Top Property Management Companies in Sugar Land, TX

I luv this company! They are just a wonderful wonderful team to work wit.Read More…
Greenwood Property Management is technology based management company leveraging cloud computing and SaaS intergration to provide online leasing services and owner portal access.Read More…
Stafford Crossing is the newest Retail Shopping & Warehouse Space available in the busiest area of the City of Stafford. The new retail center offers excellent parking and street side visibilit...Read More…

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Austin Properties


By Anonymous

They manage our Richmond, TX neighborhood. They constantly send violation letters over largely insignificant items (small driveway stain, they can see the trash cans way up the driveway if they park in just the right spot in the street, there's some grass blades out of place) yet allow extremely visible and important items that actually affect property values to go unchecked (house that literally has a jungle growing out front, cheap/ugly/unapproved window screens on front home windows, statues in front yards, unscreened electrical/plumbing equipment, pipes running down sides of homes). Our front gate at the entrance of the neighborhood has been broken for MONTHS. And they failed to renew our neighborhood's electrical contract (probably too busy sending nit-pick letters) which I'm told will cost the HOA $10,000 in fees! Best of all we're paying thousands monthly for this "service." more

Austin Properties


By mgoodwyn at Citysearch

This company manages the townhomes I live in. They have no website, no accountability, and apparantly no desire to hire competant people. I mailed a check in last month for my maintenance fees and water bill. Every other bill I have, I manage to pay securely and electronically EXCEPT for this one. So the check gets lost in the mail, and I called yesterday to inquire about it. The woman that answered the phone was either hungover or has a speech impediment. Seriously, I could not understand her - I explained the situation and she mumbles something unintelligible and connects me to some guys voicemail. I was taken aback at the sheer rudeness of that action. I left a message that included a statement that I thought it was rude to just dump someone into voicemail w/o any explanation. I guess they didn't like that because they never called me back. They did however charge me a late fee! In addition I just want to add that trying to get financial statements or records from them is like pulling teeth - my fiance helped me purchase the townhouse a few years ago and he was trying to refinance his home. He needed to get a statement from them showing that the fees have been paid, etc. He had to have the loan officer call them because it was just too much for them to understand why he needed the information that he was requesting. I warned him and he didn't believe me, but they ( him and the loan officer) changed their tune after dealing with this company.\t\nLiked: Disliked: \t\n more

Austin Properties


By chokolate4me at Citysearch

This property mgmnt company is the HOA for the townhome I own. Communication is poor, enforcement of deed restrictions does not happen at all, there is no evidence of maintenance fees being put to good use, there is no law enforcement body monitoring the grounds as stated, and they are unaccountable. I can't wait to sell and get away from their poor mgnt abilities. more

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Property Concierge

Property Concierge NA Sugar Land TX 77479 (855) 987-6714 Monday - Friday: 9:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m. more

By Property Concierge June 24, 2015