and once again enjoy life. more

1st Call Escorts


By SeattleLover0

the lady was there for 15 minutes and then ran away (she took a full $250 amount initially and stayed only for for 15 mts). Girl was fat and the coordinator rude. Not sure how they stay in business. Would never ever recommend this service. There are other ones that are much much better and i have tried services 12 times! Feel like puking on them (They deserve 0 stars which this site wont allow me ) more

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By BantuFace August 04, 2011

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