Top articles for Clothing

How to Buy Baby Summer Clothes

How to Buy Baby Summer Clothes

One of the most enjoyable parts of being a parent is the ability to choose adorable clothing for your child. The variety of summer clothes that are available can be overwhelming. There are certain things that you should keep in mind when you are shopping that will help you create a fashionable summer wardrobe without blowing your budget. more

How to Make Maternity Clothes

How to Make Maternity Clothes

As your body grows along with your soon-to-be baby, you'll need to increase your wardrobe to include maternity clothes. It isn't necessary to spend a lot of money on maternity clothes. You can make your own personalized maternity wear in your own home! more

How to Start a Vintage Clothing Business

How to Start a Vintage Clothing Business

A vintage clothing business can be run either online or in a store.  It is important to develop a business plan and figure out the legal requirements to run a vintage clothing business.  Running a vintage clothing business can be a creative and exciting way to make money. more

History of Indian Clothing

History of Indian Clothing

The history of Indian dress is as varied and rich as the region and culture.  For hundreds of years, Indian people have been wearing traditional dress and continue to do so today. Ghandi famously thrust Indian attire into politics.  He chose to wear the traditional dhoti and shawl, eschewing British merchandise, instead embracing Indian products and traditions. more

How to Learn to Make Your Own Clothing

How to Learn to Make Your Own Clothing

Learning how to make your own clothing can save money and help you to express your creative side. If you've ever bought clothing only to think that you probably could have made it better, learning how to actually do so is worth the effort. Even if you have no experience, there are several ways to go about learning this new skill. more

How to Start a Plus Size Clothing Business

How to Start a Plus Size Clothing Business

Each year, the plus size clothing industry benefits from an estimated $22 billion in sales. Starting your own plus size clothing business can reap nice benefits from this sales pie. Due to the fact that the American diet is unhealthy, the plus size market is expected to grow 15 percent by 2014. more

Where to Find Retro Clothing

Where to Find Retro Clothing

Shopping for retro clothing is a fun and exciting activity for the fashionista. You never know what kind of treasure you’ll find, and once you do, the knowledge in wearing a unique piece adds a priceless feel. Try on different sizes because vintage clothing is sized differently. more

How to Find Vintage Clothing in Large Sizes

How to Find Vintage Clothing in Large Sizes

Vintage clothing is timeless and fashionable. If you are a plus-sized individual that loves vintage clothing, you may have noticed the shortage of vintage clothing in larger sizes. While it may difficult to find vintage clothes in a large size, it is possible to find them if you look in the right places. more

How to Manufacture Baby Clothes

How to Manufacture Baby Clothes

The baby clothing industry is huge for manufactures. People love dressing up their little one in cute and quality clothing. Starting the process can be difficult and time consuming. One must start from the bottom and work their way up in the industry. more

How to Buy Trendy Maternity Clothes

How to Buy Trendy Maternity Clothes

Having to wear old-fashioned and out of date maternity clothes is a thing of the past. There are many stylish and trendy maternity clothes that are now available. The better your clothing look the more confident you will feel about your pregnancy. Most women want to still look and feel good while being pregnant. more

How To Print My Own Clothing Labels

How To Print My Own Clothing Labels

Every article of clothing you purchase has a label inside of it.  This is how such companies as Coach, Nike and Levi brand their apparel.  You can actually print your own clothing labels today.  If you print a great one, you may even be the next hot fashion brand. more

How To Make Things From Recycled Clothing

How To Make Things From Recycled Clothing

Making items from recycled clothing is one of the best ways to not only save money, but also help the environment. The other great thing is it offers you a chance to design your own style and show off your talents. It is easy to find great items to recycle. Cleaning out your closet is always the best place to start. more

How to Remove Red Wine From Clothing

How to Remove Red Wine From Clothing

Red wine is awfully stubborn to remove from clothing. You need not worry that a red wine stain means the end of your favorite blouse, however. By tackling the stain as soon as you notice it, you can significantly improve the odds of removing it completely. more

How To Disinfect Used Clothing

How To Disinfect Used Clothing

Used clothing is often a steal at thrift shops or vintage stores. Unfortunately, you don't always know where it has been and it is a good idea to make sure that any used clothing you buy is not only cleaned but also thoroughly disinfected. Disinfecting your new used clothing does not involve any complicated steps but you do need to pay attention to clothing care labels. more

How to Donate Clothes to African Children

How to Donate Clothes to African Children

Donate clothes to African children by contacting international nonprofit organizations. Conduct an extensive Internet search for information.  There may be local organizations who take donations, or you could be able to send your donations somewhere in America, where they will be taken to Africa. more

Where do you need Clothing Stores ?