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Professional Reliable Performance at Riesco Consulting Inc.! Matthew Wagner 541-997-6100 more

Riesco Consulting Inc.


By Prosperity Travel & Tours

Riesco Consulting, Inc. has the answers you've been looking for and he's willing to assist you without adding to your overhead. How do you obtain this wealth of information? Simply visit Jose's website and enter your name and e-mail in the prompt and get ready to see your business go to another level. As you already know, any business takes hard work and determination, but I've been told that if you want to succeed like a winner you, you must get in the presence of a winner and do what he/she does. Jose shares what he's experienced in his own business and how he was able to turn things around to be a success. You have nothing to lose and so much to Riesco Consulting, Inc. Continued Blessings & Prosperity, Kay Prosperity Travel & Tours more

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How Newspapers Going Out of Business Impact Your Restaurant Marketing

The Seattle Post Intelligence, one of the two still remaining daily newspapers in the Seattle area, just published the following (bad) news: "After 146 years of delivering news, the Seattle P-I faces becoming what it has chronicled: history. The Hearst Corp., said Friday that it has put the paper up for sale, and it will stop publishing unless someone buys it in 60 days."   This is not the first and won't be the last newspaper to bite the dust. And what does this have to do with your restaurant you may ask?   Plenty, please bear with me and keep on reading.   This is the sign that more and more people are looking for their news online (actually the Seattle PI is thinking about having a Web only presence) and buying less and less newspapers and printed magazines.   PC Magazine was another casualty of the Web. They've stopped printing their magazine (to which I was a subscriber) in January 1st this year and they have an only Web presence now.   The reason why the printed media is becoming extinct is because their main source of revenue: advertising is dying.   Most newspapers and magazines can't cover costs by selling them to their readers or subscribers. The revenue making piece is (or was) their advertising. Since more and more advertisers are taking their business online, the traditional media is getting less and less revenues from their printed versions.   Consider the damage that online classified ads such as Craiglist (free for everyone to post and read most of the ads) has done to newspapers where people used to pay quite a lot to run an ad. All the sudden people are not paying anymore for posting printed ads since they can reach an even larger audience and change the ads on the fly (or retract them once they sell the items). And the best part is that they can do all of this for free!   Now, going back to your restaurant. This should hint you several important trends for your businenss:   If you ares till spending money in printed ads (in newspapers, magazines and yellow pages, for example), you are probably wasting your money and reaching less and less of your potential customers. You must have an online marketing plan with as many as the following offerings as possible: A streamlined and excellent website An email list of your clients where you send them updated information about your restaurant Presence in Social Networks such as FaceBook or MySpace A Twitter account where you send updates, discounts and interesting news to your followers Online booking system etc. Your customers are online. They go online to look for news, for reviews and for recommendations about restaurant. You better be online as well to check what they are reading and commenting about your place. There are things that you can do to improve your reviews and ratings but above all, you must always keep your clients happy and provide them with excellent food and service. Compensate them for any mistakes or issues and don't even give them a reason to write a bad review about your place. An online bad review will mean a loss of potential customers who will read the reviews and decide to take their business elsewhere. Reviews are also a great direct feedback. Try to respond to it and take action so that you won't repeat the same mistakes again in the future. So there you have it. Always be alert about the continously changing marketplace and try to be one step ahead of your competitors. You need to adverstise and market where your customers are. Statistics tell us that most of them are online now so you should be there as well.   Happy sailing, Jose L. Riesco more

By Riesco Consulting Inc. April 25, 2009

Restaurants Create Memories

Last week I was listening to my local NPR (National Public Radio) station. They were interviewing Seattle Times food writer Nancy Leson about the closing of Trattoria Mitchell, a 32 years old restaurant located in the old Seattle neighborhood of Pioneer Square.She was describing how sad she was that this old restaurant was closing because she fondly remembers her first dinner in that restaurant with her boyfriend when she moved to live in Seattle.Yes, restaurants create memories. They are not just places where people go to fill in their tummies or have a drink. They are places where people go to have a conversation with friends, to share a good meal with people who they like and appreciate, to have a good time...This is why it is so important that you focus your energy in creating great memories for your customers. Once you can provide your clients with emotions that they associate to your place, you will have won their hearts and souls forever.This is also why it is so devastating when they don't get the experience that they are looking for. If instead of a good memory shared with people that they care, they get a bad experience, in their minds that bad experience will multiply a hundred times. They will exaggerate small issues that for you are perhaps not that important and will become your worst critic.They are not thinking logically, they are thinking emotionally and emotions provoke very strong feelings. You must try to mitigate any negative feelings by compensating your clients so that they come back to your place again and give you a second chance to give them an emotional experience.Only this way you will have repeated clients willing to give you their money on exchange for a good time at your place.Never let a customer leave your place unhappy. They won't come back and won't forgive you for giving them a bad experience.Have a great day,Jose L Riesco more

By Riesco Consulting Inc. April 25, 2009

Converting Prospect Into Loyal Restaurant Clients

Every time a new person walks in the door, your front of the house personnel (hostess or servers) should have been trained by you to approach them and ask them if this is their first time in your restaurant. "Is this your first time in our restaurant?  Well let me tell you about us..." Ask your staff to pitch about the restaurant, about you, how did you started, where did you get the recipes, anything that it's personal and differentiates your restaurant from your competitors (and by the way, this is the perfect place to pitch your Unique Selling Proposition to your potential and future clients.) The purpose of this buyer education is to create brand loyalty. Once your clients build a relationship with your restaurant, they are more likely to visit your place than your competitor's.  By knowing more about you and your business, you personalize their relationship and their loyalty with your restaurant. This is why it's also a good idea to have an online (or printed) quarterly or bimonthly newsletter so that you can give your clients interesting information about your place, your staff and your cuisine. more

By Riesco Consulting Inc. April 25, 2009

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