Top articles for Condominiums

How Much Does Condo Insurance Cost?

How Much Does Condo Insurance Cost?

Even though you may own your condominium and pay insurance through your association, that insurance only covers your building and the exterior; it doesn't cover anything inside of your condo. This means that you’re not covered financially when you suffer a break in, damage to your condo from Mother Nature, or injuries that your guests might sustain inside of your condo. more

How to Lease to Own a Townhouse

How to Lease to Own a Townhouse

Whether you have bad credit, or are just unable to purchase a townhouse at the moment, a lease-to-own agreement allows you to occupy the townhouse while you pay rent and prepare for the purchase. As with any transaction, there are a number of aspects that must be considered before signing any agreements or contracts. more

How to Find a Mobile Home for Sale

How to Find a Mobile Home for Sale

Buying a mobile home is a less expensive alternative to a home. You can save a lot of money and have your home paid off in a lot less time. Looking for a mobile home to buy is a bit different from finding a traditional house, but it can be done easily. more

How to Rent a Beach Condo

How to Rent a Beach Condo

If you are thinking about taking a vacation, renting a beach condo might be a great alternative to staying at a hotel. Renting a beach condo will give you added space for family and friends and save you money while having fun. Follow these few easy steps to learn how to rent a beach condo. more

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If you've experienced foreclosure, you obviously didn't visit Dickinson Properties. They'll work with you because they're in the business of "People" not just property. Set up your next appointment with them to see just what services are available. You'll be glad you did. more

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By Northern VA Homes Marketing Group December 01, 2009

Short Sales

Don't let your home go to foreclosure and ruin your credit In a declining housing market, the value of a home sometimes falls below what is owed on it. When you can no longer pay the amount owed, you have several options. You can try to hand over your deed to your first mortgage holder. But they might not accept it, since they'd still be on the hook for legal fees, taxes as well as your second mortgage. Or you may just let the house fall into foreclosure. But that should only be a last-ditch approach because it hurts your credit rating. And it may not solve your financial problems either, since you may be held liable for any difference between what you owe and what the house brings at auction. Another alternative is a short sale -- that is, a sale in which the proceeds fall short of what you owe. It can be a win-win situation for you, the lenders and the buyer (often an investor) of your house. But since you're asking lenders to accept less money than you promised to pay them, there's no guarantee that they'll go along with such a sale. And preparing for it will take considerable work on your part. First, you must prove that you really can't pay your loans -- and that the reason is new, not something that you concealed from your lenders when you originally applied for the loan. Then you or someone else, like a real-estate agent, must find a buyer willing to purchase your house at market value. Market value can be determined through a formal appraisal (your lender may insist on one) or by an agent's comparative market analysis. You or your agent also must figure out all the costs of selling the property. That includes the balance of both loans, accrued interest up until the day of closing, closing costs and fees, and unpaid property taxes. You then must present the facts to your first mortgage holder, which has the top lien position and gets paid first. If your plan will bring them more money than they'd get if the house were sold at auction, they'll most likely go along with it -- and sometimes pick up some of your costs as well, like real-estate commissions and closing costs. However, it may be difficult to get your second mortgage holder to sign off on the deal because if they do, they might not be repaid what they're owed. But they may be willing to go along with a short sale if the buyer or the first mortgage holder offers to pay them some money, especially if the amount you owe on your second mortgage is small. Once you close the sale, your problems may not be over. Some hard-nosed lenders may insist that you pay the difference between what the buyer pays for the house and what you owe on the mortgage. Others may forgive that portion of the debt -- but unfortunately, Uncle Sam won't. "Forgiven" debt is considered taxable income. As you can see, setting up a short sale is complicated and requires some negotiating finesse. Although money is probably tight for you right now, I think it would be worthwhile to consult local professionals with experience in the process, including an attorney, a tax advisor and a real-estate agent. more

By Dickinson Properties Corporation February 19, 2007