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Introduction to Chakras

Introduction To ChakrasChakra is the Sanskrit for ‘wheel'. In Hindu and Buddhist literature, Chakras are energy vortexes, shaped like petals or spoked wheels that whirl at various speeds.  The body and area around it contain hundreds of chakras or energy vortexes, seven of which are the Major Chakras that are mostly concerned with physical health.  Thousands of channels of energy called nadis connect the Chakras to each other. Three of the most important nadis include the shushma, which processes energy coming in, and the ida and pingala, which are concerned with the outflow of energy.Each of the seven chakras have a color, sense, speed of rotation, animal association, astrological association, element and ruling planet, life lesson, and each one is associated with a major endocrine gland, a major nerve system, a major physiological function, and a psychic function.  In order for these systems to function properly all seven of these Chakras, need to be balanced.   If the Chakras, or energy systems, are imbalanced or blocked, the body can develop mental, emotional, and physiological conditions or ailments.  Color therapy, visualization, acupuncture and energy healing are a few of the methods of balancing, or clearing, the chakras. I offer in-depth classes where you will discover each of the chakras, its correlation to physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual health and well-being.  Colors, crystals, meditations, visualization, daily questions and affirmations are some of the tools you will learn to use to work with your chakras – individually and as an interrelating system – to achieve and maintain your overall health and energy flow.  If you have questions or concerns or would like to attend a workshop please visit  You  may also post your questions there and I will respond.A healthy and balanced energy system is the foundation of our ability to progress in our physical and spiritual journey, assisting in the building and continuing maintenance of this foundation is my passion.  I am happy to help.  -Leslie more

By Quest for Harmony October 22, 2009

Random Acts of Kindness

Everyday more and more enlightened souls step  onto their  "path" as a Light worker, yet,I often ponder just what this means.  I know this involves helping others, bringing them to the information and support they need to step into their own light, as well as doing ones utmost to let your own light shine. I also know there are many who wonder.. what is my path? What is my part? How do I "shine my light"?I imagine it as a light that begins within, and every time you send it out it radiates, as the ripples on the surface of the still water will when it is disturbed.  Such are the ripples caused with every random act of kindness we perform.  We are surrounded by the waters of mankind. Dormant and heavy with burdens, worries, regrets, anger and fear.  Each kindness, comfort, shoulder offered in friendship, prompted not by  should  or must, but simply by the heartfelt desire to act out of unconditional love, causes a disturbance.  It radiates out to awaken the same in every one it touches.  As you uplift and transform the space around you, you alter the whole of mankind.As Daphne Rose Kingma explains it "To become a perpetrator of random acts of kindness, then, is to become in some sense an angel.  For it means you have moved beyond the limits of your daily human condition to touch wings with the divine."Each and every one of us can easily recall when someone's act of kindness, a beautifully written piece of music, a timely article, or even a smile from a stranger made us feel better. Helped us through a rough time. Or simply opened our eyes to the beauty in our lives.  Though the composer, the author or the even the stranger knew nothing about us, their creation of something beautiful brightened our path and changed our direction.  We rage against the conditions of the world today, we grow weary from the heaviness of all we must carry.   We ponder, What difference can I make?  Surely, as your gratitude for each random act of kindness or inspiration that came into your space causes you to open your heart to send out the same, you will change others live just as yours has been changed.  We cannot hope to defeat the despair, darkness, oppression and fear so prevalent in our world by adding fuel to the fire with our anger and outrage, but we can extinguish the fires with the refreshing waters of our unconditional love and random acts of kindness.As a Light worker make a conscious effort to commit random acts of kindness.  Let the transformation begin here, with each of us, and radiate outward.  Think of the difference we can all make if we all let our light shine!Love&Light, Leslie more

By Quest for Harmony October 22, 2009

Read The Latest Newsletter from The Higher Realm

We've just published a new edition of our newsletter! You can check it out on our website and get the latest information from The Higher Realm. Let us know what you think! Read It Now Here more

By Quest for Harmony May 16, 2007

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