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How to Respond to Internet Dating

There’s nothing like meeting the person that is right for you. There are many different ways to meet eligible people, but one of the hottest new ways is through online dating sites. It is important to learn how to properly present yourself, but it is more important to proceed with extreme caution when utilizing online dating sites.

  • Be upfront about your interests. There is no need in wasting your time or the potential date's time. Send an email introducing yourself and put into details exactly what type of relationship you are hoping to gain. You do not have to go into great detail, you may simply say "I am looking for friendship first in hopes it will turn into something more." If you want to send some simple flirt messages in the beginning to let the person know you are interested that may be a easy way to break the ice.

  • Wait for the person you are interested in to respond to your message. Do not send them three or four messages back to back, this can be a turn off and show that you are a needy person. Most likely if the person is not interested they will not respond to your message. Make your first conversations short and do not exchange any personal information. If possible keep your answers to questions about three sentences long.

  • Communicate online until you are comfortable enough to talk on the phone or meet in person. Make sure you arrange to meet in a public place and have friends or family members aware of where you are and whom you are going out with. Always arrive in your own transportation. If you feel very uncomfortable after leaving your date, drive to your nearest police station. Not all people you meet online have your best interest at heart.